I voted for Jeb in the 2016 primaries here in SC. I thought Trump was a Dem stalking horse for Hillary. He ran to stick it up Obama's ass after Barry humiliated him at that DC dinner. Trump was the dog that caught the garbage truck and was shocked that he'd latched onto the bumper. Then when elected, the GOP establishment turned their backs on the guy. The deep state was working to subvert him before he even took office. One of my problems with the guy is that he had no experience in govt- none. He was set up to fail. But he didn't.

I wish he'd stop reacting to every slight but that is just the way he is. He and Vivek are correct on Ukraine. Ukraine paid Joe Biden (what a deal- a few million for BILLIONS) to back them against Russia. The former Soviet states should have been declared a demilitarized zone. The Russians were backed into a corner and when you back the bear into a corner you get the claws- duh. Nicki in particular is super hawkish and that makes her a very dangerous person in a bad way. I wish Trump had decided to devote his time to cheating at golf but he is a stubborn dude and won't go away. He remains solid on the issues and hasn't lost anything on his fastball. He was right to steer clear of these debates. He has kicked ass by not showing up. The Don is THE MAN. And Uncle Joe will soon be put out to pasture. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Just spit balling, but what if the polls showing Trump's commanding lead are wrong? I seem to recall that prior to the 2016 election, these same polls showed him as the loser.

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Standing up for the unborn, who cannot speak for themselves, is almost like standing up for Jews today. It may not popular, but it's the right thing to do.

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While a majority of pundits ask “Who won?” the better question is “Who lost?” These debates have been a winnowing, not a selection. The first two debates got us down to these five (and that other guy), and this debate really allowed the differences to show.

Vivek, who was near the top of the pack back before the first debate, has now so fully revealed himself to be reckless, unhinged, and more of a performer than a serious candidate. His maturity is in question, especially after he tried repeatedly (and failed repeatedly--talk about loser) to pimp his stupid joke about DeSantis’ heels. Scum indeed. As discussed, he has tried to be Trump 2.0, and maybe he was, but his performance clarified just what a dead end Trumpism really is. He destroyed himself and damaged Trump. Good, and good riddance.

Tim took over the mantle of religious zealot that was left behind with the departure of Pence. His voters will no doubt be very loyal but insufficient to bring him the win.

That leaves the three serious candidates. Christie is a stateman; Haley is the negotiator; DeSantis is the warrior. Any of them would make a decent president; all of them would be better than either Trump or Biden. Will any of them make it to the general election? I can only hope.

The only winner that I could see was the mainstream/legacy media. I loathe their egregious bias, but it must be said that NBC did a hella better job than the nincompoops of FOX. So kudos. This is why, in addition to FP and other independent press, I also read and follow MSM, despite their deep and obvious flaws.

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I though Vivek killed it.

I'm all for my man Ramaswamy!

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I thought this was a substantive debate. It was surprising, since the first two were not.

I thought Haley was clearly the adult in the room, and appreciate her willingness to defer to voters’ preferences on the abortion issue (as did Christie, I must say). Her pragmatism on foreign affairs is welcome. It is a scary world right now.

It’s hard to understand why Republicans would prefer almost certain defeat with Trump over equally certain victory with Haley, but they aren’t called the stupid party for no reason.

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I gave up watching the debates. They’re pointless and performative - just puttin’ on a show for us rubes. Unless one of them has a stroke or kicks the bucket, we’re going to see Biden vs. Trump next year. Just great.

If I were a Republican and someone asked me about abortion, I’d tell ‘em “that’s between a woman and her God, whatever she conceives that to be,” (bad word choice, I know.) and just leave it there. Republicans on abortion are like that idiot in “Tin Cup,” hitting ball after ball into the water on principle. “I think I can, I think I can…” only works in children’s books and bad movies.

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I won't vote for Trump in the GOP primary because IMO, if elected president, his sole focus will be on enacting revenge on his political enemies. I don't want a president like that. His narcissism and eggshell ego drive every decision he makes.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

Buttigieg just took a private jet to Ukraine supposedly to discuss rebuilding their transportation infrastructure. He sure took a long, long time to get to East Palestine, Ohio if it ever happened. Hmm. Complete disregard for American infrastructure —he must want run as a Democrat.

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I find it interesting that every commercial break featured TikTok ads. It’s almost like they knew banning TikTok would be a subject and China seeks to manipulate our gullible public.

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fyi, I tried to donate $10 to Nikki Haley's campaign. For whatever reason, the website would not accept it. I tried it 2 different times....and sent an email that did not get answered. I'm computer literate enough to pay my bills online. Nikki seems like the only serious candidate that I would feel comfortable supporting.

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How is it that the Republican candidates decry TikTok while TikTok ads clearly pay for the debates themselves and nobody mentions that? Am I hallucinating, or is that a double standard to beat all?

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The Republican party has two millstones around its neck: The abortion issue and Trump. To defeat the Ds next year they need to remove both of them. On abortion, invoke the libertarian principle that the government needs to stay out of a citizen's personal life. On Trump, I have no idea, except hope he bows out gracefully. -Not!

Of course, huge unpredictability factors remain that could make scrambled eggs out of the entire political class: Trump goes to prison, Biden goes to the nursing home, Kennedy ruins it for the Ds, the woke coalition falls apart, WW3, etc.

It is a giant mistake for the Republicans think they have it easy based on this week's Times-Siena poll.

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Trump is for Trump. Always has been, always will be.

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I found Ramaswamy's fake righteous anger tiresome after awhile. Haley was the only one who seemed remotely presidential.

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None of these candidates have the grit or smarts of Donald Trump. He confronted the CCP. He secured our border against much of his own party’s lack of support (thanks Mitch, thank Ryan). He delivered an economy where every every race and sex saw their wages increase while keeping inflation at or under 2%. He kept Russia at bay, delivered on the Abraham Accords and reduced our presence in Afghanistan and protected the troops there. And he did all of this as Democrats pushed a bogus Russia Collusion narrative and impeached him over what we now know was corrupt behavior on the part of the Biden’s in Ukraine. In short, he’s done the job. The people on stage vomit bromides that make them sound so I ready for the job. Time to end the charade and back Trump. I did agree with one thing Rona Romney McDaniel needs to go.

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