I haven't' received any Front Page for 2 days, not the TGIF this week.

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I too have signed up for Front Page and not receiving it. Please help!

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Is anyone else *not* receiving Front Page, even after they've subscribed and specifically signed up for it? I jumped through all the hoops Support has requested, and still...nothing. Grateful for any advice.

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Me too! I was receiving every day and all of a sudden I'm not getting Front Page or TGIF which I also used to receive. Help.

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Me too! I'm not alone, it seems. This newsletter is how I start my day!

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The link to sign up for this newsletter is not working. Bari! : (

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Can someone explain how one signs up to get this Front Page?

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I turned on notifications and now I receive a daily email from the free press containing a single story. It is not labeled front page so I'm still a bit lost on whether or not this is the front page.

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So how is this daily newsletter delivered? Thru Substack or by email?

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I think I speak for everyone with a brain when I say:

"We love you Bari !"

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It was with an Israeli reporter called Amit Segal

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Hey, i thought this was a daily feature, mon-thurs. Did it already fall by the wayside?

I don't see a tuesday.

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Why is it ok for anti-genocide Israel opponents to call loudly for genocide of jews but not vise versa?

Genocide is the stated aim of Hamas, these people support Hamas, "from the river to the sea" is an explicit call for genocide.

Why are they allowed to state that publicly while calling for a ceasefire?

Why is only one side allowed to contemplate genocide as a solution?

Isn't it important to be fair?

Shouldn't everyone get a participation ribbon in this competition?

If the solution/answer to genocide is genocide then it just becomes a race to win?

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I like it!

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While I think Harvey Weinstein is clearly a piece of human scum, I am appalled that it took four YEARS to determine his rape conviction wrongly decided. That our court system moves so glacially slow means others may well be serving time for wrongly decided cases as well, and perhaps they're innocent.

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Love this "front page" concept. You should add a link to TFP homepage to The Front Page.

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Growing up on Joni Mitchell and idolizing her lyrical acumen, I was crushed when she tried to leverage her weight against Joe Rogan on Spotify 🙃

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Abigail Shrier is right AND she is echoing exactly what RFKJr has been saying - WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? AND does it have anything to do with the violence we have in USA? Does that make Abigail a conspiracy theorist?

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