Suzy Weiss-I was surprised by your reaction to the expose on Andrew Huberman. The fact that your mother does not know who he is does not change the fact that his podcast "is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness." In other words, more people listen to Andrew Huberman on any given day than just about anyone else in his field.

If, like me, you (or your mother) were a regular listener you would know that Huberman's entire shtict is that once we understand neuroscience, we can boss around our lazy, reptilian brains and live a better life. The entire theme of the show is that once we understand brain science, we can all have control over the base instincts of our ancient brains.

But now we find out-thank you dedicated Intelligencer researcher!- that even the great Dr. Huberman is a slave to caveman impulses. If Huberman, who knows the brain inside and out is helpless, what does that mean for the ordinary shlub?

There is something else important that you overlooked. Huberman implies that he is currently a big-shot researcher at Stanford. (Sure, he gives the "disclaimer" that Stanford doesn't sanction the show, etc. but that sounds like a "wink wink" to the show's lawyers.) But the story hints that he doesn't even really have an active lab at Stanford or anywhere for that matter. This fact alone warrants the "hit" piece.

Imagine if during the height of COVID, Dr. Fauci had a fever and cough and walked into a nursing home without a face mask. This is the level of hypocrisy that we are talking about with Huberman.

Love TFP, but you all missed the boat on that one!

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You're right Suzy, most of us have never heard of Andrew Huberman. But thanks for devoting column inches to a big ego asshole who cheated on his girlfriends. Lucky thing there's no actual news requiring reporting or commentary.

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Yes it was.

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Just noticing the news sources cited for deriving the list of topics termed the "top ten stories": NYT - 2; WSJ- 2; Politico - 2; CNN - 1; Baltimore Sun-1: The Sun- 1.

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No. Why are you lacking in empathy for the women? This douchebag TOLD them he was monogamous. He lied to them. Yes, that's fairly monstrous. Your rationale is lacking, a man who is successful should not be presumed to be decent and capable of honesty? Wtf?

What an awful take. Why would you ever blame the women he was involved with? Yes, what he did was monstrous. He lied. He cheated. This was bizarre:

"assuming you are a human being living in the real world who would be neither surprised nor scandalized to learn that jacked, attractive, smart, successful men tend to date multiple women at the same time and then lie about it."

I am living in the real world. I would absolutely be surprised to learn that an attractive smart man was dating multiple women and lying about it. What the hell does being attractive, smart and successful have to do with it? What kind of take is this?

Your worldview is abhorrent. If a man is smart, successful and built he WILL be a cheating douchebag by definition?

This is almost enough to merit rethinking my support. Is this the point of view I'm supporting?

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Ok...THIS is gonna break TFP discussion board's "brain."

It's got everything 007 casting, Judaism = "Zionism," 2024 is just like the 1930s, Jewish Transgender author.


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Great, now they've got DEI ship captains.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Andrew Huberman gives the 2% of honest men a bad name. Seriously, how can one man juggle all those women, and expect not to get caught. The hubris is overwhelming. Either that or he's exceedingly stupid.

I'm old enough to know not to ask anybody how old I appear to be. Does it matter how old a prune might be?

One would think that P. Diddy is rich enough and famous enough that he doesn't have to be a bad actor, and end up like Kelly and Epstein. One would think that he would have learned from the fates of these miscreants. But then again, this type of megalomaniac never expects to be caught because they think they're so much smarter than the rest of us.

Closed the damned border. There is no country in the world with such porous borders, and is so lax in enforcing their borders from evil doers and layabouts like the good old United States of America.. Even ISIS-K is sending people in through Mexico.

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The US shouldn't shut its borders. What the US needs is a moderate amount of immigration. When I wrote "immigration," I meant the real thing -- you know, with visas, green cards, and swearing in as a citizen before a judge. What I didn't mean was a breakdown of the rule of law at the southern border.

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I was taking a break today (this week really) from the heaviness of politics and its many forums. I’ve been reading Demon Copperhead instead. However, I saw Huberman’s name today in my FP email and (because it’s more fun than awful) just had to read. I’ve listened to many an AH podcast. Like him. Suzi!! Loved your take. I agree - much ado about nothing. Thanks for the fun.

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Re Boeing. Is some large investor shorting this stock? Seems right out of the Casino Royale (Daniel Craig version) plot line. Maybe it’s Chinese competitors? Maybe they’re also shorting Boeing stock?

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Boeing just seems to have screwed Itself. No stock manipulation needed. A race to the bottom needs no help.

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I’m not arguing with anyone. I’m just responding. I initially took objection to Anthony’s observation that all the hate and incivility comes from Democrats. More more than arguing with a person, I am arguing for a kind of conversation that I think would serve us all and which I think we desperately need.

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You need to hone your "reply" button skills.

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Thank you :) Had slipped into using box at top.

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"How old do I look?"

Who the f*ck cares, you narcissistic maroon. Get a life, and rescue your brain before it is totally destroyed.

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C'mon man! Tell us how you really feel!

I agree completely

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How can Smart people, like the ones in Thefp organize a "DEBATE" about open Borders?

It is mind-boggling. The USA is a SOVEREIGN Country. Nobody will ever convince me that there are benefits for open borders. I am a legal immigrant and citizen. How sad That The Free Press can become part of this disgrace, by the current government. Shameful

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I hope TFP reads your comment.

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In the spirit of taking your question at face value and giving an answer I would say this: If you were to tell me that you thought a decision this person made was wrong or misguided and then told me why, at least it would have something to think about. At least you might have the hope of influencing the conversation in some way. Aside from generating bad feeling, calling someone foolish and stupid is completely devoid of information. It is worse than useless.

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If you can't have a conversation with someone starting with fact and accurate information, not a difference of opinion, there is no conversation. To repeat and do things that are foolish and stupid, is the definition of moron.

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Who are you arguing with, Paula?

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