I guess I dont understand. how does this crap get into schools. and when it does why dont parents remove their children. or protest mightily

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two words. home school

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Home school your kids.

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Just wait until your local school decides to participate in World Hijab Day, where little girls of all faiths get to "experience" hijab for the day. They actually outright lie to children about it. This is supposed to be a feminist thing. I'm sure the young women in Iran who have been tortured or even executed by the hijab morality police for not covering their hair just right are wondering what is happening to the western world. https://worldhijabday.com/invite-your-school/

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An alternative view: https://x.com/exmuslim_norway/status/1753183512406946010?s=20 Type in #NoHijabDay on social media for some good counters to the hijab propaganda.

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Sister, if someone 100 years from now thaws out one of your babies and raises it to find a cure for cancer, you know in your heart you would be proud mama to the n-th degree.

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I believe children should be taught skills and critical thinking, and not be brainwashed by one side of a debate, whatever the justification. It is sad to see children paying the price of the folly of their elders.

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Picked up by the NY Post. On today’s cover. Excellent reporting by the FP team as always!

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Picked up by the NY Post. On today’s cover. Excellent reporting by the FP team as always!

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I used to be skeptical, even critical of home-schooling, but it may be the best option today.

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So? Nellie will still Democrat in November.

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Black Lies Matter is just a scam. The leaders appropriated the donations and spent them on themselves. The name ltself is a straw man argument, no one is saying black lives don't matter.

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"Same salad, different dressing" 👍

Also, it's a nice touch that the pictured school building looks like a prison, as many NYC public schools do.

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I sure hope the school is not let off the hook. Make them justify it. Do stories about this curriculum and the wokekindergarden crap. Then ask families, etc.. what is the compelling reason people vote for this stuff? Apathy? Ignorance? Ideology is easier than common sense? I just don't get how people can find out about this stuff, they know the ideology that is pushing it...but still vote for it. Makes no sense. But hold these administrators to accountability.

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This is offensive and as a parent I would be up in arms. As a piece of journalism however I am interested in hearing from any parents who were not offended and why not. Who made the decision to allow the curriculum into the school and why. And most of all what did the children take from it?

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I think hiring more black teachers is a good thing and so is counselors. Not less police though. I just wonder why black civil rights movements can't have their own goals without trans agendas being tacked on? One has nothing to do with the other.

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yeah its bizzare but a smart Republican could take advantage of that.

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So... did these parents speak up & say something? Or were they afraid that would be racist?

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