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We unfortunately live in a world where our candidates refuse to loudly and ferociously reject the immoral hatred that seems to percolate from their extremist supporters. Some morality from Trump-Vance and Harris-Walz would be a welcome development in this soul-crushing campaign.

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Tucker Carlson's latest stunt is ill timed. The extremes, both left and right, present a clear and present danger to our freedom and our democracy. The pro Hamas people have underscored the danger from elites, their universities, the Democrats, and the media. Good, timely information. Now, "It's all about me, Carlson" gives them more talking points. Something must be done, because our country is really on its way down the toilet.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Some say Tucker Carlson should be held accountable. Well he was summarily dismissed from his popular show on Fox News. He is rich enough to set up another platform for himself. Without any editorial control. (Those who self-edit usually stink.) He seems always to have had fascination with cranks. Now he can indulge himself to the fullest. Meanwhile Bari Weiss also has set up this new platform TFP. And we actually are having a debate of the ideas. So thank you Bari. I recommend the two articles by Hanson and Ferguson refuting this Daryl Cooper. I’ve never heard of him and I regret that he has been elevated so highly by the controversy. That is Tucker Carlson’s M.O. to get more viewers. P.T. Barnum got a lot of customers via freak shows, too.

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Slightly depressing to see you throwing the baby out with the bathwater on Tucker Carlson. Darryl Cooper appears to be a rank amateur following that endless procession of commentators with a view who cut and paste history to underwrite their opinions. And if his views allign with those of Tucker on the present state of things - the Manichean confrontation we all face - I for one can forgive his inadequacies as historian; it has at least created an interesting debate on this website alone.

This sort of discussion reminds me of the 2016 election when real liberals had to decide whether to hold their noses and vote for Trump. Talking about Carlson in the same somewhat superior manner is a bit of a give-away. Which part of what he stands for deserves such lordliness?

Equally depressing to note that here as in so many other places there seems to be a hierarchy of genocide. Until there is a widespread recognition of that the world, and eastern Mediterranean of course, will never come to God or much else.

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I'm afraid all the wolves now are on the other side of the fence. Your opinion, Bari, please:

Jewish director Sarah Friedland accepted the #VeniceFilmFestival Lion Of The Future Award for Best Debut Film for ‘Familiar Touch’.

During her speech she said that she stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and says “I am accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and 76th year of occupation. It is our responsibility as filmmakers to use the institutional platforms in which we work to address Israel’s impunity on the global stage”


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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

i was recently asked by my 14 year old daughter why her grandfather (my dad) likes trump more than harris. i told her a bit of his story - growing up jewish in the 40s and 50s in the soviet union. about how antisemitic propaganda on the left & at universities reminds him of the communist brand of totalitarianism he was personally familiar with. about how he couldn't defend his phd because he could be identified as a jew in his passport. “but wouldn’t trump be a dictator if he could?” yes i said - but he’s more like Mussolini… the maga rhetoric, lies, polarization & violence - she had just listened to “pack one bag” an excellent history podcast covering jews in italy between the world wars (niall's wrong about this - good history podcasts do exist). “so grandpa doesn’t like trump more than harris, he dislikes harris more than trump cause he grew up with communism?” bingo kiddo.

most americans aren't personally familiar with communism nor fascism. i grew up in the usa, but heard enough about both around the family table with my grandparents to be scared shitless today. not so far to my left i see communists - a future for the lowest common denominator mandated by the elite. not so far to my right i see fascists - a future for the privileged mandated by the scorned. neither future is the american dream we were chasing when we emigrated in the late seventies. neither future is one i want for my kids. we're in the same place we were before the second world war. with no sensible churchill or roosevelt - no one with the moral clarity to lead. at least not yet.

that's why i subscribe to the free press. because they call out bad behavior on both sides - like journalists should.

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What do you think about new special bus route in London "for Jews to feel safe"? Where are the Far Right who scared the Jews?

