Just a couple of observations.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

That's from the U.S. Declaration of Independence. You may have heard of it. While only a few crazies - like some of the people you highlight - want to abolish the government, the indisputable fact is that the current "administration" - if you can call it that - is operating as a fascist regime, jailing its political opponents and their supporters and using government agencies as weapons against the People, and at a bare minimum needs reforms of the most serious kind.

I find it a little disingenuous for the author to point out a tiny group of crazies, implying that they are Really Dangerous, while blithely sweeping past the globalist elite - who plan global takeover through energy shortages and starvation of the masses via their silly "climate" policies and unfettered invasions of hordes of immigrants who hate their host countries - like, oh, say France for example. Perhaps the writer should get his priorities straight.

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“Sovereigns try every way to skirt laws.” Kind of like the Biden Family.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Fortunately, our courageous reporter ventured forth from the land of fine wine and enlightenment to document the customs of the primitive natives in their natural environment. Margaret Mead would be so proud.

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Let's examine this in closer detail. The Black community is approximately 13 percent of the population. Of that if you listen to the so called intellectual mouth breathers like Jamel Hill you could say 10% of the Black community says they owe nothing to America and America was built by them. See lies are all dependent on who is telling them and what kind of attention they get. Need that 13% voting block?

The FBI says white supremacist is a major threat. Haven't seen any lately and if you are talking about the uneducated KKK, then I say you are sucking red pills. Heck, how many Muslims (1.1%) living in the US have allegiance to the US? How many South Americans or Latino as they are grouped, which is probably the wrong way to group them (19%) have allegiance to the US? How many young Americans (so called) would actually fight for America?

See the problem with this article is you immediately start making the people look like weirdos. You actually try and belittle the people with attacks versus examining the issues as they list them. Look at a few of the issues.

Does Tech and the super rich help control the world? Hell yes and it's going to get worse with AI. Look at Suckenbuurg, Gates, Kerry, Gore, and countless others and tell me that they are trust worthy and care about you. Has the government gone off course from its role per the Constitution? Ah yes! Do our elected officials grow rich and powerful while the average person/family suffers more? Ah yes! Does the average taxpayer have any say so over the taxes that are literally given away to cronies and favored groups? Ah No! Does the government worry more about special interest groups and their stupid demands like guys are girls and biology means nothing? Ah yes! Does our government think letting druggies sleep on the sidewalks or die on them, maybe crap wherever or steal as needed is compassion? Ah yes! Does reparations like 1.5 million per person make sense? No. In Calif and many other states, Asians were not allowed to own property until the 50's and last states repelled it's law in 2016. The LA China Town is not the original, the state took the property for a hotel. The only way there is one now is a guy was smart enough to start China Town through a corporation so they could own property to overcome the laws.

Bottom line is that all Americans have suffered n many different ways. The trouble is the government finds it very, very useful to keep the population divide and at each others throat.

See it's all in who is screaming the loudest. So do these people have good claims that the government is not acting in their best interest? Is this the best method? Not sure. But lets face it, both parties are controlled by elites and big money. So what are people to do? Think bout it.

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"Look! People who don't like the American government believe in Lizard People!" Another garbage article from the "Free" Press.

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Sure, pick out a few disaffected and the nuttiest of them and single them out for ridicule. But you can't escape the fact that "[i]n 1958, around three-quarters of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing. Last year, just 20 percent believed their government “always” acts in their best interests, according to Pew." And when one looks at our government, is it any surprise? In a sane America, news of the FBI intimidating citizens, spreading false news and protecting the ruler's son would have led to a thorough house cleaning of that Augean Stable if not its complete dismantlement. A sane America would have howled for the head of the CIA director who spied on Congress. A sane America would have gathered with torches at the news of 89,000 new and armed IRS agents to harass our people and eat out their substance. A sane America would have taken to the streets to take down a government that appointed a "disinformation czarina." A sane America would demand a Justice Department that enforced the rule of law and equal protection But we are no longer sane. If we were, we wouldn't countenance a senile grifter as president with a freak show cabinet . If we were, we wouldn't have a Supreme Court where three justices are so ideologically blinded that they ignore the clear mandates of separation of powers and a color blind Constitution. Yes there is madness in our land and its author is the Democrat Party and their allies. So if a few vulnerable souls overreact and take extreme views of the madness, is it any surprise? The only surprise it that - with silly offerings such as Popescu's - Bari seems still tethered to the self-reverential and hypocritical liberal zeitgeist of the NY Times that routinely sneers at "flyover country," from their ivory towers in NYC as the streets below teem with filth, crime and depravity.

