I'm not bragging, but...well, okay, I'm bragging. My daughter placed 4th in the nation in the Bible Quiz.

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A beautiful story of great kids and families. It warms the heart to be reminded that there are kids with goals and dreams beyond getting likes on social media. Thank you Free Press for telling their story.

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This is so interesting. Thanks for a glimpse into a wonderful contest, and a group of excited, ambitious, focused kids!

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This is a great story. It's nice to read something positive about young people. Thank you.

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What a fun read!

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Great stuff!

Now, why doesn't the Free Press do something really brave and go find a similar competition where other minority groups compete and intellectually challenge themselves to do better than their erstwhile peers.

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Shane, I like this story--what I don't like is it being used as a charming diversion from the biggest political scandal of our time and maybe ever, i.e. clear evidence that the sitting president has amassed millions of dollars in what equally clearly are bribes from foreign governments. And that not Biden-bashing. Shane, it's a fact--reporting (in depth) on which should be job 1 for a publication named "The Free Press."

They buried the story on Friday and so far seem to have ignored it today. But I'm hopeful that FP may yet get its act together on this topic. Until then. I'm going to continue to speak out. You know, kind of a voice of conscience for the site.

And that's "who the Hell" I think I am.

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Thank you...very interesting...the kids are so driven. Also great writing... I felt as if I were right in the room with them.

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This whole article filled me with pride and joy! Thank you for sharing it!

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Children should not get indoctrinated with ideologies, be it religious ones, like this example, or political ones, like gender BS. Children should be taught science and rational thinking.

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What if these children (young adults, actually) are not "indoctrinated " at all as you see it? What if within their communities and family this life has been presented as a superior way to live one's life, and they see it in action and agree with it? They all seem to be happy to be living this lifestyle, and the results are a little hard to argue with. And I'd bet my last dime against your stale donut that they probably know a bit more math and science than you

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Just to be clear......are You talking about religious families or woke families? Because I hear statements like Yours from both kinds of ideologues. They are equally convinced to possess the absolute truth, do the very best for their children and have the happiest lifes possible. That's their justification for indoctrinating their offspring in the first place. I'm an advocate for passing on to our children the tool kit for critical thinking, science and rationality, to enable and encourage them to think for themselves and being able to make their own choices. That of course makes for a little less harmonious family life, I give You that, because there will be more arguments at the dinner table and not all of them will end in agreement, but it is a better training for the outside world they have to live in later than trying to fit them into a predetermined peer group. I do not wanna produce copies of myself, but strong humans who find their very own way. I myself am an atheist, but I will not consider it failure if my children turn to one religion or another later on. I'm also a 100% straight person, but I will not consider it a failure if a child of mine turns out to be gay etc. Failure would be if a child of mine turns out to try to force his or her own choices on others (including their children) or even try to persuade and manipulate them to be like them. I will never teach my children ideology and intolerance, but openness, selfdetermination and respect for other people how different the choices of those other people maybe. I would not make my children to go to bible camps, gender classes or other places of indoctrination and never send them to a school that tries to force such an ideology on them or persuade and manipulate them into one, but I would most certainly accept it if they decide themselves to visit such places and talk with them about the experiences they made their. Don't get me wrong, I would never blame You for being a jew, christian or moslem, as long as You just live your believes and as long as they do not include fanatism and intolerance of any kind. You may hope Your child will follow Your path, but please don't try to make it follow it other than by example.

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I'm confused by you capitalizing "you" and "your" Maybe English is not your first language?

You seem to be arguing against a lot of things I simply didn't say. Are you trying to convince yourself of something you're fuzzy on?

I'm also atheist. I explained to my children the various beliefs and told them to get out there and make their own choices. If one decides he's gay, different ballgame altogether. I have my red lines.

Your final sentence summarizes the entirety of my post, and was literally the only point I made.

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My view, for what it's worth, on Woke and its right-wing doppelgänger, Roke:

The popular usage of Woke has morphed faster than a coronavirus. Until recently, Woke meant what some commenters here said: an enlightened, aware, and decent person.

Now, "Woke" means the left-wing culture warriors who become so frenzied at an alleged attack on their beliefs--even if said "offense" is neither illegal, immoral, nor in poor taste--that they marshal all their media and culture power to get the offender fired, de-platformed, doxxed, excommunicated from the culture, or otherwise irrevocably harmed.

Example: the university professor fired for warning students twice that she would show an illustration of the Prophet Muhammed as part of an art history class; warning her students the day OF the reveal so they could leave the room if they chose; having one student stay voluntarily but go on to complain to university administrators that he was outraged, outraged at her "attack" on his "religious beliefs;" and the university firing her rather than telling the kid to grow the hell up.

Wokes are poisonous to our culture. But so are Rokes--my term for right-wing Wokes.

Rokes love to ban books they don't like. They smear political rivals as "groomers" and "pedophiles." Rokes use state power to harm anyone who complains about their political decisions: see, Ron DeSantis v. Disney. They openly violate the Constitution then dare government to do anything about it: see, Greg Abbott and his Abortion Bounty Hunters.

Wokes and Rokes are a minority of Americans, but they take up all the media air space because they generate clicks, likes, and therefore revenue. Worse, they harm real Americans with boycotts, doxxes, and other social excommunication. They're the Ebola of the body politic and should be isolated and walled off until they dry up and go away.

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“My kids go to a progressive school. They’re dying to be evaluated and tested.”

From the mouths of babes, yet the adults do not hear. From their deafness, will come their irrelevance.

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One of the best endings of an article I have seen in a long time - “It’ll never hurt to learn more.” Kudos to Miss Ritch; what an amazing and inspiring attitude!

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Fabulous kids! These are true scholars and intellectuals. Very few such kids left nowadays.

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I love this. All hail the nerds, for they shall save the world!

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This makes my Bible nerdy heart happy.

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