
Agreed with a lot of this. but the only equality we should be pushing for is equality of opportunity.

I strongly oppose any attempts to make equality of outcome. Although we should all be equal in the eyes of the law. That doesn't mean we should all enjoy an even split of the economic pie.

Some people are smarter than others, some people work harder (or work smarter). And some the free market just rewards for their talent to throw a ball (see sports stars etc).

I know a lot of people who are content to just do their 40 hour work week, and then kick back the rest of the time. But if you really want to get ahead that's no where near enough.

I worked 40+ hours a week while going to school to get my MBA. Same for the 10 months of intense studying for my CPA.

You can be damn sure I wouldn't have done that if it wasn't going to carry an economic reward. Mine as well sit around playing video games...

Don't trade BS wokeism, for BS socialism nonsense

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This piece describes how wokeness infected one elite K-12 school - they became Yale's dancing bear.

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I have viewed the members of the corporate media as whores for quite some time now. Why else would Donna Brazil take a job at Fox News? Why else would Fox hire her? There are plenty of other examples. These people will say or do anything for one more website click or another dollar in their pocket. The entire media is focused on nothing more than money while hiding behind this ridiculous facade of systemic racism. Most politicians are similar creatures except their currency also includes political power.

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Fox at one time was a genuinely conservative network, reflecting its owner's views and those of its president and several top contributors like Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately, the Murdoch sons are liberals, and in addition some of the hosts and anchors like O'Reilly left or were fired. They do still have a core of solid conservatives: Tucker, Maria Bartiromo, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and a few others. But in an apparent attempt to broaden its appeal, Fox News has brought in real left wingers like Brazile (since quit), Juan Williams, and other insufferable liberals, that anger the core audience as evidenced by the many inflamed comments on Fox's Youtube channel.

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Thank you for the essay and links to many other works. I apologize, but I believe the term “intelligentsia” in the paragraph about the Russian revolution is used incorrectly. This is not how we/the generation of my parents/grandparents living in the USSR used it. “Intelligentsia” was supposedly the intellectual minority standing up to the regime (The likes of Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn), Reps of Intelligentsia were publicly demonized, portraid as the off springs of the oppressors, shamed and sent into distant cities or cancelled into Gulags. What I think Batya is describing in her text we (the Soviets) referred to as Nomenklatura. That was tje real-time privileged hiding behind the holly war for social justice. I read the paragraph twice to ensure I understand it correctly and i think I m right… Sorry for jumping in again like this. Going back to the article.. really enjoy the read. 🤓

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Here's some EVIL FOR YOU:

I am a doc NNJ. One of my MD colleagues is an eye doc who was BORN WITH NO LEGS b/c of fetal exposure to thalidomide. He works for valley hospital Ridgewood, NJ . He refused the vaccine and HE WAS FIRED> Please read this... story from the north-jersey .com news service.

and see the picture.

this is the article:

this is his picture:

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Wow. And it's not even a real vaccine. Just a chemical that confers temporarily enhanced resistance.

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its not even clear that being vaxxed reduces ones chances of catching or spreading it. It ONLY reduces symptoms

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read this and immediately sent in mu $5O. You hit the fundamental flaw in the race reductionist views on the left and why those views are dangerous if they drive political strategy in America. I think it all started when the Democrats, torn apart by the Vietnam disaster, started organizing their political program around 'single issues' in an attempt to harness the energy of the '6Os movement. Whole networks supporting environmentalism, abortion rights, welfare rights, anti-nuclear, etc grew and competed for political attention and funding and attracted mostly college educated who then headed up organizations devoted to a particular issue, such as the Natural Resources Defense Fund, Children's Defense Fund, Ploughshares, etc. Foundation money flowed. Activists identified with issues more than the Democratic Party as a party, Reagan led a union-busting campaign, and slowly the social base of the Democratic Party changed. That's what you describe today.

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Now THIS should be required reading in every school.

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A special shout out and THANK YOU to the author of Bad News, Batya Unger-Sargon, for including in Chapter 10, Case Studies, a section on Jews - and how the New York Times has maligned Jews & Israel for a very long time. Speaking out against the formation of the Jewish state or Zionism, burying stories about the Holocaust and presenting half truths when covering the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, are just a few examples.

What Batya fails to say directly in her book, that I am happy to say here, is the reason for the behavior of the Ochs and Sulzberger families. They have found in the United States their New Jerusalem and have forsaken Judaism for the religion of liberalism. And sadly, there are still too many liberal American Jews that subscribe to the NYT. A disgrace.

