To paraphrase the late William F. Buckley Jr., I’d rather be governed by the Chicago Black Women’s Expo than by the Democratic Socialists of America.

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Notice how one group lives in masked fear and the other lives with broad smiles on display. Tells me everything visually.

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I’ve been reading FP since it was Common Sense but never had the courage to comment, too many smart folks. However, this story compelled me to over come my fears. What a contrast! Masked, angry and inarticulate people at the DSA convention and open, smiling, smart funny women at the Black Expo. Gives me hope…common sense is still alive in America, just have to look for it.

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The DSA would be funny if they weren't so pathetic. These people look like they sit in their parents basement playing Fortnite and eating cheetos. The only time they choose to mask up and come out is to meet up with their comrades at events like this. Is there a way we can keep the Dreamer immigrants and deport these clowns? Asking for a friend....

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This gave me a good laugh and also hope for the future- I love small businesses and I have mad respect for those ladies and anyone who takes a risk on themselves!

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The great virtue of Socialism is that it sound good. Its great failing is that it doesnt work. Thomas Sowell, approximately.

Anyone trying to sort this out who is a decent human being and not a thumb sucking bed wetter would do well to read the work of Thomas Sowell, Friedrich Hayek, and Henry Hazlitt. There are many more, but that is a goid start.

Socialism is a creed for those trying to solve their own emotional problems by displacement, not a method to solve the actual economic problems of actually living human beings. In nearly all cases, Socialism in fact makes economic problems worse, progress impossible, and substituted an immovable and corrupt hierarchy for the constantly evolving and largely merit based one it criticized.

It is the creed of fools and charlatans.

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"When I went to Chicago last month to cover the Democratic Socialists of America convention, my main worry was that some brilliant socialist would run circles around me."

Wow Ben, two oxymorons in one sentence? But no surprise given your family history steeped in the poisonous cant of Uncle Karl. How hard is it to understand that every leftist is, at their little evil core, a totalitarian? The only mystery is that, sometimes, it takes a little more scratching to get them to reveal that nasty trait.

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A person wiser than me once said: The problem with capitalism is capitalists. The problem with socialism is socialism.

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Welcome to the walkways. Obama betrayed America to Monsanto and Wall Street, and now AOC teams up with Gates and globalist to attack cows and compel humanity to eat synthetic corporate meat. Their utopia is famine, like Mao and Stalin before them. They must slay all humanity to save the world....

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I love these women! Their joy and laughter comes from having and fulfilling aspirations.

Someone get that socialist woman at the podium a candle!

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What if these guys ran on a platform for a nationalized version of socialism?

Great idea. Very original.

I still think TFP owes the families of 9/11 victims some sort of apology. I’m still pissed about that

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I remember Ben at the Iowa State Fair, and it is interesting to see he is the same there as with these two groups. I love watching how the two groups answer questions and then thinking about who I want as community members. I vote for the Black Women entrepreneur. That would shock those who believe that racism is at the root of everything, but I would wager that many in the black intelligence would tell us that those women are not really black. What I hate about the current GOP is that none of the candidates speaks to the BWE and goes after their vote. They treat Black voters as an entire group rather than the traits that they share with everyone else. They play by the old playbook rather than creating a new one. But this was awesome and memorable. Thanks, Ben!

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This video encapsulates with humor and insight why socialism's Eat the Rich died in the 20th century. The left wing academics saw this happening and developed Critical Theory and Identity politics to replace it. Racism to fight racism and gender ideology is the result.

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Never forget: We have over a hundred years' history as an example. It's all fun and games until they get control of your life. Then it's jackboot-on-the-neck time.

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Hilarious. ❤️😂

PS Ever bootstrapped your own company and built value other people want out of nothing but an idea, your own capital, whatever hustle and appetite for risk you have in you, and 15 hour days? Trust me, founders deserve every single penny they earn, and trust me, they won't bother when anything they earn is taxed and given away.

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Remember how some of you went nuts with the way he treated conservative America at the Iowa State Fair? Here is your proof he's actually a pretty fair person.

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