As an Australian I don't get to vote. But I am pleased that Trump prevails. I really, really want to see America great again.

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Exactly. The nation is broken on a fundamental level. There is not one institution which is still trusted by at least half, possibly even less, of the American people. Trump understands that Ron does not.

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i disagree - what made desantis so popular was his “libertarian” approach to coronavirus in which he allowed individuals to decide what was most important- protection from disease or financial well-being. i believe his commanding victory in the governor election was due to the luring of moderates for this very reason. compare this to his authoritarian approach to disney and the transgender movement - though he exposed the danger of the DEI movement, his approach to using big government to go after it went against his “brand.” had he remained consistent in his platform of “individual choice,” i have no doubt he would have been a more competitive candidate

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The reason that DeSantis could not be Trump (and I say this as a Trump supporter who likes DeSantis) is that the ridiculous lawfare against Trump turned him into a martyr for us.

Republicans HAD TO support Trump, because to abandon him in the face of these bullsh*t legal persecutions would set a precedent, to be used in every election, where the far-left would use the exact same lawfare on ANY strong GOP candidate.

We cannot let the radical left control who our nominee is.

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I keep thinking I'm going to wake up one morning and Republican voters will also wake up. I have and will never understand the power of Trump. I also don't understand why we would put him, the 2020 loser (as he likes to call people) up against Biden, again. And if he loses again, well of course, it's

a rigged election...there is no other outcome. Desantis and Haley both subscribe pretty strictly to conservative ideology and have more professionalism, intelligence and (out on a limb) a stronger moral compass in their little finger than donald does. And their use of the the English language spans far more than the 25 words in donald's vocabulary. IMO, Desantis or Haley will wipe the floor with Biden (assuming he even makes it). SMH in PA....

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I was all in on Desantis after the 2022 midterms and his re-election. I thought he could actually begin the process of scaling back this government behemoth. But as soon as Trump announced he was running, Desantis should have packed it in and waited for 2028. Now he has the stink of Trump on him, and his presidential aspirations are over. Notice how none of the people who lost to Trump in 2016 (Cruz, Rubio, Bush, etc) ran again this time other than Christie because they were all permanently tainted by running against Trump. Desantis should have read the room and the mood of the electorate and as you say realized that right now people want entertainment and combativeness and anger, hoping that in 2028 there would be a return to issues-driven politics that he would have taken advantage of. Of course having said that, when Trump loses to Biden this year, would you be shocked if an even less coherent and less energetic Trump runs again in 2028 at 81 years old...

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Dear Bari Weiss and the rest of the Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka the Free Press) Team:

News flash: No one should have ever TRUSTED INSTITUTIONS in the first place...

Where the fuck did you people learn critical thinking skills?

America is not broken because, despite what idiocy you believe, it was never FIXED except, of course, when the black savior, Obama, was in charge. From 2008-2016 America was clearly a paradise and we all "trusted our institutions"...

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

Or maybe it’s that DeSantis is an utter bore better suited to annoyingly whining about mickey than running a mass movement. And I agree with DeSantis, yet I still find him gratingly petty.

American politics are nowhere near as important as we like to pretend. It’s so not important that the lefty’s nominate the brain dead and the diversity hires. But a short, boring, annoying twat? Nope. No party wants that.

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People were listening to him until he spent all his political capital taking on Disney and trying to enact the same kind of codes in Florida that the Democrats are trying to enact from the other side.

Anti-woke is just as bad as woke - both require the underlying concept that speech should be controlled.

Trump beat him easily because the better response to woke is to fight against their control - to refuse accept that control of speech is a battlefield that can be won or lost. Trump beat Haley because you cannot appease those who wish to use the government to try and control speech. "No, really, we're not that bad," is not a great rallying cry.

DeSantis seems to understand that we're in a vital battle over whether the US "experiment" will continue to be a viable form of government. Unfortunately, he didn't understand that pesky liberty concept all that well.

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I consider my personal job in life to be Savodnik Hater-In-Chief. I find this to be passable and I *shudder* agree.

I think I just threw up in my mouth saying that.

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DeSantis was my first choice for a long time. However, Trump and Vivek both came out stronger against the deep state and the left’s machine of gas lighting, censoring and msn media propaganda. I also agree the democrats have been propping up Trump. They would never win against DeSantis or Vivek. They have been working hard to put DeSantis down and Vivek irrelevant.

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democrats want to run against trump. the democratic media, the MSM, wants the nominee to be trump. its good business and the candidate they think they can defeat. haley is in it with backing from the democratic press to make sure to split the anti trump vote. Desantis was being hit on all sides for a whole year. he never had a chance

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