The 'Gender-Affirming Care' medical professionals are cultists. A result of radical progressive ideologies & DEI indoctrination in our universities and now in full bloom in the medical field with many doctors, nurses, administrators and oversight boards completely bought in. Some of the most indoctrinated by this insanity IMO are the psychologists and psychiatrists. Not only do they co-sign this craziness, they dole out loads of very powerful psychotropic drugs to their patients. We can now see how the big pharma companies are jumping on the bandwagon with this movement as it provides them a customer for life.

In the medical profession, this seemed to happen slowly at first and then all at once with the COVID hysteria and the politicization of vaccines. Of course there are plenty physicians and medical professionals that oppose, or are concerned, about the gender affirming care movement but can't speak out as they'll be called bigots or nazis by their progressive piers and run the chance of having their careers ruined.

The same thing is happening in our pre-schools, middle schools and high schools. There are many parents that are calling bullshit on this and recognize the social contagion of ROGD (rapid-onset gender dysphoria), but progressive teachers, teachers unions and school boards seem to have totally adopted this craziness. The captured parents of this ideology will continue to feed their children into this medical meat grinder and wreck their lives forever. This is probably going to be pretty ugly once this thing plays out over the next decade or so.......God help them.

PS - This looks to be driven primarily by white liberal middle/upper class women and progressive couples. It's almost like a badge of honor with these people that they have a trans or non-binary kid. This is not something that is seen widely in black and hispanic communities at all. They seem to be outwardly and loudly opposed to this movement. Try to figure that one out......

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Thank you Dr. Kaltiala for speaking out. My family and many others have been touched by this and so much harm has been done and continues to be done here in the US. Gender Clinics and providers saw an opportunity for profit and they took the “gold standard” Dutch Protocol and adapted it to this cohort of teenagers with mental health conditions unrelated to gender. I once had a beautiful, healthy, strong, athletic daughter. Puberty and isolation due to covid caused her to come across the idea that she was a boy. While I questioned this she demeaned me and accused me of “transphobia” and of rejecting her “true self”. As I stood firmly on the side of reality, teachers, friends, dentists, and doctors have played along with her and asked “what are your pronouns?” She is 15 and crushes her breasts daily with 3 or 4 tightly fitting sports bras. She longs for a double mastectomy. She aspires to take testosterone and believes that a phalloplasty will result in a working penis. The for profit medical system here in the US seeks to push her down the medical pathway. As a parent, I continue to encourage her to think critically but she has been indoctrinated into this harmful belief system which has taken over her life to the exclusion of everything else. It’s heartbreaking. Your article and the documentary along with the recent lawsuit naming the American Academy of Pediatrics give me hope. I hope that the gender house of cards is falling- and it cannot happen soon enough.

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Dr. Kalitiala is obviously caring and intelligent, and kudos to her for doggedly pursuing the truth instead of going along with the medical groupthink. But how on earth everything she says here isn't blatantly obvious to everyone will forever be byond me. Who knew you needed so many intensive medical studies to discover that gender isn't a social construct, no matter how many times Leftists chant that it is!

"The young people we were treating were not thriving. Instead, their lives were deteriorating. We thought, what is this? Because there wasn’t a hint in studies that this could happen."

You mean the study on youth gender transitions - something that has literally never existed before this recent insanity - didn't reveal that mutilating children was a bad idea?! I'm sure whoever did that study has faced severe professional reprucussions for this oversight.

"Sometimes the young people insisted their lives had improved and they were happier. But as a medical doctor, I could see that they were doing worse. They were withdrawing from all social activities. They were not making friends. They were not going to school."

Yeah, because the people in your field turned them into freaks, and called themselves compassionate for doing so. Congratulations!

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How can the US be so adamantly wrong on gender care? Because a majority of the “elites” are of a single ideology. The group think and partisan feedback loop makes them more and more extreme. Also, we are a society that judges our correctness, not by fact and analysis, but by who disagrees with us. If Donald Trump were to announce he’s a dog person, I think millions of liberals would instantly become cat owners.

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Thank you for this wonderful article. This is a sad chapter in medicine. Unfortunately, the tragedy is based on a fundamental misconception about biology, i.e., that it is ultimately malleable. As a biological psychologist, I can assure you that it is not. No intervention is without its risks and unintended consequences, some of which can be profoundly detrimental. Thank you again for your very thoughtful and thought-provoking article. Sincerely, Frederick

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All of this makes more sense when you realize that the ideology that supports "gender-affirming care" is the same one that wants to destroy Western civilization (and build their Marxist "utopia" on its ashes). It's also the same ideology that supports depopulation. And what better way to depopulate than to convince kids to beg to be sterilized.

