I'm a little late getting to this story but my first impression is that, in the eyes of the administration, this is less of an immigration issue than it is just another government handout to the politically connected - Michelle Obama's policy director? really? These types of handouts have become a hallmark of the Biden administration. I'd love to see The Free Press dig into this issue.

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I understand there are NGO’s operating down in Central America providing food, shelter, and assistance to migrants headed north; would be a good story to cover as well…..

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I wonder about that and I wonder about how much Catholic Charities makes from the border crisis. I'm also curious about all the ways NGO money is moved around and funneled from one place to another. I think the government reimburses the American Red Cross for expenses related to helping disaster survivors. I wonder what the money trail looks like for NGO spending related to the border.

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Just like Big Pharma and Big Tobacco, the Left have made Big Compassion is just as profitable for its executives.

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"Non-profits" are making billions across the spectrum of issues. Nice work if you can get it.

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Here's an interesting and disturbing read: https://www.state.gov/non-governmental-organizations-ngos-in-the-united-states/

"It is important to note that the federal and state governments do not judge the value of an organization’s specific activity or mission in determining that these organizations are eligible for tax-exempt status. The U.S. government, generally, does not seek to influence an organization’s mission, determine how an NGO is structured, approve who runs it or serves on its board, or direct its financial management."

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Here's my question - Wouldn't you think that the gov't employees handing out the multi-million dollar contracts to these NGOs, whose salaries are quite low in comparison to what these 'non-profit' NGO execs are making, be enraged to see how taxpayer dollars are being used? I'd expect to see/hear a lot more whistle-blowers on this topic, but then again, whistle-blower = pariah so....it's just all around sickening.

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this is the government participating in Human Trafficking. the majority of these children are being subjected to the cartels IN America. this is worst than or equal to how Britain used to treat its subjects, not citizens.

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In Florida’s grand jury report they named the largest resettlement agencies in the state…adults;not minors. Catholic Charities…Lutheran

Services…Jewish Services…just because they put a religious name on the front doesn’t mean there’s not waste. Look into those agencies as well.

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Shameful…but they have no shame. We are on a long distance trip & I’d like to be able to show this article to every big rig driver who we drive past. Their taxes being wasted obscenely.

Though you briefly mentioned the age of the “unaccompanied minors”, it should be emphasized that the majority are teenagers..obviously, babies & young children aren’t crossing by themselves.

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We all know that words matter so when does this become an "invasion of our boarder" ? How many million makes it a invasion ? The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines : 4. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass. 8. The entry of a large group into a new area 3. An intrusion or encroachment . Words matter we need to change some of these words from crisis to INVASION ! Words matter ?

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This is just unconscionable. How many children are missing now? The system isn't working because it's overrun. No amount of money we throw at it will improve it. Control the border. And put these NGOs and their CEOs out of business

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The people running these programs know how and who to get on a Federal government teat.

Once attached, life is good.

They are clever people who know that the socialist core of the Biden administration can be easily played.

Biden himself is akin to a dummy sitting on the lap of his Marxist ventriloquists.

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May 15·edited May 15

I love that these NGO's actually use government money to pay lobbyists to get more government money. The grift that keeps on giving!

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So sad. Professional do-gooders raking in millions at the expense of desperate children.

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really good article - among the most interesting pieces of information are the number of people who are making huge amounts of money that have made a career out of living off their connections to the government. If these were public companies - half of the senate would be calling for an investigation and for the CEOs to go to jail...

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Thank you Ms Rowley for exposing this. There is a widespread belief that non-profits are altruistic and are “not about the money”. With some non-profits, that is true. With many others, it’s ALL about the money. And it’s all the more irritating when it’s being done with money from the government. What is the incentive for the non-profits to solve the problems for which they were created? Answer: there is none. Once the problem is solved, fundraising and government money dries up. So the non-profit needs to either perpetuate the problem or create new problems to keep money flowing into their coffers. Perverse incentives. And where are NYT, WaPo, CNN, and MSNBC on this? Completely missing in action. The whole idea of a “Free Press” as outlined by the 1st Amendment was to serve the public as a watchdog of the government. Instead, the Corporate Media has morphed into the Public Relations wing of the DNC. And they are allergic to inconvenient facts. It’s getting beyond absurd at this point.

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