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I don't consider them Jews.

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I’ve tried to hold open a place for these folks, but it’s really difficult.

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What an outstanding piece about class warfare. Dare I say, "the press (media) is the enemy of the people!"

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When affirmative action took hold in the 90's all the teaching positions at the University (Philly) where I worked were given to wealthy connected white women. (With a very slim body of work and awful teaching credentials) The Chair and Dean were also white women of mediocre talent. Hostile to men and hostile to Minority applicants until 20 years later when a light was shined on diversity. Circling the drain this Department is now a laughing stock. Blame the Karens???

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From what I read in her article, she believes that "class and income" are responsible for America's deep and worsening divide." To me, that's warmed-over Marxism, which is no better a solution than the culture/wokeness she questions.

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The narrative about trying to keep the beach ball pushed down in the water is exactly what the media is doing with facts, the facts will surface once the hand is removed...harmonious proportion.

The false side goes too far and bingo, up comes the facts.

A scene is being pushed that is trying to equate the NFL (football) with Slavery, paraded in front of the owners, asked to perform unhealthy task etc.

Look at what the people are being asked to stomach. So extreme , too much to tolerate and bingo, up comes the ball. Nothing better than facts to correct the -balance.

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As a conservative I find this article very fascinating. Thank you! I think if we choose to see all things through the lens of racism we miss so much. One story from the past year, that stuck out to me, was that guy in Atlanta who murdered eight people at spas. The media plugged that story into the narrative of racism because 6 of the 8 victims were asian. The murder himself claimed he had a "sex addition" which motivated the killing. Now racism might have been part of it but we have had no discussion about lust, porn or other forms of addiction that I believed played a large role in the murder's motivations. Our society was short changed of the incredibly richer discussion we could have had and learned from but instead we were spoon fed another story about racial hate. There really is more than one sin a person or group of people can commit. Thank you to Batya Ungar-Sargon for highlight some of those sins and facilitating a conversation about how we can be better and change.

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Bari, I admire your writing and your passion so much. There is a simple reason why the transformation has taken place in the media and no one is talking about it. The Chinese Communist Party has been using an information warfare strategy against its geopolitical opponents since 2003 called the Three Warfares. Undermining public faith in institutions, manipulating public opinion covertly and overtly, sowing dissension between groups at odds with each other, a massive content would be more surprising if the CCP weren't using the 3W against the US.

In fact, we've already seen proof; the lab leak theory and how it was suppressed.

Please Bari, Batya, anyone, the Three Warfares of the Chinese Communist Party explains EVERY unbelievable, incredible and mind-boggling thing we are seeing. Just look at Australia- they were one of the only countries to push back against the CCP for refusing to let scientists into Wuhan. Now look what is happening.

Please, please, please look into it.

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The real problem is the continuing underperformance of Blacks in education, crime, family stability, drugs, and so on. In the seventies, the focus was on getting Blacks to work harder in schools, fix discipline problems, etc., but none of it seems to have worked. As a result, the Left has decided to take the onus away from Blacks and to blame Whites for Black underperformance. Sorry, but destroying and dumbing down the culture is not going to change Black performance. The focus must be on Blacks pulling their own weight ... in the same way that Asians outperform Whites by the efforts of Asians.

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That statement makes me crazy for a variety of reasons, but the primary one is that when Obama was elected, a government who truly wanted to help things would have immediately declared phase 1 of racial equality complete as the highest office in the land had been achieved and phase 2 begins. Phase 2 would remove all this racial focus and simply look at socioeconomic factors. Where I used to live, it was a very diverse, wealthy and highly educated population. To be blunt, a non-white kid raised there had almost 0 in common with a non-white kid raised in an inner city with parents who are addicts. Just like telling a white kid who lives in an inner city with addict parents about his or her white privilege is laughable. Approaching the problems of poverty and poor education would help everyone struggling. Our government didn't do it, and I think it is intentional to keep us divided.

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"The real problem is the continuing underperformance of Blacks in education, crime, family stability, drugs, and so on. "Have you asked yourself why this is the case?

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justy...Mike did and gave the answer...yep

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Your reply is reflective of your integrity, or should I say lack thereof!

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Excellent. Succinctly expresses what so many of us without a platform have been thinking and quietly discussing with others. Grateful that Bari keeps finding voices who can speak to this and help change the narrative.

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