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At this point, I'm down with the lizard people running the show. Just sayin.....

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"But the sovereigns are symptomatic of a larger feeling in this country. In 1958, around three-quarters of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing. Last year, just 20 percent believed their government “always” acts in their best interests, according to Pew."


I see politicians as perpetual liars who do not follow the law. We have two systems of justice. Actually 3 systems of justice. One for us, one for conservatives & one for Democrats. Plus we have a DISHONEST media.

We have a serious problem and people are slowly getting fed up. Our government is supposed to be of the people and for the people and that is no longer the case.

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“The FBI estimates there are around 300,000 U.S. citizens who claim no allegiance to the elected government in any form—and their numbers are rising.” Isn’t the FBI one of those lawless orgs? Aren’t FBI agents some sort of lizard people living in a lizard world? Isn’t Substack itself the result of the institutional breakdown of the legacy press? We’re all Texians!

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Do journalists take classes in character assassination? Loaded language like “vent, angry, militant” and getting your subject to bare her soul and then contrasting her emotional statements with the seemingly shocking origins of her group are disingenuous tricks for controlling readers’ perceptions. This is the opposite of objective, does a huge disservice to the public, and is tearing our society apart by further destroying confidence in journalism. I’m losing interest in “The Free Press” as a serious outlet as the percentage of nasty and unprofessional articles like this one increases. I’ve been on the lookout for this trend since I realized that Nellie Bowles was the “journalist” who wrote the infamous NYT hit-piece on Jordan Peterson. I almost ended my subscription when I realized that, but after all she doesn’t run TFP. However, I’m seeing increasing signs that this arrogant and incurious attitude towards non-mainstream subjects is either part of the ethos at TFP or is so pervasive in today’s journalists that Bari is unable to find ones who aren’t infected by it.

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I'm not against reading that which doesn't agree with my world view - it's how we stay informed, educated, and sometimes even entertained.. But Free Press, you do yourselves no favors printing this crap you might think is "edgy" but is really, as with several other stories, just biased writing that shows us your own bias and ideology far more than simply an opposing or simply 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 viewpoint.

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Biden, AOC, Schumer, and the rest of the scumbag left wants to give away $430,000,000,000 of government money without the consent of Congress in order to buy voters and I'm supposed to care what a bunch of people who simply want to be left alone do?

I cannot understand why anyone wouldn't want to do what the government tells them to do all the time. Why don't people want to be domesticated and led around by a bunch of clowns with a 10% approval rating...what are they thinking?

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We used to think we could vote out the bums and restore government to some sort of sanity. But now do we even trust our election system? Mail in ballots, vote harvesting, $400 million from Zuckerburg, search engine results controlling what people know, and an electorate so brainwashed and dumbed down they believe the likes of AOC and Maxine Waters. Voting is no longer a remedy. I like the idea of redrawing state lines so eg, eastern Oregon secedes from Oregon and joins Idaho. Imagine Western NC without the lefty tri-state area.

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Bari - Where did you find this kid? Thomas PAINE, Oklahoma City bombing was in 1995, and we weren't fired because we were 'asked to get a jab' - it was a federal mandate. A government mandate, you know, like it was 1942 in Dachau or something.

I have been a public employee as a soldier and volunteer firefighter for most of my adult life, so I don't mean this for you wonderful folks at the ground level trying to do the job as best you can... Everyone at the state and federal level is just shy of evil in that they take an almost majority of your pay and waste it.

If you are trying to avoid the government at any level you are equivalent to our Founding Fathers.

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And hunter Biden is being treated just like everyone else.

Anyone who believes this government tells the truth is delusional.

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The tone of the article is patronizing. These are the people who are working class and are paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes. Their children won't have the funds or opportunity to attend private universities or even a good elementary education. These are the people who lost income during Covid rather than receiving large Covid checks from the government for not working. Why not understand their agony and motives instead of writing like a prince about unrefined serfs?

When Nikole Hannah-Jones introduced the incorrect and very fringe view of 1619, no one wrote about her footware and clothing. Why not quote how Nikole supports Cuba despite the regime's cruelty and lack of civil rights? Journalist fawn over Nikole or weigh each word written because of the backlash of being "anti-intellectual". How fun to have working class targets where one can write with acid about their clothes and ideas without ever digging into the why of their alienation.

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