
Shout out to Michael Farr the first man to read an article about lab grown meat and not have an unhinged knee-jerk hyper partisan response.

This lab grown protein stuff is creepy, weird, and I don’t want it on my plate. At least Beyond Meat is starting off with actual food and then tries to make it seem like meat. Idk what science experiment these guys are cooking but that protein compound they grew isn’t meat. I will not be an early adopter of this new technology.

Also how can the FDA know that its safe? What because someone ate it and didn’t instantly die? Do we even know what happens if you feed this shit to lab rats for five years? Let alone people?

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whatever it is it should not be called meat. In the same way that white fluids derived from almonds should not be called milk. accurate food labelling is essential. An example is "toddler milk" which is milk powder with huge amounts of added sugar and preservatives. Caveat Emptor.

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"I pointed out that the FDA has already approved two different cultivated meat products, and asked who, if not the FDA, should determine whether or not cultivated meat products were safe. I didn’t get a clear answer"

Quick reminder to everyone, including this journalist: that the FDA does NOT require food manufacturers to prove a food additive is safe. Food manufacturers can just claim something is safe because they feel like it is with zero evidence (FDA GRAS Notification Program, https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/04/14/399591292/why-the-fda-is-clueless-about-some-of-the-additives-in-our-food).

The FDA is in no way safeguarding the public from food additives that could be harmful to our health. The fact that lab grown meat products are made with Fetal Bovine Serum and Immortalized cell lines should give us pause. Look up Fetal Bovine Serum if you want to ruin your day.

Insinuating that the FDA is a hard stop for harmful products is ignorant of how the food industry works. I highly recommend "Ultra Processed People" By Dr van Tulleken if you want to learn more about our food.

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Did this author just claim the FDA is a reliable source for food safety? Cattle farmers are being driven out of business all so that this industry can get rich. This is same as pharmaceutical industry owning CDC and NIH.

Please be a more sophisticated reporter. Otherwise in 10 years you're going to write an article about how the fake meat industry was a money grab to get rid of the farmer. Liberals hate rural America they need to destroy their livelihood. Just like the vaccine industry, not enough time for long term study yet it's already safe.

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At this point I am open to anything that makes leftists choke on their own sanctimonious bullshit. These are people who are opposed to putting artificial additives into anything except their own children... they'll be happy to pump their kids with drugs, puberty blockers, unnecessary and untested vaccines and anything else under the sun.

I don't live in America. But I do my part here in Asia. I eat lots of meat and burn the shit out of fossil fuels when doing it. Korean beef barbecue is a staple of life...

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If you don't want it, don't buy it. It's called freedom, something I thought conservatives valued. I know I do, and I also happen to think that factory farming is absolutely shameful.

To me, this is right-wing virtue-signaling of the worst sort - lobbyist funded.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

"Among them: a spike in production costs and increased global competition. Still, it’s not hard to imagine the Association might find the thought of further competition threatening, and why they’d rather argue on account of safety." A journalist might ask, why is there a spike in production costs for US raised meat? A journalist might ask, is the spike something the global competition is facing as well? A journalist might ask, does the global competition use slave or near-slave labor to raise, slaughter, package, and transport their meat products? A journalist might ask, do the lab grown meat producers intend to scale up their business by building their production facilities inside or outside the US? I've given you some questions to get the ball rolling. I'd appreciate if you would go out and do some more journalism and get back to us subscribers because this is an interesting and important issue.

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I like Ron DeSantis. He’s the Betamax of politicians - definitely better than the competition but less popular nonetheless. That said, I believe he’s wrong on this point.

While I personally have not even the slightest inclination to eat lab-grown meat (nor, for that matter, will I eat insect protein or reptile meat — I’ve tried both and know of what I write), and I’m from Texas where chicken and progressives are considered vegetables, still, the idea of being able to supply protein sustenance to those who cannot afford the real thing or who, for their own reasons, prefer it, seems like a good one.

Bif! Chikkin! Facon! Eat all you want, folks, we’ll make more.

As an added feature, future Jeffrey Dahmers can satisfy their cravings while staying out of jail. Definitely a win-win, especially from the potential meal’s perspective.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

re: eating the immortal-celled Mystery Meat. I've observed immortal cancer cells growing in the laboratory, and I've seen all too well the effects of the gub'ment-sponsored Clot Shots once they incorporate their long-lived DNA into normal cells. Thank God I forbade my young sons having either; watching a child die the from the cardiac failure usually reserved for the elderly is unthinkable. I now trust no one in authority.

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1) If the FDA is regulating lab grown meat, you can be sure it will have side effects. 2) Yuck lab grown meat and crickets. 3) I am glad to be vegan. I am not a militant vegan, but we as society could eat less meat. 4) Likely FDA employees will leave the FDA and work at highly paid positions in the lab meat start ups and make a boatload of money. 💰

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what a weird article... what a weird thing to legislate... I don't really know what the author's point is in writing this. I read lots of speculation but little to no conclusions.

Seems illogical to ban lab-grown meat while allowing all the other food-like substances to remain on shelves and literally be marketed to children through television. If you don't like it, don't eat it.

Agree with everyone about labelling, though. Why don't politicians legislate/advocate for that? Oh right, because that doesn't make anyone any money and makes our donors upset.

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I'm a conservative. I want lab cultivated meat, which eliminates the suffering of animals slaughtered on factory farms. If you don't want lab cultivated meat, fine. Don't purchase it. But don't tread on me.

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The FDA let people suffer through colds and flu for years, knowing full well the pretend Theraflu, Anvil cold and flu, mucinex, and everything else with phenylephrine did not work. They just wanted a reason to ban ephedrine products that do work, based on a few people making meth. Punish everyone for the few.

The problems I think these people are having with lab grown meat are:

1. Estrogen type hormones injected into the meat and I do believe we have many men with too little testosterone right now

2. You never know what a company is putting in this meat, even if the FDA says it is fine.

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An intriguing combination of interesting reporting and the modern tried-and-true combination of ad hominems and non-sequiturs. I look forward to the promised libraries filled with Marxist pedophiles obsessed with cow flatulence shaping the debate over lab-grown meats.

In the meantime, I eagerly anticipate a future in which I can walk into the local Disney store and purchase a Mickey Mouse pot roast, all ready for the oven. Please don't deny me this dream, Governor DeSantis.

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Is it true that many anti-GMO people are pro-Lab Meat? That's pretty hard to swallow.

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In 2000-2001 I worked on an interagency review of the regulatory scheme for genetically engineered organisms in the environment. At the time I remember there had been an effort for “one food safety agency” so that decisions wouldn’t fall into regulatory cracks. As to GE food products, they were never proven safe the same way drugs are with trials, etc. What a cluster, USDA, EPA FDA and so on all with different statutes, none of which quite fit, and agency cultural predilections. Hopefully things have improved, but I would be cautious.

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