The American Democratic Party is no better, sadly. They openly say they are afraid of defeat if Muslim voters stay home in the presidential election and are willing to sacrifice Israel to prevent defeat at the polls. Notice how they always talk about Islamophobia in the same sentence as Antisemitism as if Muslims were attacked by Jews on Oct 7th and had their breasts cut off. Of course, #TheFP will continue to call religious Republican politicians "radicals" while they support Israel and oppose Hamas.

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It's a cliche to bring up Michel Houellebecq's book "Submission" in these contexts. Too facile. Too reductionist. Too much of a pseudo-intellectual mic drop. Yes, that's all true. But, it's also not completely wrong.

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Fear is our utmost enemy. If we fear to do right things today, we will be dead or enslaved tomorrow. No doubt about it.

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Seriously - how can we have hope when the people writing articles to highlight the problems of these times will continue to vote for and support the people causing these problems? How can people so easily separate the people they vote for with the outcomes of that vote? You guys at the Free Press are never going to change who you vote into office - why complain about the results

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The UK is a disaster. I pray the US doesn't get this many Muslims. I know that we need immigrants, but I'd rather have them from South America because they are people who share many of our values, are often religious and even more conservative than I am.

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"Foreign nationals who engage in, call for, fund, or glorify violence, religious hatred, or other violent extremism should be deported immediately."

That should be the case in every country.

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Do you think that everyone who obtains a gun is legally eligible to???

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What I can't understand is why these thugs wear masks hiding their identity, as if they feel they might be doing something illegal, if they are so righteous. You don't see my people demonstrating that way. Of course, the government allows their scurrilous activities so as not to offend them. The Jews- well them we can offend. It's not like they're going to be destructive or anything.

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If your really want to be honest with yourselves, you just need to admit that Islam and Western civilization cannot coexist. The indigenous people of Europe defeated Islamic invasions by the sword three times - this fourth one by “immigration” may be successful.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

It gives me no joy, but I see the UK being called to pay the bill for their horrific actions in British Mandate Palestine.

They abused their border control authority to block Jews trying to flee the Nazi killing machine, barring them from immigrating to Palestine. They appointed the rabid Jew-hater Haj Amin al-Husseini as the supreme Muslim ruler. They looked away when Muslim mobs rioted and massacred Jews in the 1920s and 1930s and 1940s. And when they abandoned their Mandate, they made sure the Arabs were armed and the Jews were unarmed.

GOD is no fool. Nations come under judgment just like individuals.

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Thank goodness the British government disarmed its people, so they cannot defend themselves in the event of violent attack. Someone might get hurt.

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“From the river to the sea” because of antisemitism and hate for Israel + Jewish people!

NEXT (tho already!) we’ll hear, “From sea to shining sea” because of antiAmerica hate for Americans and the USA!

I’ve listened to / read Konstantin Kisin many times before today’s article. He is a a trusted voice of reason and truths! And he is correct! “Appeasing” bullies / terrorists / college students / the WOKE / The Squad / etc., ONLY EMBOLDENS THEM! Isn’t that exactly what Germany & the German people did with Hitler, until it was too late to stop him?!

Thank God America’s law enforcement still have guns, for now anyway.

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Agree with everything written here. Also politicians need to be brave. They send the military in harms way they also need to assume some personal risk.

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We better wake up! If the recent NY incidents and the murder of the student in GA aren’t the dead canary sign, then shame on us!

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Brits (as well as we across the pond) need to remember Chamberlain. Appeasement never works with irrational, determined sociopaths. When there are more unenforced laws than enforced ones the sociopaths have advantage. To quote Marley "get up, stand up, stand up for your rights"

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Mortal men ruling spiritual beings will never work. Jewish nations are Demacratic. Nations of Peace belong to Jesus Christ. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God, not warmongers.

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