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What took her so long? Another adolescent psychiatrist, Dr Miriam Grossman, called BS on transitioning kids a long time ago. She called it what it so obviously is--psychopathology in need of serious psychotherapy. Not hormones and surgery.

Sorry, anyone who could have gone down this path, ignoring all common sense, genuflecting to social pressures, needs to do a lot more than write a confession. She need to become a full time zealot fighting the trans ideology.

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I am a pediatrician and I find the whole gender ideology thing a huge embarrassment and infuriating. I got to hear the phrase ‘people with a uterus’ spoken by a seemingly intelligent person. I’m so sick of virtue signaling pronoun colleagues. And none of this as bad as mutilating confused and disturbed children. It’s nauseating

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Because it appears that most people don't understand that this "gender dysphoria" is not gender dysphoria at all, but a bona fide social contagion, I started posting about it on Facebook. I follow the PITT substack, Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans, which just put out an anthology of anguished parents' essays. I've posted primary source accounts of detransitioning. And the reaction, from a few frothing "left-wing" "friends" is that "the right wing has lost its mind" -- in response to an anthology of firsthand accounts that their kids got eaten by a hysteria.

The gas lighting is beyond the pale. "This isn't happening." "This isn't real."

It IS real. And it should be obvious to anyone that messing with a child's development is just plain wrong, whether they are truly dysphoric or not.

Frankly, I'm not for adults transitioning either. They never truly pass. The condition appears to be a mad hybrid of extreme narcissism and schizophrenia. The 'transgender' people I knew in the 80s and 90s were certifiably insane death cultists. Why anyone would encourage their kid to do this is proof that the most "educated" among us are merely cogs in an ideological wheel, incapable of critical thinking and much more concerned with how they appear to others -- another aspect of narcissism. Note in this article that it's mostly mothers who truck their kids into the "gender clinic." (Gee, if my kid is showing too much interest in heroin, how about taking him to the methadone truck?)

To put it country simple, this gender craze is so blatantly misguided, I've utterly lost respect for most of the useful idiots who believe in it. An old friend transed his son. HIs wife's profile picture is the transgender flag with a candle in the middle. This is her RELIGION. The kid is baby Jesus. They puberty blocked him, which means that his penis hasn't grown. My friend told me that he's going to get bottom surgery soon. That comes with a nearly 100% complication rate. How cool he'll look with a colostomy bag.

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"Now they were coming to us because their parents, usually just mothers, had been told by someone in an LGBT organization that gender identity was their child’s real problem, or the child had seen something online about the benefits of transition." - What is really amazing to me is the defensive position when someone declares that you should not have an opinion about the efficacy of this because you are not a physician - and then we discover that single mothers and LGBT groupies are the key stakeholders here. You can't make this stuff up.

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I have written my story on these pages and others, describing my family's experience with this "gender dysphoria". We were so lucky as to have also been part of the "double whammy" of "recovered memory".... My family has been shredded. These charlatan psychologists and psychiatrists must be exposed. In my story, neither I nor my son-in-law bought into the hype and was able to prevent transitioning, and can report that my granddaughter is only gay..... not the wrong gender.

People need to wake up and STOP this damage to our children!

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

"Medicine, unfortunately, is not immune to dangerous groupthink that results in patient harm."

So I guess we can put medicine in the same category as generally agreeing to be against terrorist attacks and calling for the genocide of the Jews. Leftist groupthink always results in innocents being harmed. They're just always too busy congratulating themselves for "bending the arch of history" to notice.

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This is what happens when academia pushes the notion that there are no objective truths.

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I'm not always a fan of the legal profession, but "gender affirming care" seems to be an issue custom made for litigation. I hope that the dam breaks and the courts are flooded with Detransitioners suing these "medical professionals" and their controlling organizations for every penny they have. Only then, will our cowardly politicians finally pass legislation to outright ban these vile medical procedures.

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I think we need to remove the term "transition" from the discussion. There is no transition. There is cosmetic surgery followed by likely very damaging hormonal therapy that is necessary for that person as long as they want to maintain the pretense; and which can be assumed to be a profitable long term revenue stream for the Big Pharma companies who have presumably played a large role in this whole fiasco, which consists mainly in manipulating vulnerable children into a lifelong dependence on something they sell.

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The obsession with gender has been a bizarre phenomenon from the beginning. It has been no different than other fads such as hula hoops or nose rings, but with far more devastating consequences. Unless the charlatans in the medical community who pushed this stuff are ruined financially and professionally there will never be a return to sanity. How could so many of us non-medical professionals have known this was a sick, twisted fraud from the beginning, while the media, government and medical community declared it to be “life saving”? Yet another form of mass hysteria which has historically led to atrocities beyond human imagining.

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