After reading Osama bin Laden’s “letter to Americans” rationalizing the murder of more than 3,000 Americans, the ignorant Gen Z brats should read Hitler’s Mein Kampf which rationalized the murder of over 6 million Jews and precipitated the death of more than 30 million people during World War II. If someone wrote a book explaining why it was OK for Charles Manson to murder Sharon Tate and others no doubt it would be a best seller at college bookstores and material for a Netflix miniseries.

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We can support Israel unequivocally and condemn antisemitism and still question why the Jewish vote has historically been overwhelmingly for Democrats. Introspection is in order now that the ugly head of real evil has surfaced.

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Nate Silver is a political hack! Will never trust his analysis.

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"Stumbling towards the White House" or something darker still?

A time when,

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

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I speak 75

Dumb fuckin nigga'

Dumb fuckin goy

10 million blacks killed by Muslim slave traders

Why would any black support Muslims

Muslim slave trading still goes on today

Why would any black support Muslims

Black Christians are being killed in Africa by Muslims over 10000 in last 2 years

Why would any black Christians support Muslims

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Zanzibar off the coast of East Africa was the center of the Arab slave trade where African slaves were transported in Arab slave dhows to the slave markets by Arab-Swahili tribes. King Mutesa of the African Kingdom of Buganda was the largest supplier of captured African slaves being sent to the Arab slave markets in Zanzibar. Slavery would not have been possible without the involvement of African tribes selling their captured African tribes people to the Arab slave traders in Zanzibar. The Ottoman Empire was a large market for African slaves sold by the Arab traders. African boys were sold as eunuchs to guard the Sultans harems of pretty young African girls.

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It’s really quite simple. You look at Biden & one wants to cry, scream & pull on your hair. One look at Trump and one is overtaken with extreme nausea. Haley & Manchin actually came across as rational while the remainder are out and out wacks! I like Giggles because watching her is like watching SNL.

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The speaker of the ward here finds Joe Biden's immediate and clear response of standing with Israel wanting, somehow. Some of her peers even accuse him of "silence". You can have 101 reasons for disrespecting Joe Biden but this is not one of them. It's as if I were to criticize her boy Reagan for saying "Tear down this wall", which was one of the few clever things he ever said. Beyond that, we got the destruction of the middle class and Iran-Contra, from a guy who was recognized as a clown everywhere, except in this stupid country, where the absurd pageantry described in the article is the logical next step. Excellent men like McCain have their graves urinated on by the front running criminal lunatic for the R cult, Romney a pariah, hiding from the mob that assembles, for instance, in this forum, which fancies itself just right of center but which is exactly as delusional as a comment section in the Washington Post. It's another party in the echo chamber, and that's what we're seeing in Here comes everybody.

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I like Nikki's idea.

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“ Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy — with whom Haley has frequently feuded in recent candidate debates, including calling him “scum” after an attack on her daughter for having used TikTok — referenced her idea as “disgusting.””

He didn’t “attack” Haley’s daughter for having used TikTok. He merely pointed out Haley’s hypocrisy.

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America has certainly inspired a lot of the terrorism against us by our foreign policy decisions (many of which the majority of the American public are unaware of), so I suppose Bin Laden was right as far as that goes. However, that doesn't justify killing innocent people (some else America has done a lot of, but I digress). The shock the people reading his letter for the first time display, I think is a good example of how effective American propaganda aimed at Americans really is. All that said, I under no circumstances support use of terrorism in any context and certainly do not feel any sympathy for Bin Laden or his cause. Let's just not forget that our military and foreign policy have helped fuel that cause for decades. Doesn't make the cause or it's methods right, of course, but does point out an area that we Americans desperately need to address.

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I seriously doubt Biden will be the Democrat nominee. My money is on the crook from California who continues to run his state into the ground. He’s a criminal just like most other leftist leaders.

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Meanwhile, Nikki Haley would surely have been on the British side in the lead-in to the American Revolution, demanding identification of those pesky pamphlet authors Publius and Common Sense. Fortunately the British didn't have cell phone tracking at the time.

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The life expectancy data for 2020-22 shouldn't really surprise us, given our less-than-optimal Covid performance and the much higher excess mortality over age 60. The article acknowledges the Covid issue and says the drop is "on the FDA's radar" -- which is rich, considering the CDC and FDA in combination generated a faulty initial test and wouldn't approve the many better tests developed in the academic and private sectors, preventing us from using the test-and-quarantine regime that largely succeeded for the critical first year before vaccines became available in South Korea. Then our public health establishment compounded the error by going with lockdowns too late to be effective, but for long enough to enhance "deaths of despair" - suicide and drug overdoses.

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