Only in a woke America are males actually females. No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us.

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Ms. Gaines, I greatly admire your courage but you're wrong:

Lia Thomas is a huge part of the problem!

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Best of luck to these women, but their fight has just grown much more difficult with Biden/Cardona's attempted rewrite (more accurately total abandonment) of Title IX. If they have their way, not only will NCAA be forced to "recognize" confused or exploitative men as "women" based only on their say-so, but any actual woman who objects may be liable to prosecution for sexual harassment!

It appears that fears of losing control in November have inspired the lunatics around Biden to accelerate their efforts to tear down every norm that has sustained this nation for two and a half centuries. Much of their damage may well be irreversible by next January.

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The Plantiffs are so right. I wonder if any of these plaintiffs are marching for a free Palestine! It all boils down to DEI which must DIE!

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It's unfortunate that we have to rationalize that the suit is over "the rules" when we should really be acknowledging that a man cannot claim to be a woman and be treated as such.

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We are all TERFs now!

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Of all the crazy ideas I've seen gain popularity in American politics in my life, transgenderism is, far and away, the craziest one. I've been arguing against it with friends, acquaintances, and at my university ever since it burst on the scene with the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner announcement. I am the only faculty-member at my university I've ever heard publicly oppose the view. When our faculty senate tried to pass a resolution forcing faculty to use students' "preferred pronouns," I was the only person to directly argue against it (though a majority voted with me).

Disagreement about genuinely unclear or controversial ideas is one thing. But there is nothing genuinely controversial about "women have penises." It is obviously false. There is not a single even vaguely plausible reason to believe it. It is abject madness and/or stupidity. Its ascendency is a pure matter of tribalism on the left.

And, on top of everything else, the vanguard of the progressive left was able to trick/cajole/bully most progressives to either (a) actually believe this nonsense or (b) pretend to believe it *virtually overnight.* It really is the most horrifyingly insane turn of political/cultural events in America in my lifetime. If you can convince people that there are "female penises," you can quite literally convince them of anything. Transgender ideology is more Orwellian than anything Orwell actually envisioned.

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Wow, with such blatantly logical views, I'm amazed you still have a job at whatever university is fortunate enough to have you on the faculty. This entire "transgender" discussion is so obviously preposterous, insane really, it's almost impossible to formulate a response. I know that back in medical school, and during my half century career as a surgeon, I have looked at innumerable human bodies, both inside and out, and it has always been immediately apparent which of the two - and only two - varieties I was looking at.

What is incomprehensible is the motivation behind this on the part of politicians who obviously know better. Why flaunt "Rachel" Levine, let alone Sam Brinton in our faces? Why threaten the magnificent Riley Gaines with sexual harassment suits? Where is the constituency for this, outside of a handful of lunatics?

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It's hard to pinpoint the dumbest thing we've done over the last four years but allowing men in women's locker rooms is so incredibly stupid that it's definitely near the top of the list. Just because some people suffered mass amnesia and forgot what a woman is, doesn't mean the rest of us have. If you need an "expert" to identify women for you and you're older than three, you are a very slow learner.

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I wonder why the "feminists" haven't rallied behind this issue. The marvelous accomplishments of women athletes may be wiped out. It seems to me that extreme liberalism is far more important than feminism or any other issue. This is yet another attempt to strike at the heart of American culture and history. Look around. Isn't this what is really taking place?

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That remains one of the biggest mysteries. Beyond a very few outspoken feminists - Martina Navratilova, J.K Rowling, Tammy Bruce - the women who should be screaming the loudest are silent. And the brave few are reviled as "TERFs" (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), and threatened with physical violence and worse.

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Bill Thomas is obviously incapable of shame and lacks awareness. Some other men should take him outside the gym and beat the hell out of him. And the women against whom he competes should say nothing positive about him. No sympathy, no nothing. And it would take guts but they should not have swam against him.

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Lia Thomas is a grifter taking the easiest route to recognition and sponsors, meaning money. He needs to compete against his own sex and that would be men. He couldn’t cut it the first time so maybe he should train harder to compete honestly in his own league. This is truly unfair for women. If more men are able to compete against women, the women’s sports leagues will cease to exist. I saw a high school basketball game with men on both teams. It was incredibly boring to watch as the women constantly passed the ball to the men, who were taller, faster and able to use their massive frames to ensure no woman would take them on. This whole trans idea is a travesty and an outright lie.

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Bravo to these courageous women. Keep up the good fight.

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Lia Thomas and all other transwomen who think they are entitled (pure male mentality) to compete in strength exercises are being oppressive toward the very gender they covet. I challenge any of them to a chess game, or tic tac toe, or whatever, but stay off the strength-endurance sports. Stay in your lane! Women gained rights that you are tearing away at.

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If ALL women REFUSED to compete with this guy the problem would be solved immediately,

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I don’t think they can.

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Some things never change. "Be a good girl. Be nice. Don't make a fuss. Do what you are told. Don't be mean. Go along with it. Don't cause trouble."


Protect (real) women and children! BE STRONG!

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I am hoping there will be one powerful person who would put an end to this charade. This is ridiculous and tragic at the same time. Absurd.

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