
In my judgement the only person helping to take down the GOP is Barr himself. Following Sessions who folded almost on day 1, Barr sent out orders to his staff not to investigate reports of election fraud.

In addition, he has been front and center criticizing Trump based upon the deceitful argument that Trump divided the party.

The reality is the party establishment broke from the base, as they did with the tea party, and engaged in behind the scenes undermining of the bases choice from day 1.

Barr became an active participant in all of this , betraying not only his oath of office but the base of the GOP. But hey, he got a lucrative book deal:) Now, Trump has faults (who doesn't in DC) but many of his policies during his term were good ones.

To say that Trump has caused divisiveness in the party when the divisive is a result of the GOP establishment pushing the Russia, Russia Russia narrative knowing it was false, is disingenuous to say the least.

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Biden didn't win because Democrats flocked to the polls in droves and "pulled a lever" for him. Biden won because of mail-in-ballots that were harvested by an already in place Democrat harvesting machine that was scaled up. All talk of who Republicans run in 2024 is moot unless we also learn to harvest every single ballot we can get our hands on.

As for Trump, he's a hero. He saved the party and the country for a time. He has willingly taken the slings and arrows for us.... but the machine eats you up and you need to know when to step aside to allow for some new blood. Trump made DeSantis, never forget that. Before Trump, no Republican would ever dare to do the things that DeSantis is doing now... Trump set the pace and that should be respected.

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Trump has already burned down the GOP.

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Bill Barr is an embarrassment to thinking humans. His self esteem is so low and he wants to be liked so much, that he will genuflect to anyone who puts a microphone before him. He didn't do his job at all when he worked for us. His logic only makes sense if you want to continue the current system of selling America to the world to the highest bidders. Barr should be in jail along with McConnell, Schiff, Romney, Biden and every other career politician.

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I could definitely see a DeSantis-Youngkin ticket and I could then see the GOP persisting in the White House for 16 years, about how long it will take to undo the mess we're in. The also mentioneds could have roles in the cabinet, but not on the ticket. A ticket with two experienced governors would be delightful. I imagine that Trump will lose the GOP nomination, and run as an independent spoiler, but DeSantis-Youngkin could still eke out a win because many moderate Dems and independents are pretty turned off by the left's identity politics and more and the thought that Kamala would become president if Joe didn't make it to 2028 is too unsettling now that they've seen her in action (or seen her inaction, perhaps).

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I’m a supporter of Trump policies. I am tired of President Trump. I voted for him twice. I sincerely hope the Republican Party moves on from his divisiveness.

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Tweet: "Many of the senior officials in Trump's own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate part of his agenda and his worst inclinations. I would know. I am one of them."

- Bari Weiss 3:49 pm 05 Sep. 18

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The whole point is to Burn down the GOP. Those are part of the uniparty that has killed millions in the Iraq war and other conflicts. A new party needs to emerge out of the ashes of the GOP. One that can destroy the administrative state and complete the US republic project that stands for liberty.

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I agree with almost everything that Bill said at first u til he said this “Fraud did not prevent Trump’s second term. Trump himself was the reason.” Nothing could be farther from the truth which makes me question his motives. Russia gate alone shows how corrupt the FBI is. Barr should be far more concerned about the corruption from the Obahma administration which continues today. The election was stolen period, and nothing has changed. Barr is clueless about the MSM and big tech collusion. Hard to listen to him now.

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Bill Barr has done far more than anyone else to burn down the republican coalition. He IS GOP(e) and they want nothing to do with YOU. Trumps policies - and the president controls energy and fiscal policy - benefitted you far better than anyone since Ronaldus.

Bill Barr completely aligns with Joe Biden and do not forget it.

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People forget that the FBI reported to Bill Barr. I read his book, One Damn Thing After Another. Bill Barr suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, chose not to roll up Antifa and BLM, sent SWAT teams on per-dawn raids to arrest unarmed old people with rifles pointed in their faces, etc. For all his self-righteousness in his book, he failed the country.

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Please ask Bill Barr one question. Why did you help cover up the Hunter Biden laptop?

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I was a committed civil servant who did my best to create administrative law decisions that would serve as a foundation for a whole new type of taxation. I struggled with the leaders in my agency who wanted to decide cases on an ad-hoc basis. The leaders complained to the GOP leadership in my state and I was blackballed. I can no longer work in my state. So forgive me if I am not receptive to former Attorney General Barr's recommendations.

I was not a barn burner. I've been a government litigator in another jurisdiction where ad-hoc decision making created so much chaos and bad policy that the courts now routinely rule against the government. So I am sympathetic to Barr's arguments...but people like him created a situation that is the cause for the Trump disaster.

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The GOP is in a very bad place. I'm not at all sure that it can "come back", or even simply wrest itself from the QAnon crowd. Sure, the woke left doesn't excite most of us, but they're a much smaller niche of the Dems than election-deniers and conspiracy theorists are of the Reps. That's just the numbers. So good luck, from a non-woke lefty. Two sane parties would be wonderful.

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I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting for DeSantis. That said, sometimes it is necessary to burn off the old dead trees to clear new paths. Perhaps, the firestorm that is Trump was needed to clear the path for DeSantis.

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Truth. Happy Thanksgiving!🦃

Klobuchar vs Haley 2024. Would love to see it.

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