Hitler had vowed in court, in September 1930, to destroy democracy through the democratic process. The judge asked, “So, only through constitutional means?” Hitler replied crisply, “Jawohl.” That’s why the cultural communists in the US can be found in the US government, congress and the White House. They are openly destroying the democratic processes that underpin our republic from within using constitutional means. Obama taught Constitutional law at the U. of Chicago before he was elected to the senate. Let that sink in for a minute.

There is no better way to destroy a democratic republic than by using the democratic process, and that process is contained in the US constitution and in the constitutions of every country that calls itself a democracy. The tyrant can either ignore the constitution or have it changed, and they've been wanting to change it for a long time.

They are following Lenin's advice to the letter: “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

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We need an update view Eli!

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And I definitely want an update on trustworthiness of Robert Costello!

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"Trump already has proven that he will not recognize the results of elections that he doesn’t win. "

Isn't it one's civic and moral duty not to accept falsehood? The 2020 election suffered continual interference for four years with the Russian Collusion Hoax and the burial of the Hunter Laptop story.

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William Case

54 minutes ago

The prosecution called former Trump controller Jeffery McConney to the witness stand. He testified that he—not Trump—was responsible for making what the prosecution alleges were false entries in Trump Organization ledger books. McConney testified that he sent an email to accounts payable supervisor Deb Tarasoff telling her to post reimbursement payments to Michale Cohen as business expenses. He said neither Trump nor his supervisor Allen Weisselberg instructed him to enter payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses. Under cross examination, McConney said he had the payments to Cohen logged as legal expenses because Cohen was a lawyer.

Deb Tarasoff corroborated McConney’s statement. She said McConney’s email read: “Please pay from the trust. Post to legal expenses put retainer for the months January and February 2017 in the description.” He said neither Trump nor his supervisor Allen Weisselberg instructed him to enter payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses. Under cross examination, McConney said he had the payments to Cohen logged as legal expenses because Cohen was a lawyer.

No witness has disputed McConney’s testimony. So, whether the reimbursement payment were valid legal expenses doesn’t matter. McConney—not Trump—caused the reimbursement payments to be listed as legal expenses.

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‘Trump already has proven that he will not recognize the results of elections that he doesn’t win’. Just like Hillary Clinton and the entire Democrat machine then.

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It is not just Bragg that is destroying the rule of law. It is the Federal DOJ, who sent a senior attorney from their DC office, Mr. Colangelo, to help resuscitate a felony claim when Bragg had previously decided not to charge Trump. And this collusion between the DOJ (and likely higher ups) and Bragg has led to our legal system’s demise in the eyes of many Americans.

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Useless article. Why did I just spend $80 for this?

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The evidence, which the defense does not dispute, shows Trump paid his lawyer Michael Cohen to negotiate a nondisclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels. Cohen paid her $130,000 to sign the NDA and invoiced Trump for reimbursement. Trump is charged with causing the reimbursement payments to be “falsely” listed as “legal expenses” in Trump Organization ledger books to cover up the hush money payment. The prosecution alleges the hush money payment was an illegal contribution to the Trump presidential campaign, not Stormy’s pocket book. The defense contends hush money payment was not a campaign contribution and that the reimbursement was a legitimate business expense.

But Trump Organization controller Jeffrey McConney, a prosecution witness, testified that he—not Trump—caused the payments to Michael Cohen to be posted as legal expenses. McConney testified that he sent an email to accounts payable supervisor Deb Tarasoff telling her: “Please pay from the trust. Post to legal expenses put retainer for the months January and February 2017 in the description.” He said neither Trump nor his supervisor Allen Weisselberg instructed him to enter payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses. Under cross examination, McConney said he had the payments to Cohen logged as legal expenses because Cohen was a lawyer.

No witness has disputed McConney’s testimony. So, whether the reimbursement payment were valid legal expenses doesn’t matter.  McConney—not Trump—caused the reimbursement payments to be listed as legal expenses.

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The evidence, which the defense does not dispute, shows Trump paid his lawyer Michael Cohen to negotiate a nondisclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels. Cohen paid her $130,000 to sign the NDA and invoiced Trump for reimbursement. Trump is charged with causing the reimbursement payments to be “falsely” listed as “legal expenses” in Trump Organization ledger books to cover up the hush money payment. The prosecution alleges the hush money payment was an illegal contribution to the Trump presidential campaign, not Stormy’s pocket book. The defense contends hush money payment was not a campaign contribution and that the reimbursement was a legitimate business expense.

