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Umm... It's not closed, it's just throttled a bit...

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I will echo some of the comments below. This is a really disappointing and frustrating piece. I am no fan of Trump (I'm a fierce Independent), but I am a fan of the truth from whatever source. Trump's reason for rejecting the compromise worked out by just three Senators was that it provided a threshold for illegals that equaled ~1.8M a year. Trump, the GOP, and any honest sentient person rightfully surmised that the flow would be kept just at that huge number because Biden opened the border on day one and that is the policy of his Party. That it may have served Trump's political interests is beside the point and besides, he has been consistent regarding the border since 2016.

Biden now bows to political reality not because it is the right thing to do, not because the public has become outraged about it, but because he is in trouble. Biden's sycophant media trumpets the Democrat talking point, ignoring the facts.

I expect a variety of opinions on The FP, that's fine; that's the whole idea of the site. But if the writer is going to say that the "underlying truth is neither party wants to do anything to fix this problem in any systemic way—the Republicans, because this is an issue they simply cannot wean themselves off of", he should provide some solid evidence of that. (He does not need to do so re the Democrats, as their position is clear and in the open.). Or maybe it's that his idea of a "systemic" fix differs from that of Republicans. If so, explain how that is so.

As it stands, this piece is shoddy journalism with unsupported bias. The FP can, has, and should do better.

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Early reporting from the border suggests that nothing has changed. Texas - not the feds - is successfully repelling most illegal crossings. But illegals from all over the world - China, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt - are strolling across into Southern California, stopping to take selfies in front of the border wall, then wandering unhindered into San Diego. And there are well over 2500 of them every day; even 2500 a day would come to nearly a million a year. So this is all talk.

And of course, if, God forbid, Biden is reelected, everyone knows perfectly well these new restrictions, weak as they are, will vanish the morning after the election.

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Scary how we can't come up with a solution. It proves the fecklessness of congress. After all they had 50 years to legalize abortion but didn't. The Equal Rights amendment to the constitution is still not ratified. This encompasses democratic and republican led houses of congress.

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He closed the border because he is going to lose the election on his open border policy and the Democrats are in panic mode. Besides I would hardly consider his threshold of 2500/day cut-off (that's over 900,000 illegals a year) a meaningful closing. As usual, they are gas lighting the public. What a bunch of BS.

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This is all smoke and mirrors by the Biden regime. The border is not closed and thousands of unvetted illegals with their drugs and trafficked women and children and ill intent will continue pouring into the United States.

Who is even believing this bullshit⁉️

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Er, stable doors and bolting horses spring to mind.

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Can the author please explain how letting in 2,500 a day qualifies as closing the border? This reads like a press release from the Biden campaign office.

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I disagree with the the statement that if Trump wins the Repubicans will not shut down the border because "this is an issue they simply cannot wean themselves off of".

Frankly I am disappointed with the entire article because of its bias.

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Biden could have closed the border long ago. And if he's re-elected, he'll take us back to a completely open border. I don't understand it. We have no idea what dangerous people may be coming in, what kind of diseases they bring with them, are any of them likely to assimilate or will they just form their own cultural enclaves and demand more welfare. I know the Somali immigrants where I live have no intention of assimilating or learning English; they'll just stay on welfare forever. If you want to stop them, stop feeding them, stop giving them free medical services, stop housing them.

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Biden and the DNC want as many of these people to vote as possible, and because they are poor the thought is many will feed, clothe and shelter themselves w/ help of some government aid, and because its the DNC who green lights more $ welfare spending, those votes will go to Dems.

Did you know that if in blue states, if a person contacts a federal agency (like to get a drivers license) they have an address, they will automatically be registered to vote and ballot will be sent to that address/person? And oh, BTW, nearly every blue state w/ this auto-vote registration is now vote by mail. Which means no ID check. The fix is in.


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He DID NOT close the border! They are still flooding in with direction by the cartels. The cartels run the border.

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Biden's policy has greatly enriched the cartels' people traffic business. Joe is a gift that keeps on giving to the cartels.

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The real question federal taxpayers should ask is, how grants enrich private sector companies, sanctuary cities and NGOs and how much grift is going on? California was just charged 53 million for fraudulent Medicaid billing on illegals.

All of this crap going on while 36 trillion and possible currency collapse.

Whatever happened to liberals skepticism of public welfare benefits to enrich private companies?

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Looking at the fine print the Biden folks are saying they'll limit illegal immigration to a million a year. Plus anyone under 18, or from Venezuela, and a couple other countries, or if the illegal immigrants claim they are fearful.

Headlines but no meat to the matter.

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Well, he really didn't.

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Biden OPENED THE BORDER through executive action on day 1 of his term, undoing steps taken by the Trump administration that had significantly reduced illegal entries. For him to blame Republicans in congress because they won’t support an insufficient “compromise” bill brought to the floor is cynical politics (what else do we get from Democrats). Republicans owe Biden absolutely nothing and that is because the kindness would never be reciprocated.

FP, what’s with the leftward drift?

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I'm really becoming disillusioned FP. The quality and honesty of your articles is not at all what I was promised.

The writer intentionally (I assume) suggests that both sides are at fault here which is wildly dishonest. I'm an Independent that dislikes both parties - but to suggest this disaster isn't planned and intentional is an absolute lie.

HR2 has been on Schumer's desk since when? Biden proudly used executive orders to remove virtually all border protections and halt any additional barriers on day one. Some Democrats will admit, these are their future voters - legal or not.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

The FP is trying to present ‘balanced’ takes. The problem is that one side is way out of whack and when giving ‘credence’ to this silliness, the FP turns themselves into clowns that we’re unable to take seriously. Yesterday it was Joe, today it’s Peter. Bari bringing in Lars Kahl (from Politico) in Jan ‘24 to curate content has been a disaster, so far, IMHO. I think she selected him because he’s a strong Zionist.


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Not only that, the administration released some terrorist designations from South American terrorist cells, along with the Houthis.

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