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The Power of Kim Kardashian

Just when we think we have Kim Kardashian pinned she adds another hyphen.

Just when we think we have Kim Kardashian pinned she adds another hyphen. She’s a reality star, until she owns Instagram. She’s an influencer, until she becomes a business mogul. She’s the sexual icon of a generation, but also a mother of four. And now, this week, she’s one step closer to being a lawyer. 

Somewhere between 2007, when “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” first premiered and now, she mastered media in a way that has transformed it forever. She was in digital while we were still in analog. So: what’s it like to be the first one living in the metaverse? 

We ask that–plus: Trump, Kanye, cancel culture, cultural appropriation, beauty, TikTok, and her favorite cast member on SNL–and much more on today’s episode.

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