
Here’s an irony folks: when my JEWISH grandparents came to the United States they chose to learn English, to embrace the American culture, to not talk their native language even at home. That’s how important it was to them to BECOME AMERICANS. And now, those who immigrate to the United States and who hate Jews, for being Jews, do not care to learn English or to embrace the American culture as my grandparents did. But they do insist upon having the freedom to protest Israel, all Jews, and much of what made them come to the United States. Does anyone else think we are now in great danger in our own homes and businesses and country?

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It's too late for Britain. Their society has been in effect neutered by political correctness in toxic doses. But just for the sake of nostalgia it's useful to recall what Churchill wrote in 1899, way before Israel existed.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

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If you invite the enemy of western civilization to come into your country they will come. It’s really that simple.

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Britain will do nothing about the Muslims in their midst, because the Brits have the same murderous hatred of Israel and Jews but are more reserved about it. They just want to let the Muslims do the work of driving the Jews out of England, as was done in 1290.

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This is why liberal democracy can never, and will never, exist in a majority Muslim country, and why any liberal democracy that imports Muslims in large numbers will find its own democracy threatened. Democracy cannot put down roots in a Muslim society because their societies are extremely intolerant of disagreement, tribal, and have an extremely low bar for accepting violence as a normal response to disagreement, whether it be over politics, religion, or social life.

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When you invite people who hate you into your home, don't be surprised to find yourself on the street.

The police "service" in Britain are the UK wing of Hamas and the personal security arm of lunatic left-wing ideologues, sexual fetishists & pedophiles (they came to Kellie-Jay Keen's door to "interview" her "under caution" for being "untoward to a pedophile"). UK has become a paradise for perverts and predators. I saved a photo I came across on X of a couple of Met Police "servants" standing on the sidewalk holding leashes of two guys on all fours decked out in doggie gear, leather & chains. The message: "Dear UK police. Please stop embarrassing us. Yours, the people of Britain."

Politician who've been in office for the last years are complicit. The woke infiltration of the West's institutions couldn't have happened without them.

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All of this was easily preventable. Common sense should have prevailed, but politics won the battle. When the attacks in the United States occur, will it be in schools, churches or hospitals? Will it be bombings, shootings or stabbings? Perhaps a dirty bomb?

Will it be in large cities or small towns?

Who will be held accountable and how?

Will Biden go to jail for allowing the bad guys to walk in the front door to the country?

Will Pelosi and Schumer be held in jail for a year without bail for treason like they have pushed on the J6 defendants?

Will the republicans pull a Homer Simpson and blend into the shrubs for their complicity?

Will those who voted for the open borders and progressive attorneys general just shrug their shoulders?

Will the military be used to gain control of the chaos that will ensue and be willing to shoot US citizens to regain control of society?

Will police departments have enough officers on duty to control the panic or will those officers abandon their posts to protect their families and friends?

Will the EMT’s, nurses and doctors stand their posts to help their fellow man or will they also go home to protect their families?

It’s not a question of if, but a question of when and how big.

Weak men make hard times and the United States is probably going to find this out in a very hard and terrifying way. I have made peace with my existence. Have you?

I am prepared with my response to the coming chaos. Are you ready?

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At least Americans are armed. And many will fight back. This is why the never-ending calls by Democrats of “we’re coming for your guns” will never happen. We know who the enemy is.

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Agreed, and many democrats own and carry guns now due to the policies enacted by their party of choice. Americans owning guns doesn’t change the fact that the border is still open and the Trojan horse is being allowed through the gates.

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No doubt about that. Pray that Trump is elected and sends them all home.

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Feb 7Edited

I said a few years ago that Britain is lost and will be under full Islamic control in less than a generation. After reading this, can anyone dispute this? Freer, a self described liberal wing party member, is part of his own demise. He voted for, and stood along side, the very politicians who voted against his best interest. And here is the result. Hard to feel sorry for him. The rest of us were called, Islamophobes, racists, MAGA’s and bigots. To compound their problem, they have absolutely no ability to defend themselves with personal armed protection. I’m half laughing when he mentions, alarms, secure mail boxes, panic buttons, reinforced glass. But… weapon. Oh well. England, you were once great. Hey, at least no one will call him a racist.

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Islamic radicals and Islamic terrorists justify all this murder and mayhem by reference to the Koran. They can cite numerous passages such as, “Slay them [unbelievers] wherever you find them” (2: 191); “Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God’s religion reigns supreme” (2: 193); “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!” (8: 12).

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Islamic radicals and Islamic terrorists justify all this murder and mayhem by reference to the Koran. They can cite numerous passages such as, “Slay them [unbelievers] wherever you find them” (2: 191); “Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God’s religion reigns supreme” (2: 193); “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!” (8: 12).

Muslim believe the Qu'ran is the words of God. English Common Law, what of it? If you believe that English Common law supersedes Sharia, well, there are many Muslims who feel just fine about killing you !

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Will Britain wake up? This is heartbreaking.

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Really depressing story, one that is entirely our loss, well at least the community of people who appreciate democratic rule and the democratic duties we have to exercise to ensure its survival.

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UK is fast approaching becoming a failed state!

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Great Britain deserves such a fall and mush worse considering it's bloody imperial and slaving history. I do not understand how Americans are so sympathetic to Great Britain, as though we didn't fight a war to escape their grasp. They also intentionally embedded slavery so deeply into our commerce, sowing the seeds of our civil war while they were able to much more readily back away from slavery due it not being implemented in Great Britain.

And now they are cowards, bowing down to the 'savages' they used to sneer at, which seems like karmic justice to me. As far as Great Britain falling, who cares? They dragged us into two wars in the 20th century, which most Americans still don't understand were no different than the crappy wars we fought since. None were 'our fights'. But that flies in the face of the mythology Americans are sold about being world saviors. Sigh...

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[in the below, I cleaned up my initial outburst of outrage and begrudgingly substituted the very crude word for human fecal matter for the less triggering word 'toady.' But please do imagine me boisterously burping out the following in the most aggressive pre-barroom smack-down manner possible, whilst lifting the toady out of his seat by his lapels.]

A pox on that cursed little toady Freer. Look at that little worm play his victim card. Everything Freer decries in the UK, Freer has brought down himself, Freer brought this trouble down on the entire nation—OF HIS OWN VOLITION. Freer was THE LEADERSHIP ... Freer led the UK to this dangerous and untenable place. For how many years; for how many decades have the people of the UK come to Freer crying out in pain; suffering under the uncivil behavior of Freer's invited monsters. These monsters which Freer and his allies—the government of which Freer sits in leadership—so happily, gleefully, joyously brought in these monsters from abroad—oh how progressive [that was sarcasm]. Now this little toady absconds—as if HE were the victim—most likely Freer absconds to some heavily guarded redoubt where he can spend his dotage—sheltered—free from the destruction he himself has wrought. This little toady Freer brought this mayhem down upon himself, his country, and his people ... and now that the destruction is complete, in their hour of need, the little toady abandons the people to their fate—people Freer has disarmed, left unprotected, under daily assault by none other than Freer's monstrous guests. My contempt of Freer is almost without bounds. How many thousands young and old, live rough, mostly on sub-standard pay, in sub-standard housing, taking up arms, risking their lives to protect the nation ... and this little toady—from a leadership position—absconds at the first whiff of danger.

And how long until this same carnage unfolds upon the US too?

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Wow! Great post. I just posted (above) and said somewhat of the same thing. HE was part of the problem.

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What was your former job?

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