
Comey’s eleventh hour reopening of the investigation was meant not to harm Clinton’s election chances - they all believed the fix was in, and insurmountable - it was a brushback pitch meant to remind HRC that she could sit in the Oval Office but she’d best plan to be on her back or knees before the FBI.

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Trump has proven to be a criminal and deserves all the investigations.

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It's far more than a "black-eye"...the subversion and intentional misleading the American public is a criminal offense and treason. It is the very definition of a domestic enemy to our Constitution and those that purported and lead the acts should be prosecuted. Even worse is that both the Democratic and Republican Parties remain hiding behind these corrupt agencies (FBI, CIA, DOD, CDC, FDA, EPA, etc, aka: the swamp). Biden would boost the confidence of the American people if he stood up to the swamp and forced some accountability...but he won't...why?-- Because he is also culpable in these crimes and stays protected by them as long as he protects them. The United States has turned into a 2nd bit banana republic because of this corruption.

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This is not news, not will it ever be. The main stream press acts as if it never happened, or that it is a conspiracy in itself. There will never be any level of satisfaction, as it is okay for progressives to act this way. They are, in fact, our new communists.

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I respect Durham’s recommendations, in effect, hire and promote honest employees to the FBI. How do we do that?

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My family still thinks Trump is a Russian agent . The Durham report will be read 100 years out and maybe it will get a fair deal. Hunter Biden is a stand up dude . It’s all about where u get the news now . I’m going to the free press

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Check the Mueller report.

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Excellent work, Eli. And thank you, TFP for publishing this. After all the blatant hoaxes, scams and psy-ops of the last 7 years, the fact that anyone can still have any faith or trust in ANY branch or agency of our government (and its lapdog media) is absolutely mind-numbing.

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I hope this sinks in for people.

The farcical money laundering schemes that are a Foundation or in many cases 501c3 "charities" is a problem that really needs to have prominent awareness and frankly regulatory lockdown. How do people accumulate hundreds of millions of dollars in Foundations when they don't have any sort of business or benefit yielded to the "donors" is the question people need to ask. It's purely influence peddling, often at the expense of our national interest and sovereignty.

In the case of the Clintons or the Bidens (and many others), they have no business that produces anything and yet they are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the origins of which are often foreign adversaries or interests related to them. The Bidens are receiving payments in the millions of dollars from entities that are unlawful for a legal U.S. business to even engage with.

The depth and breadth of the corruption right now is truly endangering the stability of our Republic.

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unfortunately trump focused on unsubstantiated claims of election fraud when, at the time, there was already strong evidence of a media (and possibly) FBI collusion against him in his 2020 campaign. this is the overwhelming theme of trump - to focus on trivial and petty issues over the many accomplishments he had as president. i will vote for him if he is the republican candidate but i hope it is someone else

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Lol at the idea that the bureau is supposed to be above politics, etc. Dear god, the cognitive dissonance needed to refer to the organization founded by J Edgar Hoover in this way is nothing short of breathtaking. Although everything written in this piece may be true, that level of ideology-inspired rug sweeping puts this author firmly on the “feelings before facts” spectrum.

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It IS a farce today as nobody but republicans are 'prosecuted' over false charges.

The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation is the Stasi. Good piece, but this was obvious on July 5, 2016 when Homey Comey listed all of HRC's felonies and then spent minutes saying why no prosecutor would prosecute - which wasn't his job.

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I just love how all these left leaning people that imagine they are smart and get recognition as if they are did not see this in 2017. It was all so obvious to us deplorables back then. Listen to Nunes, not Schiff, see that Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice the waPo, NY Times were lying and still are. Now we just know that Biden and Obama were in on it from August 2016 on, we have a date, time and place, the Oval Office. Anyone that didn’t figure this out is willfully blind and has an attention span shorter than a Tik Tok video.

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Sure. To quote an infamous, former SecState, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

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One of many black eyes earned by the FBI leadership. No, we do not need to defund the FBI but we need a commission like the Church Commission on the CIA in the 1970s. Most Dems are inclined not to seriously consider this well-documented malfeasance. Thus, we need a bipartisan commission if, in fact, that is possible in the present era. Why is Christopher Wray still the Director? Bill Barr stands by him but that is not good enough for me.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

The FBI has 5 major divisions that break into smaller areas of concern under the control one man and a handful of subordinates. I think keeping the funding but breaking the juggernaut into its campsite pieces would be the best reform possible.

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