The 2020 election was not between Trump and Biden.

It was between Trump and Not Trump.

So, instead of Trump, we got a serial liar and plagiarist; the epitome of an empty suit politician who has gone whichever way the winds of popular opinion have blown him for the past 40 years.

And now he has increasing vascular dementia to boot, all the while supporting policies that edge us closer to an economic catastrophe and a Third World War.

But at least he doesn't have mean tweets, right?

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I will remember him as the worst President in my lifetime who doubled the price of everything, caused the deaths of 13 soldiers, torched billions of dollars literally (see Ukraine) while pushing more homelessness (with more to come due to the millions more poor coming in). Really people! ANYBODY BUT THIS JACKASS PLEASE.

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Anyone who writes this about anyone..."He’s one of the most supremely human beings I’ve ever met."...isn't qualified to opine on anything.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Bari - if you choose to publish patent bullshit and nonsense peddled by partisan nitwits and clowns you will soon go the way of your previous employer.

Don't waste our time.

Not only is Biden a now senile but always corrupt imbecile but he has presided over inflation that tangibly has hurt working Americans, lunatic and ruinous energy policy, divisive politics, the weaponization of the Justice Department, chaos abroad and turning our beloved nation into an international laughingstock. Worst of all - he has subverted our laws, opened our borders and unleashed a tidal wave of migrant criminals.

You are coming perilously close to losing readers like me if you think anyone with a firing neuron choses not to believe that this stumbling, bumbling clown is a national disaster.

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I almost stopped reading here: “He didn’t want to upset Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, the largest donor to the Biden campaign.”

But I thought no: read the interview. I had to stop after reading here: “On the surface, yes, it is. It is lying. But there are different reasons why people lie.”

I hope this works in courts across America now as it’s working for the POTUS. Apparently we are burning this country to the ground for the democratic nominee’s comfort.

Free Press: please consider your standards for writers peddling books.

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If anyone had told me in 2010 that men can get pregnant, UFOs are real and that a man with dementia could be a two term President I would have laughed for hours.

Now, not laughing.

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I could not read nor listen to this article in full, which is unusual for me if I’m going to comment.

However, the very premise of the piece is, to use that overly used word, gaslighting. Not just ordinary gaslighting, but gaslighting in the extreme.

For goodness sake, just stop this nonsense, please. You take us all for fools, it’s insulting to our intelligence.

Foer is selling a book at the expense of honesty. Ugly stuff.

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“Biden is “the father figure of the West,” someone deeply experienced in foreign policy and racking up policy victories at home.”


I’ve decided I’m going to listen to this while I’m taking a dump.

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I love FP and TGIF is the highlight of my week (so grateful for commentary that is unflinchingly honest while simultaneously making me laugh out loud, gives me hope) - but also relieved to see these comments (I am not alone). As I listened to the interview, I kept thinking “this guy is obviously a shill for Biden, when do the tough questions start - maybe there will be some kind of critique at the end - etc” - and it was all the more disappointing after listening to the prior week’s interview of Leonard Cohen’s biographer, which kept me spellbound all the way through, so well done. Honestly (no pun intended), the only meaningful mea culpa I can think of is to allow a Trump apologist to appear on the show - but I do not think that is what FP is supposed to be about. Put another way, this was no exchange of ideas, it was just a commercial for Biden with no meaningful pushback - you guys have set a high bar, please do a better job of living up to that.

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REALLY?!? I get not wanting to be ageist. But anyone with one eye and half a functioning brain can clearly see that we shouldn’t let Biden drive... much less run a country. If he were my Dad If be taking away the keys. It’s criminal and dangerous to play politics with the President. Imagine if Biden had an R after his name rather than a D. He’d be long gone with Harris in charge.

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As usual...the question is wrong...its not his age that is the issue...its his seriously declining mental ability. This dementia can affect people of any age. The truth is the Democrats chose Biden because they could manipulate and control him...hence the "basement Biden campaign" in 2020. Anyone with any ability to think critically knows the Obama progressives in the White House are deciding policy...with disastrous results for the US!

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What I get from this, and too many recent articles, is that The Free Press is becoming The New York Times Lite. If this keeps up, I’m out of here.

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As a habitual commenter on The FP, I’ve learned the first one out of the gate gets the most likes, our currency, regardless of the quality of your work. Foer obviously understands this, which explains his hagiography of Brandon. Foer a skeptic? Call me skeptical. By the way, this man’s most notable work before this biography was How Soccer Explains the World. Deep.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Now we have the view of Biden from The Atlantic. So the next interview should be a partisan view from the other side. Millions of migrants pouring into the country from all over the world, costing billions. Biden firing thousands of unvaccinated US workers by decree, but allowing legions of non-citizens to enter the country without testing or vaccination and then flying them under the cover of night to different cities. If this was really about contagion, how did this policy make sense? Regarding the pandemic, Foer only mentions school closures. What about American citizens who lost their income and pensions due to Biden’s mandates? Kind of a vicious policy for our dear “father” seeing as the shots didn’t even prevent transmission. But Foer has apparently forgotten them all. (I personally doubt anyone fired during Covid will ever vote for a democrat again.) The interview could also examine if Biden’s lies really are the right kind. Lots more to talk about. If this really is The Free Press, let’s hear from the other side.

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It’s not the age it’s the cognitive problems and you know, the graft and corruption.

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His age is not the disqualifying factor. His dishonesty, corruption, incompetence, failure to uphold the laws of the land, implementation of policies designed to weaken and ultimately end the United States as a constitutional republic, sickeningly irresponsible decision to withdraw the way he did from Afghanistan, and absolute failure to address the struggles so many Americans are facing render him unfit to hold office and unfit to seek re-election. Shame on TFP for hosting such blatant partisanship and distortion of the truth.

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