I wish, for one day, that all these people would have to live under the conditions in ANY part of the world prior to the colonization of those places. Unless they truly hate humanity and themselves, which is certainly possible, they would find that 'colonization' has been one of the greatest forces for good in human history.

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Not a coherent thought between any of the people Ben interviewed.

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Legendary work Ben.

Thank you 🙏🏴‍☠️

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Nutty man: "You should do some research on that"

You: "I thought that is what I'm doing right now"

Classic. Laughed right out loud. Thanks for a little emotional release!

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Now we know what stupid on steroids looks like.

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These people are utterly insane. It's like their brains have been infected by a virus

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“The situation in the West Bank, I maintain, is another story, and it sure would be nice if we could say with a straight face that Israel’s current government has pursued nothing but peaceful coexistence with its Palestinian neighbors.”

I strongly disagree with this analysis!

Arafat, lieder of West Bank was a terrorist! So is Mahmoud Abbas! Neither one of them accepted multiple different peace offers from many very different Israeli governments because they never wanted peace. They want to steal billions in aid! Also they officially pay lifelong pensions to suicide bombers or their families. The more Jews, the higher is the payoff! How can anyone coexist with such neighbors?

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What a sad state of complete ignorance of so many.

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They get their education at Harvard and Cornell.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

I’m afraid so much of this is the lack of good teaching of history and lack of any meaningful education. Our schools are putting out ignorant dolts. We are in the history repeating as tragedy period. I can’t wait for the repeating as farce.

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Ben, I am so happy to have found you via The Free Press! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face in dark circumstances.

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The amount of frustration that I felt listening to these ignorant fools spouting off is limitless.

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Great video- I so appreciate Ben's attitude in the interviews. Thank you

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"the delusional (“Before Israel became a nation, everybody lived peacefully side by side”) to the blithely genocidal (“The Jewish people in Israel [will] always have to look over their shoulders because. . . the hatred that Palestinians have for them is justified.”).

The truth is - if Israel was completely erased, Hamas would immediately start to wipe out the infidel Muslims, you know the Sunnis or other such sect that doesn't believe in death by stoning for women adulteress. Bottom line, no Arab state wants the Palestinians in their country nor are they concerned for their welfare. No one wanted in then 1948 and nothing has changed in 2023. Israel is the best chance for the Palestinian people.

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Wow, the people at the start of the video are so uninformed and possessed by evil. It is really sad. Do they not know that kids were beheaded. Innocent kids. Sadly the lefts promotion of tribalism to control us and get elected is having a terrible impact on the west. It seems the left has no regret and cares not so long as they are in power and their homes are surrounded by security and insulated from the day to day destruction of our country.

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What's the matter with this CalTech student? He should be working on decolonizing his own school. Cal Tech is in Pasadena, CA which was inhabited by the Tongva tribe prior to European settlers taking over. He should work to return that land to the Tongva. Perhaps Cal Tech could expends its whole $4.6 billion endowment to purchase the land back from the Tongva. If the Tongva refuse, well, BYE BYE Cal Tech, and BYE BYE protesting engineering student.

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