File under “Things you’ll never hear about on CNN.”

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As someone who spent over 8 years living in EU, this doesnt surprise me. European Politicians and Media have became experts in denial, all for sake of not being labeled racist or perceived antiimmigrant.

In Germany, where I lived, there are constant reports of rise in Antisemitic crime. Media and politicians would always (due to historical reasons) call the issues caused by "rise of right wing extremists and neo Nazis". Yes in some cases perpetrators have been right wing extremist, but they were small minority, antisemitism was booming in immigrant communities.

I being born in south Europe and being immigrant myself have due to financial reasons lived in those immigrant areas and have seen issues first hand. Anti-Semitism in many Muslim communities was not only seen as positive, but also encouraged in all aged groups. Not only that, members of those communities have actively resisted any kind of integration in main stream society, while at the same time milking welfare state to the extreme.

The issues with this have reached such extent, that it became quiet easy to identify who the real perpetrators of these acts were. In those few cases where perpetrators were native Germans, this would be reported in every newspapers and special accent would be put that it was "evil Neo Nazi Germans" who are doing bad stuff. But in majority of cases, media would just make small mention that the issue happened, suspects were arrested, mention was made that it was probably "right wing", in that case everyone knew that it was committed by immigrants, but media and politicans would just continue to gaslight its own population.

Long story short, by actively avoiding to report on what is actually happening, media and politicians in Europe are forcing its citizens to vote evermore right leaning parties in hope that the mounting issues will be finally dealt with. But as always, these issues are not affecting elites, but normal working people.

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This is what the end result of the Liberal policies provide. Did anyone think that you are letting the bottom of society immigrate and they have no sense of society? The reality of life is that you either squash crime and deport those who do it or you get this. We are facing the same thing on our border and the dumb ass liberal freaks blindly stumble along. Another killing by an illegal or gang activity well we must be accommodating. Well at least in your area. Dare not send them to us or we will get them sent away. See the liberals care about feeling good about themselves and not a care about you. Liberals just destroy by being stupid!

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You can either have a social welfare state or open borders but not both.

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Egalitarian societies are only possible when >98% of the population shares the same values and priorities. A clash of cultures, not races, is the problem here. Sweden accepted over 110,000 young Middle Eastern men into their society in 2015. That’s roughly 1% of the population, imported from countries with a culture of war and instability. (Not interested in having a debate on the reasons for that, I’m well aware of the West’s role in it.) I’m really not sure how you fix this problem without mass deportations. Something tells me Swedes won’t have the stomach for that...

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By what turn of logic do you just randomly place an immigrant population that possesses no semblance of civility and is actually medieval in mindset into the middle of a liberal democracy that has taken nearly a thousand years to evolve? The left screamed bloody murder when then President Trump refused to take these people en mass, but I think it's now fair to say that he was on to something.

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There’s an op ed in the New York Times entitled, “ Sweden is becoming unbearable,” and it’s all about the rise of the far-right party to power, but there is not one mention of the increase in gun violence and bombings that led to it! Journalistic malfeasance, which is what we can expect from the New York Times. The Washington Examiner is the only mainstream newspaper covering Sweden’s violence problems and the role that immigration has played. Le Monde is also covering it, plus of course Swedish newspapers.  Thanks for bringing this to the attention of your readers because people need to know what happens when you keep denying that a problem that people can perceive in their daily lives is real.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Oh, and it’s the right that’s extreme, huh?

The lefty liberals of Sweden handed their country on a silver platter to immigrants who don’t like them. Oh the shock that these immigrants are now biting the hand that fed them. This story has been repeated all over the world. See—little Mogadishu in Minneapolis. And while Europeans don’t bother to reproduce, the immigrants have lots of kids. Mark Steyn was right, by 2050 Europe will be Europastan.

The left never learns. They mean well. They feel virtuous. And others suffer for their fantasies.

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It is a clash of cultures. Europeans are generally polite, law-abiding, restrained, and sensitive to their impact on others. Middle Eastern societies put their women in burkas - because they expect the men to behave like animals. Saudi beheads their criminals in public to control crime. Is that coming to Sweden?

The US has the same problem. We used to brag about the 'melting pot' of shared values. No more. Now it's 'multi-cultural' crap, which is merely a cover-up for the acceptance of antisocial behavior.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Some peoples are many generations away from being ready to live in the first world. Sorry not sorry.

Also, it is becoming clearer to me that a common thread among lefties worldwide is an addiction to fantasy and a gullibility to the point of denial of plain reality. Not just this sad story about Sweden - this idea that you can import thousands of young aggressive people from primitive societies who are openly contemptuous of your values and customs and just want freebies you’re handing out and they’re magically going to become like you, and then when you’re punched in the face by reality you compound your fantastical thinking by denying the obvious - but all the other weird wrong shit many lefties believe. Vaccines and masks work, Teslas are going to save the world, Trump is a scary boogeyman working for Russia, abortion is great and liberating, Ukraine is a noble state and Zelenskyy a hero, cutting off their genitals will make confused teenagers happy, the nuclear family is oppressive, a spoils system based on race will bring about racial harmony, on and on and on. I am beginning to think lefties are just literally insane.

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The word 'racist' gets thrown about too recklessly. Multi-culturalism is an American thing. But European countries should be entitled to retain their native culture and identity without being labeled "far right" or "Nazi." This is a false analogy because the Jews in early 20th century Europe weren't blowing shit up and peeing on people, for crying out loud. No country should be guilted into absorbing people who don't see their hosts as human, and who leach off social services, never to assimilate into their level of civility.

It's not Sweden's responsibility to fix Syria. This is what Progressives fail to understand. This is hubris. We're so good, they will be good too, even though they come from chaos. No. There's chaos in these places because of the people there -- and those people need to fix their own problems. If it's "far right" to feel entitled to the peace and civility one knew prior to importing literal barbarians, then we should all sign up.

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It does not take a rocket scientist to know why this is happening.

Well-documented what happens to second-generation Moslem immigrants in Sweden and in all countries : confusion about identity, absence of a clear identity, mosque indoctrination to take over large parts of the country in order to set up a caliphate, and easy availability of social benefits without responsibilities to the state.

Stating the fasts is NOT racism.

Liberal irresponsibility, social benefits, and denial of reality will destroy Europe, and I dare say, the US.

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Defending your country and its culture is now racist.

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I would like to share this column with everyone I know, but I know the venom that would be turned on me if I did. The gang influence in our cities keeps me awake at night. Does anyone really believe that progressive politicians and unrestricted immigration is the ticket to a stable community? We need a national discussion that respects all ideas to deal with this attack on everything that makes this country promising. Substack is a good beginning, but it is only that--a beginning. I urge everyone who reads this column to send it on to everyone you know.

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Why is this happening? Hell, your article answers it: “It may be shocking for Americans to learn that in Sweden—the land of .... Greta Thunberg—all of this is going on”.

Not at all. Any society that worships an autistic teen as a climate wizard has lost common sense.

Plus, IKEA is Pretty much composite sawdust junk.

Nice people, Even physically attractive folks. But you lost your way thinking the rest of the world is just like you.

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Language matters. You label the one side the “extreme” right(how scary!!) and the other “progressives”(progress is good). Your bias is ingrained.

Now repeat after me: Diversity is our strength!!(as long as it is not in my community)

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