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"Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump in November. During the primary, she called Trump “diminished,” “unhinged,” “toxic,” and lacking in “moral clarity.” (CNN)

Kamala Harris, whose campaign for the presidency in 2020 ended practically before it began, called Biden a "racist." Yet he picked her for his veep. Did you miss that, Ollie?

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This idea from the left that no one but rich white men has agency is ridiculous. We don’t have agency either.

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It’s not confidence, it’s insecurity and lack of self esteem that manifests as entitlement. We have to stop giving everyone on the team a trophy. And create “no phone” hours at home, especially no phones during meals with the family.

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"America is so back", I like that.

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I'm always rooting for the Free Press Lonely Hearts.

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“Derecka Purnell [the Guardian whiner] is a Guardian US columnist”

She is also a massive loser.

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America is so back, bro.


I am so glad to hear that this country of ours is being supported by its citizens. With all its imperfections. Will someone please tell the chanters of "Death to America" that their time is up?

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"Only 36 percent of Americans are happy with the job Biden is doing as president."


And it's always that same ~1\3 who show their incredible lack of intellect when responding to such polls. I'll say what I always say when seeing such insanity.... Jack The Ripper would get 1/3 of the vote if he/she ran as a Democrat.

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I wish TFP would do this type of reporting. https://open.substack.com/pub/alexberenson/p/foia-lies-and-subpoenas?r=r7tzx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

Sorry it’s behind a paywall, but this is the type of in-depth reporting I crave and thought I was going to get with TFP. Instead, it’s a dating app. Sigh…

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Julia, let’s not get carried away with the Patriotism is Back thing. It’s just that it never fell out of favor in the fraternity scene. The non-fraternity kids are as resentful, whiny and ill-informed as they’ve ever been.

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May 23·edited May 23

Just as I began to think that was a glimmer of hope for Bill Maher, he went on this book tour a blew himself out of the water. The pièce de résistance was his appearance Tuesday on Megan Kelly's podcast . Maher came across as a total MSM-propagandized moron. His TDS was in peak form as Megan countered his left-wing talking points with (wait for it...) actual facts. He was SHOCKED to learn that Hillary Clinton has been calling Trump an "illegitimate president" for 7 years. He was ASTOUNDED to learn that, in fact, no policemen had been killed on Jan. 6. And there was much more - but clearly Maher was in WAY over his skis when going head-to-head with Megan Kelly. It was embarrassing.

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All leftists are imbeciles. Every single one. There is no point in considering anything any leftist has to say ever.

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Did I hear him say he didn’t realize the vice president or senators can’t take home classified documents but must read them in the skif? Now I have to admit I don’t really know ow what the skif is - but even someone like me has heard people talk about it - I don’t think it is a right wing talking point is it?

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Yes! I also listened to him on Megyn Kelly's show and was stunned by his ignorance of some very crucial facts. No wonder so many are deluded if a powerful media personality such as Bill Maher can be so misinformed. Megyn was outstanding with him - her depth of knowledge in countering his falsehoods was beyond impressive!

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I have long assumed that a good chunk of people that have issues with Trump/Conservatives have that opinion due to lack of info.

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I think the term is ' willful ignorance.'

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I'm not sure it's as much a "lack of info" as it is a constant deluge of drive-by bullshit from the MSM. Most people are just not very curious.

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Bill Maher has a responsibility to be curious!

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I try to be fair about this one. Even if you are curious, not everyone has the drive or skills to find stuff out. Like you said, the MSM has blanketed everyone is BS, so most people don't even know they are getting wrong info. For many it is simple access. For instance, many older people don't want to have to do wo the web to get news. They turn on the TV (weird, right?). The news sources they have used their whole lives are telling them X, Y, and Z. And they are all in agreement, so surely it is true, right?

Luckily many of us have either grown up in an environment with many more options and/or are less trusting of institutions by nature and we were able to fine other info. But, I am always wary in the back of my head...am I still getting BS, just from a different source?

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I love the Front Page. I subscribed to The Free Press yesterday and am really enjoying myself. I do have an issue though - your Front Page links are often linking me to articles that are behind pay-walls. Are you getting paid by WSJ and others to link me to them? That seems underhanded...

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Attn: Oliver Wiseman

Typo: >> Bill reliably delivers *the the* smartest five minutes in cable.

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True, but I really am thinking of the multi color hair fool expressing pronouns and sexual preferences. Although looking at them they need other options as not enough beer. There are the inherent grifters you mentioned. Sad but true they are nothing but parasites.

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[...] Gave proof through the night

That our flag was still there

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

God Bless America.

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Oh! Thus be it ever when free men shall stand

Between their loved homes and the war's desolation

Blessed with victory and peace may the heaven-rescued land

Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation

Then conquer we must for our cause it is just

And this be our motto: In God is our trust

And the star spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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As the husband of the 6th grade language arts teacher....the kids are crap, unserious, have no fear of adults, do not fear any consequences for improper behavior. Most believe school time is for time with friends...definately not learning. They are brats.....Oh sure there are the children of Tiger Mom’s, shy kids who never cause trouble....but in general their is a lack of respect that is so profound school has devolved in to a place to go while Mom and Dad are at work. School interupts sports time a video gaming....That is what they think of school.

The is not the childrens fault. It is the parents fault. We obvioulsy are going thru a time when parenting skills have become lost. Todays parents no nothing of providing guidlines and they certainly do not take education seriously....There is a reason Charter Schools have promising students....

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I have five kids and my oldest entered kindergarten in 1993 and my youngest entered kindergarten in 2020 (the reason for the wide age gap is a story for another day lol). Anyway, it’s the same elementary school, 27 years apart, and I can tell you it’s night and day. I despise the chaos that is happening at that school. The kids are out of control and there is zero accountability. It’s absolutely depressing. Our property taxes are sky high and the amount of money spent per student is astronomical. And test scores are abysmal! They are so busy trying to manage bad behavior and “social/emotional health” that there is little learning being done.

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Why do you hate administrators? Without raising all those taxes how could they hire the layer upon layer of bureaucrats who add nothing to the resources of the classroom? You sound like someone who would want to help the teachers with all that money actually spent towards helping to educate the students. Off to the re-education camp with you!

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The lack of discipline is in response to the Board of Ed. Being elected they don’t want to ouss off parents so letting the kids run the asylum is in response to not oussing off parents. Hence no suspensions. No after school detention. No Saturday detention. The schools have zero tools except for lunch detention. It is abysmal.

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I have several family members who were/are teachers. They all agree that the kids have gotten worse and the culprits are a combo of the school admin and parents. Generations ago, parents tended to side with teachers unless a kid could state their case that the teacher/school was in the wrong...and in many cases, not even then. No it seems that parents have their kids on such a pedestal that any single negative thing about them is instantly someone else's fault. This atmosphere drives away many of the actual good teachers, making it harder on the few that remain and leaving kids with glorified babysitters/buddies.

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Our public school system is failing....We will end up with schools that can throw kids out and schools that have the behavior problems and unweroius students. Charter schools were set up to save those with abilities and desire.....Triage in effect. That is where this is heading.

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I don't know that forcing all kids into school was ever a good idea. It only works if the kid wants to learn. Either because of their own curiosity or because their parents are making them. But if a kid doesn't want to be there and the parent is not backing up the school/teacher, that kid is likely just going to be a boat anchor weighing down the kids around them.

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Oh I totally agree that we need to have more hands on education. During my time we had Metal Shop, Auto Shop, Electrical Shop, Wood Shop.....There was even Home Ec.

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People who become blue collar workers won't go through the university system to continue their indoctrination. So they got rid of any classes that might have led people into the trades.

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