“In this house we believe….”

As someone who lives in the second-busiest police district in the city of Chicago, surrounded by 4 businesses that were looted and burned, the only time I’ve seen that insipid, self-righteous progressive piece of cardboard is when I take the train out to the “lilly-white” suburbs to visit my girlfriend.

Listening to self-involved millennials piss and moan about how they “just can’t deal” is becoming tiresome.

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What a deeply unpleasant person.

I've really got nothing else to say. I tried to find some broader insight, but the waves of smug judgment and superiority made it hard to focus on the words, after a while.

I'm glad for you that your parents are terrified of COVID like you want them to be, honey. Thank goodness they agree enough with you now. Thank goodness. Thank goodness Trump didn't "murder your family."

Who paid for your college, car, first house, btw?

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I have had relationships with friends and families that have cut me out because of Trump politics. I have not cut anyone off because of Biden politics. It seems that polling shows that liberals are far quicker to pull the plug on long standing relationships because of political disagreements. Why is that?

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I lost a friend during the Trump years. He repeated the Charlottesville hoax and I strongly called him out. We can disagree but I will NOT tolerate the endless lies.

BTW I am a well educated Physician and have very strong concerns on the integrity of the last election and our electoral system. It should be audited and investigated. Of course I knew the virus came from the lab when that was being “debunked”. I knew the Russia hoax was a GIANT CON two years before that was revealed. Maybe you are just slow on the uptake.

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Really good. I grew up in the mountains of West Virginia, where the mountain people still believe that family and blood are more important than anything. That upbringing has stood me in good stead lo the many years, particularly in med school, where to my eye, the gentlemen have for the most part gone elsewhere.

Who is right is not important; what is right is. The hardest thing in the world is to believe something in your heart-of-hearts, realize that you are wrong, and be willing to change your mind. Good on this author. We need more like her. The fact is, we are in a war - I believe literally - for the future of this greatest-nation-that-ever-was, and we need to take that mindset because, believe you me, the elites have it already. We can't be quibbling about the rules of the fight while the other side has us on the floor rolling in the blood and the beer.

I like Trump warts and all because he never changes, never waffles, and never backs down. He knows right from wrong and knows we are in big trouble. I'm in.

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“Gillian’s first boyfriend, when she was 14 years old, told her to “tuck that shit in” when he spotted her wearing a Star of David. The local country clubs had a rule: no blacks or Jews allowed.”


Boyfriend now donates the max to Democrats.

The most racist people in America are not in Nebraska. They are as follows:

1) East coast Democrats

2) West coast Democrats

3) Obama’s church in Chicago

4) The Klan

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I was really interested in reading this but had to quit halfway through. This woman is a leftist hack head case with the Trump hate. I never liked Trump either or thought he was what a lot of people made him out to be, I thought he was an opportunist more than anything but, and I really hope he doesn’t run in 2024 but this apoplectic level of fear and loathing of the man is, was and always will be completely unwarranted. It’s so childish and self righteous, to monsterize him in such a way. No one can even point to a great reason that he’s such a racist or autocrat. It’s just stupid.

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I love the complicated picture that is family. I do think it is interesting that many who have a visceral hatred of Trump don’t seem to have suffered hardships in their foundational life- meaning all of their needs to become successful were met. They are generations removed from the hard scrabble of “making it” in life. They have grown up in financially stable households. They attended, if not “elite” schools, then good schools and work highly paid and/or prestigious white collar jobs. I don’t see many Trump haters that own brick and mortar independent businesses.

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I would be curious to hear Gillian's opinion as to how Biden is doing as president and if she thinks Psaki and the others who speak for Joe are honest and truthful. I imagine the family will have a robust discussion on that subject as the turkey is being cut in two months.

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I used to wonder how the nazi party could get regular German citizens to look the other way as they persecuted a large segment of their population. I have watched the main stream media and Democratic politicians use ridiculous propaganda against any conservative who doesn’t vote for them. They have speead lies and hatred in order to demonize half the population- and I watched so many truly good people wildly cheer them on. We now live in a country where we have 2 systems of justice and where Democratic leaders can publicly call for making lists of Republican voters so they can be persecuted. I feel like I have a small understanding of how it could happen.

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These two women in this conversation are repulsive. How narcissistic. How self absorbed. How bratty. They HAVE been given it all and they look on their parents with such contempt. I suspect it wasn’t the parents that brought up Trump constantly but the daughters in their hatred, their literal visceral hatred. Probably both highly educated and yet as ignorant as all get out.

Well how do you like things now sweethearts? The border overrun with diseased illegals. Afghan refugees raping children and gang raping female soldiers. The border wide open trafficking shield fen and women and fentanyl and terrorists, terrorists I might add that hate Jews worse than anyone else. Inflation rampant which hurts the poor the most, but what the heck do you all care, your parents made you rich! America humiliated on the world stage. And a president who can’t even speak a sentence without garbling it, hiding from the world, hiding from us, and directed by who knows who that no one elected. Add in the congress with its squad ready to destroy Israel who are totally anti Semitic and the bunch of them who will happily destroy America too as long as they get their money.

These two need to grow the heck up.

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"If only my parents could be as wise, insightful, compassionate, smart and wonderful as I am, then they could see it my way. Alas, they are not educated elite, they are not artists. They are ossified political fossils of a bygone era of white Christian privilege (even though they were Jewish.)"

I had to get a towel to mop up the condescension and smugness that oozed from my screen.

18-30 is a time of self centeredness - I know - I have kids. There are millions of millennials coming of age professionally and politically, and their politics are rooted in this self centeredness. I think they believe they can do socialism 'the right way' and have no idea how naive and idealistic that is because of the safety, security, ideological immunity of America in which they were raised. They are fine with more taxes and more social spending - until their boomer parents die and there is nothing left in the estate because Uncle Sam got there first. Then, seeing all their parents hard won wealth in the hands of the proletariat - they will become at a minimum liberals (instead of leftists) likely Republican and hopefully Libertarian.

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It will be interesting politically what the NYers and NY Jews will do when Cortez runs and beats Chuck in the primary and then takes the seat. She is the important Antisemite in the country now, not some nobody alt righter. Nobody is more worshiped by the young proggies and nobody hates Israel and the American Jews who support Israel than Cortez.

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I'm moving out of California after most of my adult life in part to find respite from this kind of smug, self-righteous and clueless person. The cultural divide is real and becoming more ensconced. I believe Trump is a brutish asshole. I also believe Biden is a senile thug and the worst president of my lifetime. There really is no respite from our corrupt and immoral political class but I'm going to try to put it out of my mind while I enjoy retirement boating around the Gulf of Mexico.

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so full of condescension...just another example of how the left is arrogantly self-indulged...

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Fuck Joe Biden.

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