I am much more worried about our own country. Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. The FBI has his client list and refuses to disclose it. They also refused to investigate him when he was still trafficking women and girls.

People have been rotting for four years in the DC Gulag for crimes people with the correct politics were then and are now released for the same day, if they are arrested at all.

President Trump has had the whole of our national legal apparatus directed at him. He did less than what Biden did--Biden was careless and sloppy, where Trump's records, that he removed as PRESIDENT, not Vice-President, were stored securely--but Biden was not charged BECAUSE HE IS SENILE. That is the story as I heard it. Also, self evidently, because he is a Democrat and he plays ball with the real power brokers in our country.

Trump was just issued a farcical judgement for hundreds of millions of dollars for what amounts to a technicality, if it even happened at all. His judge in Georgia is the daughter of a pretty obvious Communist.

Don't worry about Russia. That is what all the people who are doing this to Trump because of his open support for America, American interests and the American people WANT you to do. They want you focused anywhere else, on any imagined threat they can concoct. They want you fearful of everyone BUT the people whose tyranny is well advanced, and whose power over our lives you SHOULD fear.

Putin is an authoritarian and a murderer. But he is not in charge of our country. He is not our problem. Our problems exist in a government that accepts no limits, and is only biding its time until the charade is no longer necessary. If we do not organize and wake up before that, we will be as bad or worse than Russia is now.

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Very well said, Bari. May his memory be eternal.

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Navalny showed the heights a human can actually soar to.

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Bringing Carlson in this was a low blow and beneath you Bari. You should be ashamed.

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That was simply a beautiful tribute. I hope that Navalny's sacrifice and your words help us find the courage we need to reverse humanity's terrible slide.

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Alexei Navalny was a man of great courage who had the respect of the entire world. May he rest in peace.

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Carlson = Walter Duranty. A useful idiot.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

This is a time for great sadness. Navalny is the best of humanity. Brave to a fault. A Russian patriot to the end. This is also not a time to use this for cheap criticism of anyone who stands up to tyranny and lies in our own land. Tucker Carlson has a view which he is free to express and questions that he is free to ask. And which he should ask He was fired from Fox for stating what he believed. Bari has decided to take a cheap shot at him for going to Moscow and asking uncomfortable questions. That's her right, too.. But if people such as Bari were asking the questions that Tucker raises maybe we'd have a real free press. Or do you still believe that Russia blew up its own pipeline? Or that the CIA and FBI were not behind Hillary's ridiculous Russian collusion fantasy?

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Tucker Carlson is not a useful idiot, he’s just an idiot….

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It's sad but proves again the greatness of the West. When the woke decry our history, the abolitionists were able to talk. Anti-War were able to talk, The Civil rights movement was able to overcome. Ghandi was able to protest till he drove change. Many were killed but not by the government. We are by no means perfect but looking at the alternative, I am so thankful.

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Navalny is an inspiration. Sadly, that's not enough to make a real difference in Russia.

It may be politically incorrect to say a country has a character profile, but surely Russia suggests otherwise. For centuries the population has succumbed to autocrats, lies, incalculable hardship, Potemkin villages and the daily inhumanity of being forced to say what you don't believe and stay silent about the truth.

The Navalny's of Russia can't inspire the masses to do the right thing -- rise up and revolt -- because the masses are, epigenetically, too passive. Almost bovine.

This is not borne of rational fear. A broad majority popular movement in Russia could easily topple the current dictatorship. But this won't happen.

So, apart from the attention in the West (and from all serious people who respect Navalny's bravery), the moment will likely pass with no tangible results. Very sad.

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What does a tribute Navalny's bravery in fighting Russian tyranny have to do with an American journalist helping others cut through censorship? If you can't write an article without putting a spin on it, and worse, using the death of someone who is a hero to denigrate someone you don't like, then you're no better than the corporate media. After reading this trash I'm considering dropping my subscription. We need journalism, not cheap opinion pieces.

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Gee, Bari....no article about the GOP FBI informant about all the Biden-Burisma corruption?

Been in the news.

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We can dislike Putin and his tactics while still admiring aspects of Russian society and lifestyle (e.g. cleanliness of cities). No doubt Tucker Carlson’s visit was “curated” a bit and he wasn’t followed/harassed (as far as he knew) to the same level the FSB would follow lower-level American government employees they wanted to remind of the country they were in.

While on active duty, I had the opportunity to visit Hanoi in Mar/Apr 2008 timeframe. I had never been to a communist country before and the first thing that struck me was the sight of Ford vehicle when we left the airport (followed shortly thereafter by a multitude of Hannah Montana billboards). While I was hesitant to take anything at face value from the Communist Vietnamese Government, I did find that I felt extremely safe walking the city (either by myself or at night). I even told my wife that I’d have no qualms bringing her and our 3-yr old for a visit. There were few American cities the size of Hanoi in 2008 that I would have given that assessment, even fewer now.

Later in my career I had the opportunity to speak to some young adults who pursued graduate degrees in China. When they asked Chinese citizens about the social credit system linked to the near ubiquitous monitoring by cameras everywhere, the Chinese seemed agnostic about it but were willing to tolerate it given the level of “safety” they enjoyed. Want to walk around at 2 am in a major city? You don’t have to worry about being robbed or murdered.

I’m no fan of Putin. I lament Navalny’s death. I can also admire the cleanliness of Russian cities and wonder why we can’t get our sh!t together.

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He deserves credit, actual resistance and risk . In the end it’s Russias loss he fought with what little power he had and suffered for it.

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Standing on principle doesn’t make him an idiot. He chose the battlefield he wanted to compete on, as did MLK and others. Violent revolt or underground resistance are other choices no less legitimate depending on the facts on the ground and the nature of the combatant. But they are all combatants. The motivations and courage required do not spring from idiocy.

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