
“Veterans of Gaza’s 2019 anti-Hamas street demonstrations, for example, braved gunfire and prison to make their voices heard, but received neither support nor solidarity from the outside world.”


Yeah sorry I don’t believe you. I only have one Muslim friend and she is the nicest girl you will ever meet and she is a hardcore antisemite.

When we hang out with my Jewish friends she is fine. It’s not genocidal hatred. But she’s 100% an antisemite.

Anyone who tells you Muslims can live alongside Jews is a liar. Maybe only a small percentage of Muslims are the ones who put the Jewish baby in the oven (which happened) after raping and beheading the concert attendee (which happened). You still cannot have Muslims and Jews living together. The Muslims won’t allow it. You can see it in their eyes.

It’s gross and creepy and it’s why I am so casual about alleged anti-Black racism in America because I’ve never actually seen any anti-Black racism ever in my life. But I *have* seen how Muslims hate Jews. I’ve seen it personally. I’ve seen how normal average everyday Muslims hate Jews and it is disgusting. This is bred into them.

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A June 2023 poll asked Gazans what they think.

If an election were to happen, would they vote for a Fatah candidate or the current hamas ruler?

Both scenarios resulted in a hamas win, both by over 2:1.

Asked about if they wanted more violent armed groups, 79% of Gazans said yes.

You can make a very good case for trying to avoid civilian deaths in Gaza and be saddened by innocent victims. But Gazans did support hamas.

https://pcpsr.org/en/node/944 the results are in sections 3 and 5

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I said it before & I'll say it again. In America thousands are declaring their fidelity to an evil, barbarous group of Nazis. These "protestors" are ecstatic over the murder, rape, torture, burning & kidnaping of infants, children, adolescents & elderly people solely because they're Jews. It's nothing more than classic, ingrained JewHatred. I'm sick of hearing the only answer is a two state solution. It would be wonderful if brought to fruition but it's a Bubba Misa, a Fairy Tale. This concept has been rejected by the Arabs in 1936, 1948, Camp David & Oslo. "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us" Golda Meir. Israel is, was & will always be between a rock & a hard place. I'd be afraid to walk the streets of NYC as a Jew. Yes, go live with the Palestinians because they love you! RIGHT.

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Just guessing about 1/10,000, or fewer, Gazans think Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state.

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Guess what. I. Don’t. Care.

There are very few, if any “innocent Palestinians” in Gaza. Why is it Israel’s job to take care of the people that want Israel destroyed, want all Jews worldwide killed and that voted for Hamas and got the land that really does belong to Israel? They HAD to have the Gaza Strip. They got it. And they are unable to govern it because they share a border with Israel and that, to them is an abomination. Why can’t Egypt or Jordan or Lebanon take care of these Arabs we call Palestinians. Why does NO other country want them? Could it be that they are indoctrinated terrorists? They are the most pampered, entitled, whiniest, laziest most aggressively violent refugees in history. They are happy to be kept as pawns in the perpetual “game” of who is to Blame for the fact that Jews have one ancient homeland. It brings in a lot of “humanitarian aid.” They are happy to die for the cause. Martyrdom pays quite well in all Palestinian enclaves.

58% of Gaza's support Hamas. Yet support for other terrorist groups is far higher in the Strip, with 71% of Gazans having a positive opinion of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, 61% having a positive opinion of the Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades terror organization, 64% who said they had a positive view of the ruling Palestinian Authority faction of Fatah, and 74% who had a positive view of the Lion’s Den, a relatively new Islamist terror group established in Samaria. I’m not great at math but to me these numbers add up to pretty much 100% support for ANY terrorist government that promises to annihilate Israel.

They started this war with Israel and HaShem willing Israel will end it once and for all.

Am Yisrael Chai

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I hate to cast shade on this glimmer of hope, but a 2023 poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Social Research found that a plurality of Gazans, 38%, thought the foundation of Hamas was the most positive development in the history of the Palestinians (37% of German voters voted for Hitler in 1933), and another reputable poll of Palestinians recently indicated that over 70% approved of the October 7th massacre. So just because they hate Hamas doesnt mean it won’t take generations of reeducation for them to stop hating and wanting to kill Jews. With the UNRWA doing the education, of course, that day probably will never come.

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I sure hope this is true and that with Hamas gone, Gazans will at least accept Israeli rule temporarily but I think millions of minds have been poisoned by a well of Jew hate so strong that it will take decades to move past this.

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While I don't doubt that the voices Braude brings are genuine, I think they are unrepresentative. As for the voice in the last video, spinning a sweet dream of peace and reconciliation, Israelis have heard lots of such voices in the past, telling them things they want to hear. By now most of them no longer believe such voices; they've been taken in time and again, only to find out (as on Oct. 7) that the voices are a lie. However there are some Israelis who believe compulsively in such voices and are emotionally incapable of comprehending that facts give them the lie. I note that the head of this "voices from Gaza" organization is not a Palestinian but a Jew. He wants to think well of ordinary Gazans and wants his compatriots to think well of them too. I am very skeptical of the judgment of the messenger and the veracity of the message.

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I’m always an optimist but a few voices won’t change the thought and action patterns of most Gazans. They hate the Jewish people and want them exterminated. Sucks but it’s just the facts.

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023

While I do feel for the 'every-day Gazans' not aligned with Hamas, all they have to do is 'rat out' the Hamas members to the IDF and this could go a long ways towards taking care of the problem. Of course it would be risky, but there must be some way that technology could be leveraged to allow this to happen. It seems as though it's either that or risk being killed in the justified Israeli strikes.

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I’d love to believe that these voices are typical of Palestinians. But multiple polls show not only support for Hamas, but support for killing Israelis, specifically Jews, in order to “liberate” all of Israel for Palestinians. Even in the West Bank, where conditions are much better, there is such strong support for Hamas that Abbas will not hold elections as he knows Hamas would win.

If there truly were large numbers of Palestinians who want a future more than they want Israel’s destruction, there would be hope for peace. While I’d love to be proven wrong, I remain skeptical that this is true.

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Well one would hope these voices are but a small part of a larger disaffection with Hamas. That’s kind of hard to believe however upon seeing the cheering that goes on when strikes against Israel or like during 9 11 occur. Or the children yelling death to Israel or the props given to the families of “martyrs”.

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If you’re skeptical about the Palestinian’s desire for freedom, notice that there has never been an Arab or Muslim state that has survived as a functioning democracy with real civil rights. Not a single one. And yet, if you resist the importation of such authoritarianism into your western country, you’re branded Islamophobic.

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The majority voted the terrorists in. I feel sorry for the civilized minority who did not.

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So what about Qatar? Their Foreign Minister wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal outlining their role in the peacekeeping efforts in this war. It’s my understanding they house the heads of Hamas. So, they protect Hamas, launder money and negotiate for the hostages? Sure. And as one of life’s ironies, the very people who support Hamas/Qatar are ignorant of the slave labor Qatar used to build their stadiums for the World Cup. Soccer good=slavery okay?

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Hmm. So what does all this mean? In times of war our soldiers should treat their civilians as hapless victims because they live under authoritarian rule? But their side is free to make no distinction between civilians and military because our civilians can stand up and oppose the actions of our military? Pleeze! War is hell and if you think civilians are “innocent,” then what are your soldiers “guilty” of? Protecting you?

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