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funny you should ask that. i think the bus spin is bullshit. by all means make a bus to link two communities that need to be linked - but ethnicity should have nothing to do with it. and using the language of the left - making people "feel safe"? what's khan playing at?shouldn't they actually BE safe? in a city like london... which prides itself on its cosmopolitain ethos - anyone of any ethnicity should be safe on the underground. period.

as to your question "Where are the Far Right who scared the Jews"... i lived at finchley road (lots of jews) during the brexit vote. overnight some asshole spraypainted a swastika on the walls of my local underpass. logistically, this was most probably my neighbor. was i scared of him? no more than i would be scared of a rat. but recent events in the uk show what a mob of rats looks like.

jews are persecuted for their difference, not their political affiliation. lets not pretend that bigotry is limited to the left or right.

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Let's not pretend that bigotry on the right is relevant now when we see that almost all bigotry is on the left.

Let's not pretend that fascism is far-right when it is far-left. Do you remember the carrier of Mussolini?

The distraction of freaks like Cooper is very convenient for those intellectuals who will vote for Harris because Orange Man is Bad

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

the journalists job is to call out bigotry where it occurs - not to influence elections. i'm glad we agree that cooper is a freak. the career of mussolini is a case in point. left or right, a bigot is a bigot & will use whatever ideology is convenient in pursuit of power.

you are right that the bigotry of the left is on full display. but we don't actually know about the bigotry of the right. i didn't know about my neighbor who drew the swastika till the brexit vote came down. i thought i was living in a cosmopolitain utopia. the jews of poland didn't know of the extent of their neighbors bigotry till a freak gave them an excuse to act out the murder they had in their hearts. freaks like cooper give fascists courage. freaks like cooper are 1 degree of separation from trump. does this not trouble you? does this not require attention?

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"does this not trouble you? does this not require attention?" - 1. Now not. 2. Trump's past presidency does not give you grounds for making such accusations against him, provided you pay attention to actions and not words (for some reason, this approach is almost inaccessible to people well educated in the humanities)

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I get that anti semitic tensions are high, perhaps higher than at any point in the last 50 years right now, but as someone who is (not coincidently I feel) a subscriber of the The Free Press, of Tucker AND of Daryl Cooper, I was excited to hear the Tucker Podcast and listened right away. I was most definitely shocked by the venom of Bari & The Free Press and the gross mischaracterizations of Mr. Cooper's words and intentions. The TFP reaction to fabricate an anti-Jewish, Holocaust-revisionist take, when to me (and all who truly understood what was being said) just did not exist seemed a lot like an pro-Jewish antisemitic hammer in search of a nail. That is to say TFP was creating an antisemitic issue where one simply did not exist...

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This may be late, but I just finished listening to Tucker’s podcast with Cooper in large part because it caused such a stir here and in the MSM. Admittedly, I a not familiar with Cooper on either X or his podcast, which I am sure colors many of the opinions here. What I heard on Tucker’s podcast sounded a lot more nuanced than much of what Bari portrayed. In fact, he even discussed the vehemence of those who attack him, and admitted that we may still be too close to some historical events to deal with them objectively. I may have missed the anti-semitism that others heard, but when he spoke about WW2 it was with a perspective on the players that I haven’t heard before. I didn’t agree with some of what Cooper said, but I would like to learn more so I can find out which of his opinions are valid and which are not. Having my opinions challenged is the best way to learn. I will not write off Cooper because he doesn’t have a historian’s pedigree. I know too many PhDs who are wrong more often than they are right. I would recommend that anyone with an open mind listen to Tucker’s Cooper conversation and form your own opinion.

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He refers to the "Jewish Problem." Any idea what he is talking about?

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Give your subscribers audio access, PLEASE!!!!!

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Where is the evidence that this man is credible? Save your ammunition for Carlson.

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Take a small listen to his extensive body of work (all audio available for free btw) and judge for yourself. Do not be lazy and use snap judgements of others as your own.

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Me thinks there is something rotten in the state of the media about Tucker and Cooper that people like Bari Weiss know but are not telling us. Come on. Cooper is a non-entity, in terms of status as a historian.

If the Free Press cannot be open with us at moments like this, our faith in it as an alternative to the NYT etc will be lost.

What is the fuss about, Bari?