But Trump Organization controller Jeffrey McConney, a prosecution witness, testified that he—not Trump—caused the payments to Michael Cohen to be posted as legal expenses. McConney testified that he sent an email to accounts payable supervisor Deb Tarasoff telling her: “Please pay from the trust. Post to legal expenses put retainer for the months January and February 2017 in the description.” He said neither Trump nor his supervisor Allen Weisselberg instructed him to enter payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses. Under cross examination, McConney said he had the payments to Cohen logged as legal expenses because Cohen was a lawyer.

No witness has disputed McConney’s testimony. So, whether the reimbursement payments were valid legal expenses doesn’t matter.  McConney—not Trump—caused the reimbursement payments to be listed as legal expenses.

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Yea, crazy world. Old enough t remember when if a candidate grabbed women by their... you know, crotch... his political career would be over, or sleeping with hooked. Man remember Gary Hart... gonzo

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U r obviously biased against Trump if ur only worry concerns what happens when and if republicans get power . The democrats have shown multiple times that they will take power at any cost . This attack on Trump is a miscarriage of justice . Justice doesn’t pick a man and then find a crime, it’s supposed to solve crimes then find the criminals.

This whole hush money thing is a way to bankrupt and embarrass Trump. Hindsight shows never pay off a porn star 😂. The payments didn’t silence her. She should pay Trump back as she is clearly in violation of her NDA.

I await the Biden trials over the open border, Afganistán withdrawal, Israeli weapons, and of course , Hunter and the Big Guy !

I also want to hear the audio from the Hur report . If Biden can’t be prosecuted due to mental decline he shouldn’t be president.

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The trail is a sham. It's a perversion & politicalization of the Justice department & most importantly sets a dangerous precedent!

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wow, this discussion continues... so now, everyone lies on their effort to get a loan huh?... that is your own business, you could be guilty of fraud, but we're not talking about trying to get a loan for your humble home mortgage. If Trump is to be believed, he is worth billions with business activities going on all the time. And when businesses (yes, Trump) lie and misrepresent earnings & expenses ... stock values, and other business valuations that you & I depend on for our investment and business decisions - are not accurate and you & I lose. OK? That's one reason it is against the law, and American Business would be in a shambles if businesses regularly misrepresented earnings, losses, expenses, etc. Remember ENRON? duh! Or the bankruptcies filed in Atlantic City that ruined so many small businesses. Ask those folks how they feel about businesses deceiving and lying?

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Eli Lake - would love to know why you included this line ¨ and didn’t wear a condom or display much sexual endurance.¨ So unnecessary and unserious. Questioned your credibility as soon as I read it. Your bias is showing. I can get this from the msm.

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I think he's trying to show that none of this testimony amounts to an actual crime. And that it's all sensational.

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If you are going to place an ex-American president in jail, you better have a really serious charge. Otherwise you are going to be putting a terrible stain on the history of the US that won’t be easily cleaned off.

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I was reading along sympathetically until I came to a full stop at:

"Trump already has proven that he will not recognize the results of elections that he doesn’t win. Bragg’s prosecution gives Trump and his supporters a ready-made excuse not to accept the results of the 2024 election should President Joe Biden prevail."

Are you really incapable of responding to the mountain of credible evidence and the plethora of successful prosecutions for election fraud that have piled up since the 2020 election? Do you really believe that Joe Biden won the election fair and square while campaigning from his basement? Was it his charisma? His statesman-like bearing? Are you not troubled by simple truths like the fact that vote-counting was stopped "independently" in various swing states when Trump was way ahead? And then, after a hard night's work, Biden miraculously pulled ahead in the count by just barely enough to squeak over the finish line? Add to that a hundred other anomalies, all of which favored Biden...

I would be willing to attribute your statement to a simple information deficit if not for the outrageous suggestion that Trump and his supporters are looking for excuses to dispute the election results. We don't need excuses, we just want honest elections! And we don't need insults from TDS sufferers who still haven't come to terms with the fact that they should seek professional help.

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I don’t trust the democrats. They yell about Trump destroying democracy while they r busy destroying democracy.

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