
What an absurd social contagion. Very appropriate to show a Starbucks in the background of one of the clips – just like everyone can create/select their own special drink, so too can they create/select their own special gender from an ever-expanding menu. Are there no limits to our cultural narcissism? Apparently not.

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There are a couple of things driving the LGBT backlash. One is the excesses of the trans movement. Any reasonable person thinks it insane if all a biological male has to do to gain access to a woman's locker room is just claim without evidence they're trans. Biologically female athletes who object to trans women competing in their sports are being harassed online and sometimes physically attacked. Interestingly, it's only trans women making this noise. The only time I hear from trans men is when Eliot Page takes a selfie.

The ridiculously overblown drag queen debate is another one. Conservatives started it, but liberals didn't do themselves any favors by suggesting parents go out of their way to take their children to drag shows.

The linchpin to gay acceptance was, "Who I am and who I love has no effect on your life." Meaning, you don't have to come to the wedding. I'm not consummating my marriage in your bed. Pretty hard to argue with, especially since, for an increasing number of Americans, gays and lesbians were no longer an indistinct "other," but their children, siblings, parents, and even (yikes) spouses. But now, the movement is demanding that we overhaul our entire language and infrastructure to include them. Does anyone else realize that, more often than not, mandatory pronoun usage leads to a lot of cis people exchanging pronouns for no purpose?

Finally, asexuals don't belong in this group. Are they overlooked and poorly understood? Yes, but they've never been a persecuted class.

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Can we get rid of PRIDE MONTH? Just a thought. Let people just be who they are. We don't need to celebrate it and shove it in front of everyone's face for an entire month. Children should be left to be children. GEEZ I didn't even know what intercourse was until I turned 14 and was not sexually active. This transgender thing is disturbing. It's a decision that should be made in mature adulthood.

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What a fantastic article. Just a few weeks ago, my kids and I were discussing this phenomenon and my daughter told her brother “I guess you’re just a regular old gay.”

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Excellent article.

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Society was beaten about the head for years to tolerate the gay lifestyle and we were told we were bigots for not supporting gay men having no different a relationship with their boyfriends than hetero men had with their girlfriends. “All we want is equality” we were told. Only the genders are different.

Nobody ever talked about the dark underside of the gay men community, with its non-monogamous relationships, targeting of teenage boys, sex with random strangers and the rampant disease that spread. Those things were not to be talked about in polite society and when they did they were ignored, like the Catholic priestly abuse crisis (which was almost entirely perpetrated by gay men on teenaged boys) or embarrassing situations like prominent gay males getting caught trying to have sex with men unknown to them in public restrooms. The demonic Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. Those were all swept under the carpet. Nothing to see here, move along.

Now that gay “marriage” is a real legal thing and we’ve added the “T” into the ever-growing “LGB” acronym all of that is finally starting to come out, and people don’t like it. Shocker. Here’s hoping for some real rollbacks; but I’m not holding my breath.

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And that's a great point on the priests. Everyone focuses on the fact that they were priests. But they were more importantly, gay men in robes.

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It seems like everyone was better off when homosexuality was kept in the closet. We were assured that if we just let them come out of the closet, all we would get is a few happy fags. It turns out there was some pretty evil shit in that closet too

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What a great article/ op-Ed. Thank you.

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Children are becoming oversexualized with people promoting sexual identities and sex to them before they are even thinking about sexuality. Kids are also exposed to porn at a young age. Unfortunately, there are many activist groups, which are in the LGBT+ realm, that are promoting these things to children. Recent parades with naked LGBT's and Drag Shows for kids are a part of this. That is causing a huge backlash in the support of the gay community and will cause harm to those just wanting to live their lives as they wish.

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I'm a millennial. We grew up hating labels. Nowadays, it's all the Gen Z craves. I call this generation the "look at me generation."

I am currently not speaking to my gay best friend of over 30 years since he cannot understand why I don't want my children to be associated with any alphabet mafia propaganda. Because that's what it is: propaganda. My kids are well aware and have been since an early age that same sex couples exist and are as normal as their heterosexual parents. Given that they are a normal part of society means that they are not deserving of accolades or parades or even signage EVERYWHERE to celebrate their sexual preferences. Just go on living you life as normal productive human beings and no one will bother you. The minute you go after people's children to confuse them, groom them or make them feel bad about their sexuality all us mama bears will strike back in full force.

So, I say this to the sane LGB community, stand up for principles of decency and morality, join the group Gays against Groomers and distance yourself from the T+ mafia. I fear that if this doesn't happen the backlash will target those that are most undeserving of it.

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Great comment!

IMO: Who seeks affirmation? It’s usually someone who either knows and/or thinks what they’re doing is not good. Not all gay people feel this way. The folks who are living there lives and are happy don’t seek affirmation.

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There is little doubt there is a perverse and pervasive social contagion impacting today's kids when it comes to sexuality. This is very different from being gay, bi-sexual, or heterosexual. People in time naturally find their attractions. It's part of the great journey to self-discovery. But today's discussion has moved into some sort of bizarre fictionalized thing that is not a fictionalized thing anymore.

Children, under no circumstances, should. be subject to any of this nonsense. The latency period is a well defined time when there is a complete suspension of psycho-sexual development. But sexualizing children is not new. Moms dress their little girls in outfits that one would find at the Vegas strip. Now, they completely change their sex with hormone replacement and chest binder accessories.

These things are very different from people who realize, in time, that they are gay. It would make sense that their journey might be a bit more challenging because attractions that are outside the norm (heterosexuality) are just different. Not wrong, but different.

The gay community needs to come-out strong and hard against gender-ideology. The gay community is being lumped into something I don't believe they signed up for.

As a heterosexual male, I don't have to be gay to see and say it. And for gay people, they don't have to be heterosexual to see it and say it. Speak up please.

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I wonder when my letter will finally come up as the most exotic sexual minority of all: N for normal.

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This is fallout from the politicization of homosexuality, exacerbated by the large number of mentally disordered people in the USA. Very sad.

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The main problem with Pride that I see now is that it's become so tediously mainstream. AKA boring. AKA commercialized.

Thirty years ago the Halloween parade in New York was the closest we got to Pride. It was definitely not mainstream to be gay in 1993. There was no annual Pride event for American Express to have a booth at, and Budweiser wouldn't have been caught dead soliciting gay men as customers. To get together in public in large numbers, to be able to hold hands, make out, openly flaunt our sexual orientation: these were thrilling things back then. That has faded as acceptance has grown. When local libraries host drag queen story hours (DQSH) for toddlers, you can safely assume that trans rights are no longer particularly transgressive. Which of course was sort of the point back then, for those of us who were politically minded: the real work of gay activism was to make itself obsolete. Well, guess what: we have. Or at least, we had.

But the Human Rights Campaign didn't want to close up shop after we got marriage equality, so they swerved and latched onto transgender rights as the social justice issue that would keep those donations rolling in. And now the right is foaming at the mouth about DQSH while the left is pretending not to notice the glaring logical inconsistencies involved in promoting transgender rights over women's rights. People who were sympathetic to the human rights of LGB people are not so sure now about the T part, almost solely due to the overreach and toxicity of the most extreme trans rights activists. So, we seem to have squandered the gains we made with marriage equality, etc.

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Hi Scott

The two examples you gave, doctor and cop, would be illegal.

But, you also made my point: Neither the dr or the cop need know your gay. It should not be relevant to the services you require.

Again, my sexuality is not who I am.

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