Without extreme views (as which Tanya Gold's barely qualifies) the center easily atrophies in complacency. Remember, at least in Aristotelian terms, this center, where moderation and virtue live, is the most vibrant, heroic, rewarding, active and difficult condition in which to live. In the U.S. today, we are surrounded by the consequences of Democrat Party tyranny, suppression and demonization of what it perceives as an opposition. This article, and any recognition of hypocrisy properly alerts us to our own hypocrisy, yes, but also our good fortune, responsibilities and opportunities which Democrat tyranny threatens; such an alert is never a bad ideas.

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If one does not believe the Bible (or Quran) it is not true that he/she/it does not believe anything. He/she/it will believe everything including the drivel of the main stream media.

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All these people can do whatever they choose. They can all have whatever types of relationships they like, be they permanent, temporary, or have miscellaneous participants who come and go, perhaps even including blood relatives. Who knows? And they can refer to these arrangements however they please. None of it is my concern until I'm asked to participate in it or pretend that any of these arrangements constitute "marriage". If they want to encode any of this into law, they can propose legislation and hopefully we all get a vote. Sounds like fun times to me. At least it might provide an opportunity to punish some wrong thinking cake bakers.

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So what do I have to understand? That what happened in Qatar was OK because Trump vetoed a bille intended to punisjh SaudiArabia? That does not make sense. Just because somebody does something I don't aprove of, does not make something else ok, just because it's the other side. So OK, Trump vetoed that bill and that was not nice ! But does that make OK what Beyonce did in Katar?

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Who are we to denounce tyranny? We sacrificed that moral high ground when we mandated the untested and non-FDA-approved MRNA shots, demonized and blocked effective COVID treatments, and violated the body (literally) politic. If you believe that chapter is behind us, listen carefully for the emerging flutter of a new avian-borne virus. Crimes against humanity are now Made in the USA, backed by our captured government and institutions. The fall will not be a Biblical rapture or purge. It will be the lemmings of moral relativism dancing to Spotify as they tumble off the cliff.

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Democrats that have been leading the fight against human rights violations in the Middle East for decades, while Republicans turn a blind eye.


I notice there are no articles on this substack about Trump's deal with LIV golf? No articles about Kushner's 200 billion deal with the UAE.

But find a random private citizen liberal that takes a single check and your narrative is sealed. The hypocrisy here is mind numbing.

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The hypocrisy of most of those in the entertainment field, including sports, is ludicrous. And our culture’s fascination with every aspect of their lives is what provides them with the soap box to promote their double standards. I’ve had enough!

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Interesting how you haven't addressed one thing Ive said in this thread. Your sophomoric responses would be less sad if you were actually a child. Grown men dont write like this. My only suggestion- try be nice. It costs nothing and karma sucks. I'll give ypu the last word cause I know you need it. Be nice, Timmy. People are watching.

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Oh Timmy Playgrounf Bully. I understand it's not fun to be made accountable for trolling women on the internet but as you know all I've done is repeat what you wrote to me which I have screenshots of. So where are the lies? Tell us, please.

Feel free to continue calling me names. Everything is screenshotted and in a public forum. But telling me you're 'my daddy' - oh boy those are some issues.

You've been begging me to post what you wrote but suddenly you're worried that clients will see it? Everyone can see what you've written here. You understand that, right?

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I think about this a lot. The device I’m currently typing on was made by slaves. Materials to production line. I guess the question is: how far do you have to go before your complicit in human rights abuses? Is it Beyoncé performing in Dubai, or every time I buy most anything on Amazon? Maybe the latter part of the question is what really matters: how can we stop feeding the machine of slavery and oppression that we tacitly endorse with what we consume daily?

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My comments keep diappearing . Not sire why. Yeah bring on the judge 🤣🤣🤣

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I'm not sure why but I cant find our thread online. Did you delete it? It lpoks like my last comment didnt go through. It's ok. I have screenshots.

I'm not sure you understand what slander is but one cannot take a person seriously who threatens to sue in this context, has a sexist, adult meltdown on a substack comments thread, spits out non- stop ad hominems, and throws a tantrum when he's exposed for bullying and plays the victim card so as not to face the consequences of his bad choices.

I use a moniker because it's smart to use the internet safely. You never know what inbalanced individuals you'll encounter. For example, when I bravely share having put on weight after thyroid cancer and having had a kid with special needs and some lowlife writes 'Your life must suck. Sounds like you need a bag of chips'. You know- like that :) Sounds like Little Timmy playground bully is having trouble with the concept of accountability.

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You know youve just fulfilled the criteria for obvious traits of a person that no one can take seriously- threatening to sue, adult male tantrum, using sexism to try win an argument, ad hominems, and considering yourself the victim after you've attacked someone and been exposed for your bad behavior. Accountability is tough, I know.

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Stellar parenting. How you would ever hurt your own child that way is beyond me. I was wondering when you would spiral into an ugly meltdown. It always happens with the sexist ones the worst. You cannot handle being bested by a woman. You could have just apologized for your disgusting taunts but now you've doubled down on your bad behavior. If you really did bring your daughtwr into what has deteriorated into this sad spiral of a breakdown you seem to be having, yoi should be ashamed.

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Enjoyed this very much. It’s far too common for iconic celebrities like Biance to be given a platform by main stream press outlets to preach about moral issues without so much as one minute being devoted to investigating their own moral behavior whether in business or personal life.

The never ending hypocrisy is exhausting and demoralizing.

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Wow! Scathing indictment of the celebrity super-rich woke elite class. Outstanding job Tanya.

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