DEI: They want everyone to look different, but think the same.

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Like many of you I read this article weeks ago. The cruelty of this recorded exchange has stayed with me. I located Ms. Thompson's company website - https://kojoinstitute.com/, so I could provide feedback. I recommended she read Mt 7:1-5. "Judge not . . . . "

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I would have defended you Richard. The world is full of cowards, but you were not one of them. Rest in peace. To the rest of you spineless ninnies who can't think for yourselves, shame on you all.

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I loved Subramanya's journalism during Covid but this story is very problematic. Suicide is complex and to say that a man committed suicide because a Black woman was mean to him in a DEI session is exhibiting precisely the kind of white fragility that people of color say stands in the way of their viewpoints being heard and appreciated in our society.

And let's not forget that this man complained to a government agency about his treatment AND RECEIVED SEVEN WEEKS OF BACK PAY. How is a person awarded seven weeks of back pay for a bad DEI session to be conceived as a victim?

The story depends a lot on emotion and innuendo and offers very little in the way of facts to support its points. It implies that others distanced themselves from Bilkszto due to the need to conform and a fear of public shaming. I guess the members of the safety board who awarded him back pay didn't feel that way! And so if a government agency affirmed this man, why would others be so afraid to? Perhaps there were other factors.

It is possible that the man was having a mental breakdown, that this breakdown led to his eventual suicide and that colleagues distanced themselves from him due to this issue, not because of his resistance to a DEI session. But that possibility is never addressed in this article.

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This is a maddening, heartbreaking, and important story. I listened to Rupa Subramanya on Megyn Kelly's podcast. It was great interview. If you haven't already, listen to the audio exchange on the DEI session. It's infuriating.

Let's also not disregard that, in Canada, suicide is absolutely celebrated as a solution to one's ills. I can't help but think that "suicide as treatment" subconsciously weighs on a person who is suffering. In the end, many factors led to this poor man's death. What an incredible and unnecessary loss!

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I attended a training session like this one a few years ago. In the morning the black instructor pretty much couched everything in society as anti-black and racist. In the afternoon he told us it was an act to get us to see things as black people might see them. Then we spent time going over ways to guard against racism in the workplace. What I took from this was that some people love being a victim and see the world through racist eyes. I think the lady at KOJO is one of them.

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Have you interviewed Dr Tabia Lee, former DEI director of De Anza College? She has a powerful story,

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This story is why I am more concerned about the LEFT then the RIGHT

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This is one of the more egregious examples of the Pathological Fake Left's terrorism in response to any hint of disagreement with their ridiculous and easily refuted dogma. Evidently when you have no arguments to back up your dogma, the only option is to attack and silence any expressions of heresy.

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Sanctioned bullying. And it needs to stop. We need to get back to seeing people as individuals.

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Little Miss Kiki has more smugness and arrogance than any one person deserves and I hope her ass is getting sued in multiple courts - please oh please. Mr. Bilkszto's horrible and tragic death enrages and saddens me. I will not forget this story.

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Such a tragic story. I just can't get over it. My condolences to the family. All those who contributed to his death needs to be held accountable but I don't think it will happen.

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Reminiscent of the suicides in China after denunciations and struggle sessions during the Great Cultural Revolution.

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Before I retired from a police department in 2021, we had a "racial bias expert" talk to us in the "command staff" (lieutenants and above) about "implicit bias" and systemic racism in police departments. When I challenged his premise, you'd have though I had 5 heads. Those in attendance couldn't believe I would challenge the "exper." Although my comments were adult like and respectful, some thought I should have been silenced by the Chief who was attending. My point is that people are afraid to speak up and/or willing to accept what these "experts" say without proof. The more it goes unchallenged, the more we will be silenced.

I wish those "acedemics" would have given some credence Mr. Bilkszto's observations instead of following the latest fad.

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What stupidity! There’s nothing more stupid in the province of Ontario than the WSIB. Left-wing, progressive, losers, losing. Too bad the guy killed himself but if you’re that stupid, as he clearly was, I suppose it’s a concomitant risk. You people are pathetic.

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This is happening nearly every day now in America. You could omit all the location detail and easily think you were reading about a communist country. This all started with our education system and that is where we MUST dismantle all the anti-America teaching starting with the Department of Education and then K-12.

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