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Anarchy in the UK. Mob Rule at Yale.

Protest, policing, and the misrule of law.

Whether it’s gender ideology in healthcare or “anti-racism” in newsrooms, the dangerous consequences of the ideological capture of our institutions is something we’re committed to investigating here at The Free Press. The events since October 7 have demonstrated the scale of the problem. 

Today, two examples of this problem as it relates to the law—how it is enforced and how it is taught. 

First, our own Rupa Subramanya reports on the response of the British police to protests in Britain in recent weeks. This is a huge story in the UK right now, with a big political fight over whether pro-Palestinian protests should be permitted alongside Armistice Day commemorations in London tomorrow. In her look at law enforcement across the pond, Rupa discovers more than a whiff of a double standard, with genocidal chants in the street tolerated but, in some cases, pro-Israel speech leading to a knock on the door. 

How did Britain’s police find themselves appearing to take a side in this way? One former police officer explained to Rupa the challenge today’s officers face: 

At the end of the day, there’s 100,000 protesters against probably less than 1,000 coppers, so 100 to one. So there’s only so much you can do on the day, without causing quite a lot of a disorder. 

Read Rupa’s full piece for more:

For more on the mood in Britain, read Tanya Gold’s essay about how recent weeks have changed what she thought it meant to be a British Jew. 

Back on this side of the Atlantic, Aaron Sibarium reports on events at Yale Law School, where antisemitism has been tolerated and a center nominally dedicated to human rights hosted an event on Israeli “apartheid.” Aaron reveals that Jewish students have been crushed by the inadequacy of the school’s response to their appeals for help in the face of hatred. 

Read Aaron’s full account of the failings at the institution that’s training our future top lawyers:

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