Thanks for the tips, what to see, what to avoid. Speaking of Jesus Revolution, there's a lot more than evangelism going on in that flick. If you look you can see the start of today's nihilistic chaotic liberation mania. https://pd1000.substack.com/p/jesus-revolution

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The author of this article is 21 yrs of age? Amazing. What a well written piece! Who is the author? :)

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THANK YOU for this comprehensive list. I can happily skip every movie reviewed.

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I hope you like it as much as I did! I agree with your that Red had shades of The Double Life, even though I preferred the latter. The Decalogue is an incredible project. Maybe it would have had more success nowadays with the series format being much more popular.

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I saw two movies this year. My wife dragged me to 80 for Brady, which even she admitted wasn't very good. I dragged her to see Sound of Freedom, which was well done and told an important story. The only other film I'd like to see now is Killers of the Flower Moon, because I read the nonfiction book about the Osage Tribe. None of the movies reviewed seemed compelling and I'm not willing to spend two hours on Barbie or three on Oppenheimer.

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I read Killers too, hope the movie does it justice.

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Best critique of a movie by apparatchik Obama: Olivia Reingold’s. By Jove! A free spirit with a critical bend and a sharp tongue! I thought they were extinct!

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White people should be able to comment on any non-white person's hair without any response/offense from the non-white.

Any movie that acknowledges a racial dynamic is woke.

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Six of us watched maestro on New Year’s Eve before we went to dinner. Two of us walked out long before the movie ended. afterward, this was the general consensus….

The whole story was that…

Leonard Bernstein was a musical genius

That he was a homosexual, constantly on the lookout for new homosexual partners.

His wife was a saint

The movie was sloooooooow

Among the 6 of us… Three 2⭐️, two 3⭐️, one 4⭐️

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Why is anything having to do with Napoleon always endlessly fascinating? Wasn't the man a tyrant and an ogre? You can marshal him under those and a lot of other descriptors, not all of them negative. But none of that matters. If we find ourselves rooting for Napoleon rather than against him, I suspect it's because of the deep satisfaction we get from seeing arrogant incompetence trounced by brilliance, even when the brilliance serves causes we don't necessarily favour. (Lesson painfully learned: "When you face the marshals, advance. When you face Napoleon, retreat.")

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Perhaps I am in the minority, but I turned off Maestro within 20 minutes. I didn't believe any of the characters and the acting seemed wooden to me. It seemed forced. Most likely, the screenplay was at fault. My Hollywood son-in-law told me he thought it was "Oscar bait." because Hollywood produced a film about a well loved celebrity. I did not view the rest of it, but going over and over the fact that he was bisexual seemed to me to be overkill, from what I have read.

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Thank you for the fresh take. Its lack of laughable pseudo-intellectualism spouted by the usual critics was most refreshing. Did not detect even a hint of effete snobbery. Fun and refreshing.

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Appreciated the titles given for each film's review.

Don't forget "The Boys in the Boat". What a pleasure to watch a film with good acting - good direction - beautiful scenery - a true and compelling story - great values, and a feel good 2 hours.

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Thank you for posting the reasons for not seeing any of these movies.

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Could not get past 15 minutes of Maestro - it is so badly written and directed. Bradley Cooper, what happened???

Napoleon was awful and not because of creative license with history.

Barbie (saw only because I was dragged along) was beautifully produced but was nothing more than an hour+ of male bashing.

Oppenheimer was waaaaayyyy too long and almost incomprehensible .

So much dreck from Hollywood.

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We can’t stop making fun of seducing a freshly dug grave around our house. ‘But would you f*c* his/ her freshly dug grave?’ Is our new default question to determine the level of anything now.

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This was a very bad year for smart adults who like good films.

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