
An important point for me was that yes, evangelical Christians have posed more political and cultural threats over the years of my life, then has the LDS. That said, I’m not as generous as our author, because well, he notes that the LDS have been softening up on the gaze in recent years, he doesn’t mention, or perhaps he doesn’t understand, that this softening was in fact, a consequence of many years of LGBTQ lead protest against the policies touted by the LDS and against the LDS itself. In order to try to defend itself, even in Utah, the LDS has admittedly shown itself, capable of compromising, uncertain things, because they understand much of the culture is against some of their beliefs. And that regard, they are much more likely to compromise than evangelical Christians, and you can take from that what you will.

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Though I find their church's origin story to be absurd, I have never considered this to be a justification for treating Mormons with disrespect. As Christ pointed out, on the Day of Judgment a lot of people are going to be very surprised by who goes to heaven and who goes to hell.

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Jul 30Edited

My wife is Christian, and I always tell her the Christians will be suprised when they are at the Pearly Gates and see all the Jews on the up escalator while finding themselves on the down one. This of course is a joke because Jews neither believe in Heaven or Hell.

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Ben, you're actually a man of faith, just like them. Except you believe in the curious notion of spontaneous self-assembly. As a bona-fide atheist, surely you can explain: how the laws of physics appeared on their own; where quarks came from; how quarks assembled themselves into protons, neutrons, and electrons; how those assembled into atoms; how atoms assembled into molecules; how molecules assembled into DNA and amino acids; how amino acids assembled themselves into proteins; how proteins assembled themselves into cells; how cells assembled into organs; and how organs assembled themselves into living beings. I look forward to a future article by you on that.

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Funny, normal is not how they painting while he was running.

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That was great!

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St. Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.... 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

While the Mormons believe in some odd theology, cosmology, and eschatology -- it is not orthodox Christianity by any stretch, they follow the Laws of Noah (Judaism's laws for humanity in general) pretty well, and their community stability and benevolence is a good example. If you had to pick between a Mormon or a Hamas neighbor, it's a no-brainer -- fill the neighborhood with Mormons.

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The Book of Ben is rather simplistic and naïve. Mitt Romney is a RINO. As the GOP nominee is 2012 I found him a far better choice than Obama. I voted for Gingrich in the primary. What is "normal" according to Mr. Kawaller? I don't know for certain, but clearly it isn't Trump. The Donald is unconventional, but looking at his policies and his successes, he was as "normal" in a GOP sense as Ike or Reagan - he upheld GOP principals. Did either Bush do this? Did Hoover? Did Nixon? Does Ford even count? He was, I must say a very nice man and an honest one, but nothing more than a placeholder, historically. Yes, LDS produced Romney. Therefore what? I am delighted that Mr. Kawaller has found some appreciation of the Mormons. This sort of epiphany is usually a very good thing. Kudos! Nevertheless, Romney is a cancer to conservative ideals. The GOP, and ultimately the nation, will be better off when he goes home - wherever this is. I must commend Kawaller. As another comment states, "I was expecting a lot of snark." Thank you, Ben, for avoiding this.

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So the atheist found unexpected alignment with LDS folks, in contrast to the common enemy "evangelicals." Such typical bashing of Christians is quite tiresome, cliche, and offensive.

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I've known and work for Mormons. Great Fine folks. BUT As that woman said LDS is a Heresy. Its a form of Arianism. Basically they are not Trinitarian (ie Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

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What about the LDS member from Africa?

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Loved it! Another winner!

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I have thought for a long time that if one rated major religions solely by the average of the sorts of people and citizens their adherents are, Mormonism would be in second place (after Judaism). Most Mormons I have known have been honest, productive, self reliant, nice people and good neighbors. My wife and I used to joke that when you drive through a small Mormon town in Utah or Idaho, you notice that even the stray animals are clean. There is a lot there to respect and admire.

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Just delightful! Ben's videos are one of my favorite things about TFP. A pithy, entertaining yet enriching break from hard news. Thanks!

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Even superficially, it's nice to see a bunch of people who avoid drugs, tattoos, and extreme body modification.

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As a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, thanks for visiting general conference! Our little family loves watching the broadcast from home each spring & fall. The Church and the Book of Mormon are gifts from Jesus Christ that have blessed our family greatly. God bless America & civil discourse.

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Ben, how could you tell that the people protesting were EVANGELICAL Christians? Evangelical is a nebulous term and making that identification is difficult, unless they called themselves evangelical.

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Why is it so important to denigrate and insult those who don't believe as you do? What's the difference between Brian Cox and his beliefs and anyone else beliefs? Whether he admits it or not, he has belifs and he has a god. If you're that damn smart, why do you need to denigrate others just to prove you are so much smarter? Because by doing so shows you are not. You're just an arrogant ass. If you believe that some how denigrating others makes you appear smarter or more intelligent, let me tell you a little secret, such an attitude reflects more poorly on the holder of that belief than those they are trying to make themselves look better than.

A truly intelligent person doesn't need to prove it by denigrating others. Period, full stop.

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May 1Edited

Looks like dumb ass Dan here didn't even watch the video! If he did, he would have noticed the respectful discourse that all the other (actual members of The Church) commenters noticed and thanked him for. Let's start a fight in the comments and pump that algorithm so the Free Press gives him more money for this wonderful series. I dare you ;)

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Next time I will try to write in a more childish manner for you. You might get over your thin skinned bias' and instead of being an ass get clarification of one's post before throwing a hissy fit. Grow up!

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No need!! Your manner was plenty childish from the get-go! Sounds like you should take your own advice "A truly intelligent person doesn't need to prove it by denigrating others. Period, full stop." - lets keep this going! I knew you were too much of a bi*&ch to resist an insult. Remember, more comments means more cash for Ben! Don't let your little baby ego be stifled!! Show me who's boss! I await your response.

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Same as I use to do with the toddlers in my day care. Put you in the corner with your nose on the wall and ignore all your whining. You're not worth my time or attention.

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HAHAHAA REALLLLLLL??? Are you suuuurreee??? You don't seem to be able to stop commenting. Your ego just won't allow it!! I pity the toddlers in your daycare, kidna a case of one toddler watching the others right? It's ok, you're just a classic hypocrite. Say treat people with kindness, then you espouse hate. Say not worth your time, then just keep giving me your time. Didn't your mama ever teach you not to feed the trolls? Anyone wanna take bets on whether this thin skinned baby will be able to keep his trap shut or will he just HAVE to give me more of his valuable toddler time? We'll see...

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