As an establishment trained doctor who now questions everything from mainstream medicine, I hope this series is far reaching. Reminder, most doctors are employees in a very broken system. They don’t even have time to seek the real truth, and if they find it and speak out, they risk losing their jobs. I left the system in 2015 thank God. All glory to Him.

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

More Nellie in my weekly reading?! Sign me up! Also, fascinating stuff here. I've worked in healthcare for over 35 years and it is painfully clear the last the the public health establishment cares about is the public's health. Very interesting insights.

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The CDC got something wrong? Are we sure that is not Russian Dis-information? I am just like really, really totally stunned that the CDC got things wrong. Next you will tell me Joe isn't a true believer in Christ, his resurrection on Easter observant and prefers tranny day instead.

Why is it news that plastic is destroying everything? The island of plastic floating in the Ocean. Countries dumping their recyclables in poor third world countries. But we are meeting pollution and carbon goals? Yeah for us, we are just so good! Again, our leaderships lack of empathy and remorse is astounding. Our National Recycling is a joke as the heavy metals being dumped in landfills. We are killing the Oceans, but rest assured, we are putting more regulations on gas stoves. Idiots all!

If we all have to eat bugs, does that mean the roaches or politicians are on the plate? Soylent Green coming? Asking for a friend?

On what planet or under what rock must you live to finally believe the Government lied on COVID? Why is that even still debatable?

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I’ve spent 15 years working on making packaging more sustainable. This topic is rife with charlatans pushing agendas.

I would proceed with caution and skepticism on the perils of plastics. Not because there are none, but because, I feel, researchers generally have a ‘plastic = bad’ starting point.

Also common in the impact of plastic assessments is an acknowledgment that plastic isn’t a single thing it’s a category of materials. Do we confuse gold with steel with lead? They’re all metals! Yet PVC = Polyester = the HDPE used for milk jugs.

Another factor often glossed over is the impact of the alternatives. A glass jar weighs 4x that of a plastic jar and 10x that of a pouch. Let’s use paper some say! Shelf life goes to crap and the paper coatings used to provide some oxygen or moisture barrier make recycling that paper difficult.

Finally, are the microplastics from your food container or your hoodie? Make sure you know the source before the banning starts.

Let me know if you have any questions on PCR and recycling. I’m a fan of both, but like life, it’s complicated.

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

I am a physician, and Covid completely changed how I view medical literature. I’m embarrassed to say how often I just blindly accepted the various dictums from the “established” medical community. No longer. Those “wacky” researchers on the periphery? Turns out they deserve at least a listen.

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

Being just another clueless skeptic with no idea what to believe anymore, I salute TFP for trying to figure it all out. More power to ya!

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When healthcare is for profit, we all suffer. I just received a survey from my last urgent care visit. They didn't care at all about the care I had received. No. It was a survey about my perceptions of healthcare concerns in "our community." It had questions about how much access I thought my community members had to various aspects of mental and physical health care. WTF?! I consider this a DEI fishing expedition.

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles, Suzy Weiss

Love that you are reading Weston Price! Now get Nina Teicholz to do a piece! 🩷

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I only drink the big jugs of water you get at Home Depot. Your home water has chloramine in it, which you can't get out, and which is probably mildly bad for you. I also think that if fluoride is toxic in high doses to the nervous system (it is), then smaller doses are probably not good for anyone. My personal view, and this issue is not settled as far as I know, is that fluoridated toothpaste probably provides plenty of fluoride for kids, particularly if they get fluoride treatments at their dentists.

And I don't use plastic to store anything. I use glass. I don't heat anything, usually (I break this rule sometimes) with plastic on it, and definitely not IN plastic.

I do think the plastic issue is a large one. It's in our oceans. String caught tuna, out there in the wild, may contain meaningful amounts of plastic, and certainly mercury. Most health experts now say that eating tuna every day is unhealthy. That's crazy.

To my mind, trash and plastics are the true global challenges. Global warming is a stupid joke only perpetuated by the effectiveness of our colleges in teaching compliance. The science underlying it is mockworthy, if that is a word.

But as was recently mentioned, trash and plastic get zero mindspace any more even with "environmentalists", because the world is going to burn up. Or change. There may be more hurricanes, or maybe not. Oceans will rise, or maybe not, but whatever it is will be bad, and once it happens we will tell that's just what we were predicting.


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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

I am absolutely thrilled about this new series! Excellent, excellent work!

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

Processed food is bad. White sugar bad. Natural foods good. Moderate exercise good. Being in community good

If you are concerned about children’s brains you better look long and hard at phones

One piece of advice I give my patients: “Be very careful picking your parents, it is one of the most important decisions you’ll make”

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles, Suzy Weiss

This is awesome!

Also, Nellie, my now 6 year-old’s favorite snack as a toddler was “butter in a bowl!” 😁

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles, Suzy Weiss

Once again Nellie, you had me at “prechewed by ideology!”

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After the multifaceted ways in which the government’s handling of covid was an intentional debacle, the recent bombshell of The WPATH files brought to us by the brave Michael Shellenberger. That TFPress not only opted not to mention this , but chose to include only the question about brain development questions in kids on puberty blockers in a way that doesn’t state that the NHs just banned the use of PBS for GD all together because they are dangerous and there NEVER has been any science to justify their use in GD kids to begin with , well that is simply NOT honest reporting for a “ health series” in April 2024. This lack of coverage of The WPATH files must be addressed as it is hugely important for so many reasons.How and why could this travesty and breach of all standards to protect children have happened in the first place?

Why hasnt Shellenberger been on Honesty ( hint , he stated he is being denied coverage by MSM and now we see TFree Press is also falling down on their mission. Bias shows as much by what important stories one chooses to cover as by the stories one is silent on( or buries in an unscientific way towards the end of the kickoff health column.);

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Apr 2Liked by Nellie Bowles

Thanks for creating this Nellie as it has been something I have been hoping and waiting for. If we can we get more true journalism as journalism, the straight stuff, and not paid for profit propagandists, perhaps our the better future we once envisioned for all will become the reality. Appreciate all that do you to bring your perspective, skepticism and wit to my inbox. Please don’t hand this off too soon, I look forward to your words far too much. Godspeed!

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We had a osteopathic doctor when I was a kid in rural Ohio. Mom used a folk medicine book that espoused the benefits of honey and apple cider vinegar before it was cool. She also switched from margarine to butter back in the late 60s. She wasn't big on exercise tho. As a Mississippian, she thought a lady should never carry anything heavier than a pillow. Good luck with this column.

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