
Why Trump? He's arrogant, sometimes childish, obsessed with his loss in 2020. Trump is all of those things. Why does he refuse to give up his fight for his second term as President? He's running because his entire first term was subject to the most vile lies and accusations ever leveled at an American politician. He has actually been compared to Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler. Really! Despite this, he managed to open a dialogue with business leaders to bring jobs back to America, primarily from China. Notice that this initiative came to a screeching halt when Joe "Mr. Middle Class" Biden took the presidency. Trump had virtually zero inflation, he lowered taxes for everyone -- yes, even for billionaires (horrors), the people who actually pay the majority of taxes. The southern border was locked up with only a trickle of illegal aliens slipping through. The stock market was in great shape as well. Why on earth is he fighting so hard for the Presidency. And why on earth does anyone support him?

Well, the Steele Dossier for one thing, which turned out to be Democrat opposition baloney; the infamous conversation with the Ukrainian official, which turned out to be more baloney; various and sundry untrue stories about the Trump children profiting from their father's position -- (compare that with Hunter Biden taking millions from Burisma after getting the prosecutor who was investigating that same company.) It seems to be true that they have accused Trump of the very things of which they themselves are guilty. Finally, in the maelstrom that was the Covid crisis, Trump did everything humanly possible to blunt the effects of the pandemic, including creating hundreds of hospital beds and getting car companies to retool to manufacture ventilators instead of cars. For this Gov. Andrew Cuomo called him every name in the book and then some. No good deed goes unpunished if you are Donald Trump.

And now, he's spending millions defending against a fraud lawsuit, claiming that he over-valued properties like Mar-a-Lago which the brilliant US attorney for the southern district of New York proposes is actually worth a paltry $18 million. Seriously.

He's also been slapped with a civil judgement of $81 million by "author," E. Jean Carroll who claims she somehow "found herself" in a Bergdorf dressing room with a man she hardly knew who "sexually abused" her. She can't recall when, not even the year let alone the month and day. Oh and she presents no witnesses and a NY jury awards her millions despite these circumstances. If anything actually transpired between the two, I'd venture to say it was consensual -- you know, kinda like the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair. Isn't that how Democrats characterized the relationship? I would suggest that Ms. Carroll can't recall the date of the assault because Mr. Trump just might be able to prove he wasn't in New York at the time she cites. She's clever if nothing else. In any event, the "justice" system has been completely weaponized against him and, apparently, he is not permitted to defend himself. Democrats should realize, though, that the very system they own today can be turned against them in the future.

Yes, millions will support Donald Trump because he has been wronged, grievously wronged by un-elected, unaccountable bureaucrats who has seized the apparatus of the justice system and turned it against an individual citizen. And, in America, the Constitution is supposed to protect the individual against the tyranny of the government.

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Some people sure have short memories. In the 2020 democratic primary Bernie Sanders won the IA caucuses (26%) nosing out mayor Pete (25%). Ditto NH: Sanders (26%) Buttigieg (24%). Next was the NV caucuses where Sanders earned a decisive 40% of the vote. Did either of these guys end up the nominee? No. It wasn’t til then 4th primary (SC) that Biden had a W (49%). His showing in the first three races was abysmal (14%,8%,19%). Who says IA and NH decide the nominee?

Polls don’t always predict what the voters will do. Ask Hillary. Stop being brainwashed by pollsters and journalists telling you your candidate can’t win. American Republicans and Independents (where legal) need to stop whining about a Trump-Biden rematch and vote in their states primaries/ caucuses. It ain’t over til it’s over.

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"Ed Cornell, a retired gunner".

OK, Rupa, what is "a gunner". Was Cornell in the Canadian armed forces? Did he have a rank? How long in that service, or is it something else entirely?

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Trump is the only one who can save us!

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All you ardent feminist go aheaand carry on. Paint it as you see it however as a walking talking vagina. Condider putting tw earss on this animated vagina. One ear representing morality and one ear representing truth.

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Trump’s mix up of Haley and Pelosi may have been Trump playing 4D chess again. In making the mistake, he has the press talking about Pelosi’s culpability for Jan 6.

It would shock you to learn there is a credible argument and proof that Pelosi set the whole Jan 6 thing up so she could invoke an emergency session, which she of course did. The significance of that -- the planned objections were quashed (no debate during emergency). Even if those objecting had lost it would have provided a path to go to SCOTUS. Without the objections the objectors had no standing which made the SCOTUS appeal impossible. Nancy knew it. McConnell knew it.

Make no mistake: Joe Biden was installed.

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Trump’s ego is getting bigger by the day..brain getting smaller. Immature comments about Haley will be the nail in his coffin.. another wasted opportunity... finally lost me.

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Barbie is crap. Trump is the better than the rest. Trudeau is a douchebag (I think it's a French word, so I feel no remorse in WP typing it out in full), and the Dems should have embraced RFK, jr.

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President Trump is popular because he makes the left go crazy and reveal their hypocrisy. Anyone who dislikes the left almost automatically likes President Trump.

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I don’t see many Nikki voters going for Trump…how about writing her in anyway?

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"The greatest threat of 'our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government,' Maddow concluded, is “. . . people wanting that.”

The disdain I have for the likes of Rachel Maddow and those who speak like she does has no limits. The policies of Democrat-run states, cities, and the Biden admin during COVID were nothing short of authoritarian. The vaccine mandates and prolonged school closures should remain an indelible stain on the country -- forever. The Biden admin has clearly attempted to interfere with individuals' free speech all while the Maddows of the world cheered these measures on. Nary an apology has been made. Rachel Maddow can stick her hideous head farther up her own ass, as can the dipshits who nod along with her.

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I read moderate right & moderate left newsletters.

Read liberal digital newspaper.

Read conservative sites.

Read liberal sites.

No TV programs.... No cable programs.

I find those folks scary biased.

Think it thru and draw my own conclusions.

Not that hard if you think being informed is important.

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Half the country voted for Donald Trump and would do so again. The other half can't believe it. I do think Ambassador Haley as the Republican nominee for president would open a pathway to control of either Senate or House. Without control of at least the House, there is no oversight and moving the ball down the field is really difficult.

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Make America Boring Again!

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Mine is: Make America Grownup Again…but if ya think about it…maybe they’re one in the same!

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Who am I voting for? Trump, Kennedy, Biden, Kamala Harris, or Mrs. Obama?

None of the above. Agor Ism gets my vote.

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It’s really remarkable to me that no one, especially the heavily biased MSM, has even tried to understand why Trump supporters support him. And I mean truly understand by spending time talking to his supporters beyond sound bites. Instead of repetitively using the legal route to attack Trump, justified or not, or referring to him as a fascist and his supporters as MAGA and deplorable there has been no interest on the part of democrats to know why his followers are angry and frustrated. Phillips is the only one who has taken a thoughtful approach toward what is a phenomenon that is not going away no matter how much progressives ignore it, insult it or out and out attack it. Glad I am an independent.

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They can't understand and they never will. THey have been brainwashed from a young age from the cesspool education system from,k-college, fueled by a propaganda media.

They are so ignorant that most couldn't even understand even if they tried.

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