Israeli ex-pat here. Your points about the Gaza war are 100% on target. I will add that Israelis are unlikely to accept a Palestinian in the foreseeable future, because they do not trust Palestinians to keep their side of the bargain. We see the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza as an experiment that blew in our face.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner... I don't know who they are and don't want to know who they are. The gossip goings on of Hollyweird and adjacent are of double-nought fuck-all interest to me at the best of times; but least of all in a serious news source. Please don't give oxygen to things that need to have died yesterday.

By the way: "old fashioned" is one of the things that conservative means.

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Thanks for your comment. You are correct.

Nonetheless, we have yet to see the outcome of the current war against Gaza. But after reducing the northern half of Gaza to rubble and displacing 90 percent of the population of Gaza, the IDF still does not control the north, nor has it dismantled Hamas. And it's not clear how long the US will permit Israel to continue its attack, given the humanitarian crisis the invasion has caused.

I hope the leaders of Hamas leaders will be appropriately punished for the October 6 attack. In fact, I hope that Hamas would disappear and that Gazans would choose a secular, democratic governance. But I don't believe this invasion will lead to either of these. To the contrary, when the fighting stops, I suspect that Hamas will continue to be in control of Gaza.

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I liked the description of what happens next in Israel viz. War in Gaza, written/said by Haviv Rettig Gur. Israel can handle one or two wars at one time (Hamas and Hezbollah), but I don't think they can handle all 4 (add the Houthis and Iran to the mix) at one time. The region is a powder keg waiting to explode. Biden is going to have to make some decisions soon. He won't be able to wait until after November.

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Jericho III would greatly simplify matters. Israel has been able reach out and touch anyone, anywhere for a long time now. Don't let push come to shove, you'll reget it.

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I’m definitely concerned with our imbecile in chief making decisions. His handlers are not schooled in the history of the region.

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Plagiarism itself , and the justification of usage is a direct result of Affirmative Action mandates of the past. Of course, people who were never qualified to do the job, are hired anyway to fill the position, will have to broaden their limited knowledge by copying what smarter people before them wrote. An added advantage to doing this without fear of repercussions is the knowledge that you can call anyone who caught you a racist.

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I’m puzzled by this urgency to compliment Joe Biden on his masterful handling of this situation. My Israeli friends and family can’t stop fawning over the guy. But he created this situation by empowering, emboldening, and groveling before Iran, and then paying them billions. Now he’s threatening Israel not to escalate? Has he tried asking hezbollah not to escalate? Maybe, I don’t know, diplomatically telling them to F off for a change? Maybe stop turning the other cheek to the Houthis?

I sound like a ten year old crying about how unfair this all is but seriously how dumb can we be?

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Yes!! It seems some folks are desperate to trash the achievements of European white guys. I'd welcome going back to the days when the nuts theorized that the brilliance of someone -say Leonardo DaVinci was due to his being visited by space aliens!

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The Peter Savodnik article is exactly why I subscribe to the Free Press. I'm looking for different long form perspectives that challenge my preconceived ideas. Well done!

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SW, Retractions are for when you are wrong about facts, not predictions. No apology necessary.

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The biggest difference between ackmans wife and Claudine gay is that no one knows who his wife is and she’s was not the president of the (supposedly) most elite university on the planet. Oh and she hadn’t been deemed to woke to fail by the elites. Fire her too. Oh wait you can’t lololol

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Joe Biden should not have *ANY* say in how Israel runs its war. A corollary to that is the US should stop giving Israel financial or military aid (they have a budget surplus, no debt). The people of Israel understand their borders and the situation there far better than people anywhere else in the world. Allow them to handle Gaza the way that's best for them.

The only role America has to play here is defend the shipping routes. That's it. No monetary aid to the state of Israel. No political or strategic "advice". If Israel wishes to completely annex the region, that is their prerogative.

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Gay and Oxman should be stripped of their Doctorates: The discussion around the plagiarism of Claudine Gay and Neri Oxman is surprising. There is a defence for Neri Oxman based on the argument that the circumstances are different in her case. After holding a tenured faculty position at MIT, Oxman is no longer in academia whereas Claudine Gay was recently the President of Harvard and currently still holds a tenured faculty position. On the other side, there is criticism of Ackman’s hypocrisy because of his attack on Claudine Gay, while defending the allegations of his wife’s plagiarism.

Both people’s dissertations contain evidence of plagiarism. To be clear the dissertation is a necessary and a final step in acquiring one’s PhD. It needs to be original work and follow the requirements of all academic papers, i.e. it cannot contain any elements of plagiarism. Claudine Gay and Neri Oxman did not and continue to not meet this fundamental requirement.

Their failure is not free of consequences, nor is it devoid of injury or harm. They were offered positions for which they did not meet the fundamental requirements. They have done this to the detriment of qualified candidates. This has occurred of over a course of time when tenured faculty have been replaced with contingent positions. “Over two-thirds (68 percent) of faculty members in US colleges and universities held contingent appointments in fall 2021, compared with about 47 percent in fall 1987.” (American Association of University Professors, 2023).

One may ask, why does it matter since Neri Oxman is no longer in academia? Neri Oxman graduated in 2010, and became a professor in 2010, and received a tenured faculty position in 2017. According to the data, this period saw a large number of graduates who could not get professorship positions, were not on tenure track, and did not receive tenured positions. Claudine Gay received her PhD in 1998, became an assistant professor, and then tenured after from 2000. Through this period, there was a strong increase in the decline of tenured faculty positions.

At a time when contingent faculty dominate academia, legitimate applicants for the small number of tenure positions were denied the opportunity by Gay and Oxman.

Tamara Pravica, PhD

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" Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet "


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Israel must defeat Hamas and the Western Democracies must defeat the Hamas supporters in their midst.

No decent person can accept that the slaughter committed by these terrorists is justifiable.

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Please, no more Kardashian or Jenner news.

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