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

The fuss is about a revisionist Nazi apologist psuedohistorian being given a platform of 25 million viewers to normalize his fascist views. Tucker Carlson has shown himself to be a demagogue. He should be held to account.

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Or maybe it was a highly intelligent, very well read & researched individual (I would say historian) calling into question the prevailing narrative of WWII to wonder if some portion of the deaths of tens of millions of people could have been avoided in any way...the whole Nazi apologist, Holocaust revisionist names are just to get clicks., likes and manufactured outrage from dolts like you who will never take the time to read, listen, or learn to formulate your own thoughts but instead spew nonsense like they "should be held to account"...LOL by who?? You?? The current anti-free speech administration??

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

I’m not sure what Carlson is thinking here. Just as I’m not sure what the leftist democrats are thinking in their resistance to Israel defending itself. Now Alan Dershowitz has left the party.

I think the media and the political class have forced good and normal people out of politics by exposing every blemish - real, perceived, or fabricated- in their past. What normal person wants to defend accusations of alleged misdeeds from 20 years ago, or even as far back as high school?

Only the hyper partisan are willing to deal with that, and we all lose.

No more FDRs, JFKs, Eisenhowers, or Reagans.

Instead the best the 2 parties could do was a rerun of Trump Biden, only to have the party of democracy and vote counting execute a coup, overturn an election and replace their nominee. They feared they could not win because the lie they had all been telling for 5 years had been exposed, and winning must happen at any cost.

It’s all disgraceful.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

The left has taught us to focus on the threat not of bigotry alone but of bigotry combined with power. Under the current circumstances the Jew-hatred of Harris, Walz, Ellison, Omar, Obama, Blinken,… is the threat we must neutralize if we are to survive. We’ll deal with the fake historians and their enablers later, if it’s still necessary.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

I totally agree that the current crop of Dems are as anti-Jew and anti-Israel as you can get, but no one has any ability to "deal with" what you assert are fake historians my dude. Free County, 1st Amendment, you know, all the good stuff we are supposed to be about!

Why don't you do yourself a real favor and at least listen to some of the Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem podcast series Mr. Cooper painstakingly researched and produced before you levy your unfounded and ignorant critiques? I can assure you you will learn quite a bit about your own people's history and I can also virtually guarantee you will have a much different opinion of Mr. Cooper should you care to educate yourself and listen.

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I was taught at a fairly early stage that the political stage is, in fact, circular. As you move further and further in either direction you ultimately end up in the same place, a sort of figurative bottom where little distinguishes the ultra-left from the ultra-right. I suspect what you pointed out, Bari, about the common theme of anti-semitism in both ultras kind of confirms that. I have considered myself a conservative for most of my adult life, but as such I find I have no common ground with people like Darryl Cooper and other so-called ultra-rightists. To me they are a repugnant as any on the left, although my intolerance of leftist begins a lot closer to their "center." As to Tucker, I commented on him in the Niall Ferguson post, so there isn't a need to say anymore here than that he seems intent on demolishing any credibility he ever had as a journalist and has become no better than the garbage that populates the MSM. Integrity would appear to be the first quality to be lost.

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Cooper is a somewhat persuasive autodidact whom 15 minutes of big history, e-guy guru hood has raised to an Icarus like fail. Looks in his rear view mirror, over simplifies a complex past & tells “his truth” as a new, alternative narrative to the growing mass of online uninformed.

As noted, the left has been on this same track for years on elite campuses everywhere. Let’s pause to recall the President of Harvard, Ms Gay, apologizing after failing to “tell her truth” in a congressional hearing where she couldn’t confirm that calls for genocide of jews would violate student conduct codes. Cooper will be apologizing too very soon one thinks…. but no more convincing.

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Sometimes I allow myself to go full conspiracy theory and wonder if Tucker is CIA. He makes no sense and often angers even his own fans. I imagine him hanging out with his Dad's CIA buddies in his cabin in the woods talking about what will cause the most comotion to outrage the public. Only his most loyal clowns will continue with their fandom after this.

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He does seem like he’s engaged in some sort of project.

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