This is the kind of journalism the mainstream media should be doing. Were this woman a Trump appointee, they would be all over it. It is maddening that the rot in our institutions has such dire consequences and yet goes unnoticed by all but the most savvy media consumers. This one makes me sad on multiple levels. Thank God for TFP. Keep up the good work. Maybe one day, journalism will return to its true job of holding power accountable.

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Met an afghan translator the other day , only reason he and his family got out was he knew the marine commander in charge of the airbase security. He told me it was a total disaster. On a related note , this is why people are flocking to Trump, Zero accountability of the elites

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Failing upward? How about Victoria Newland and the mother of all upward failures, Kamala Harris.

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Well yeah, Federal employees are not fired. Ever. Full stop.

It's also next to impossible to get into the Federal government unless you went to a select number of schools and while in school got into a select number of internships, all of which you would only know about as a teenager or young adult if your parents are already a part of the system. The US Federal government - State, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, you name it - is one giant, incestuous circle jerk. I'm not speaking from ignorance. While I have never been a Federal employee - not for lack of trying - I know many who were/are, and I have served in the Peace Corps and worked for a Federal institution. No one is held to account for anything. Even before Covid, more senior employees rarely came to the office because who wants to commute all the way from Alexandria or Bethesda (it's about 45 minutes on average)?

FEMA still doesn't require employees to come into the office, and it's far from the exception in that regard. A close friend works for the Dept. of Agriculture. He's a genuinely dedicated civil servant, and he's not the only one, but he's definitely in the minority. He says he has colleagues he will not see for an entire calendar year at times. None of them will ever be fired.

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Gang members, cartel members, terrorists, and violent criminals are being welcomed into this country with open arms; yet people who risked their lives and the lives of their families protecting Americans are discarded like trash. Yet, I still have friends and family that say they can’t vote for Trump on moral reason. If they only knew.

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Why is immigration so hard for our government to figure out? This is infuriating.

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We have several families of interpreters who come to the park in the evening to play with their kids. Terrific people and great future citizens. But once they get to know you they will tell you of the scores of family and friends that did not get out. It is a sad testament to our country’s ignorance and callousness that has been repeated (think of those left to the reeducation camps of Vietnam) time and time again.

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But no discussion of her intersectionality?

How many boxes does she check?

Any plagiarism?

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I understand not voting or even tolerating Trump, but this entire administration is just so criminally incompetent they cannot be left in power; I’m still hoping for a Nikki win or Trump indictment. The USA is in trouble, plain to see.

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The Biden admin & Democrat party's primary goal is to replace heterosexual white men with women and minorities regardless of merit. Biden stated it early in his presidency Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is their primary goal. Look at our Vice President. It's essentially a war on straight white men.

It started in the Obama admin. A hatred for our country and its culture

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My niece works at the state department. A total, uninformed ditz. She said her co- workers watch porn all day.

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This appointment seems emblematic of this administration.

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I was able to get two Afghan families out of Afghanistan (Afghans, not Afghanis, that's their currency) during the confusion but still have 5 families waiting in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The families who got out were smuggled out because the US left them, pure and simple.

Our family living in Pakistan had their Embassy interview, usually the last step in the process, almost a year ago. Ask the State Dept, they simply say "The application is in processing." Meanwhile the family avoids attention by the Pakistani authorities and Taliban who hunt for refugees while they wait, and wait, and wait.... This is what Biden and Jacobson wrought.

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The Afghanistan withdrawal is when I knew we were in serious trouble. The people in charge of the US Government were acting irrationally and the military went along without a fight. Nobody with a shred of intelligence thought that was the way to withdraw. Now we see just how deeply the State is compromised.

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Afghans are the people of Afghanistan. Afghanis are the currency of that country.

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Had there been any integrity in the Administration, Gen Milly and Sec Austin would have been fired shortly after the Afghan withdrawal for their lack of preparation. This woman should have also been fired for reneging on all of our promises to the Afgan contractors. Who in their right mind would ever help us now if they remember Afghanistan?

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