I read these interviews. I have a hard time buying into the victimization of Trump . Undoubtably some of its true. But few have been given so much and demanded much more even when he blew his opportunity as an incumbent. So thats it for me. Bully, lout, bum , classless shit stirrer are all more fitting crowns. What bothers me most ? Is that some how my vote which helped garner three really excellent supreme court justices came at a price which contributed in any small part to the hubris and even suffering his victims endured. I do find solace knowing that the Justices good work will continue on years after this tawdry man implodes deep in-the depths of his own narcissism . Good riddance. Cant happen soon enough.

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I feel very sorry for any man who has to live with or around M

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"They ended up in a dressing room together...." How exactly did that happen? What was Ms. Carroll thinking when she, apparently willingly, entered that room with a man she had just met. She is a 50+ woman, not a dopey teenager. Note: when I was a dopey teenager, I knew better. I can only conclude that either this episode never happened or it was a consensual sexual act. Did Trumps lawyer not ask that question?

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Considering that Trump publicly bragged that he could get away with grabbing any woman "by the pussy" because he's such a big shot and so rich, I tend to believe Ms. Carroll here. A man who thinks it's cool to bragg with sexual violations of other persons has obviously a very problematic relationship with his own sexuality, to put it mildly. An outright rape is fitting all to well into this picture. I love to see this pervert this time not getting away with his pervert behaviour. If he ever dares to ever grab me "by the dick" or a woman I care about "by the pussy" I would not need any judge or jury. Justice would come quick and harsh upon him. I can tell Your that.

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From a woman who has endured sexual abuse by a family member at age 3 and again in a school bathroom around 13, I do not believe this woman. Her patterns make absolutely no sense in my view. The minute you have to change a law to fit a crime, you've done a disservice to all those who came before and to the rule of law. New York is taking too many liberties in a clearly partisan, clearly biased state. I'm not for Trump here, but I am 100% against Carroll. My instincts are trustworthy.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Headline should be "New York Jury Says Trump is a Sexual Abuser, So What?"

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Anyone who is wondering about the mental health of E. Jean Carroll should take a good look at some of her tweets. Many are sexual in content and some elude to assault in a *favorable* way. I would not be in the least surprised if she had a diagnosed mental illness. She has made accusations against other men besides Trump. The fact that many in the left believe her only shows me that they WANT Trump to be guilty.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I have a friend that is a director at a very well-known US company who had a crush on a band since she was a teen. We hadn't seen each other for 10 years after college, then we got together in NYC for dinner with a group of people. After about 10 minutes of small talk, she asked me if I remembered the band she loved so much in college. She proceeded to tell me she finally got to meet the lead singer, then said "and I blew him". She thought it was hysterical, my wife, not so much.

All the woman clutching their pearls about the Access Hollywood tape are deliberately acting like they don't know that there are many women who have sex with famous people because they want to. The Democrat lawyers that proceeded Dershowitz are DEMOCRAT lawyers. They don't care about the credible accusations against Clinton, Biden, Weinstein (until he was no longer useful as a Democrat bagman). Like it or not, this is a 30 year old he said/she said accusation by someone who couldn't remember what year it happened. They don't care that Carroll was financed by a wealthy anti Trumper and that laws are being weaponized (FARA violations?) to go after one party and more specifically, one American citizen.

I never understood why they went after Trump so viciously from the start, especially since he was a Democrat donor for years. They are scared of the guy for some reason, but I wonder when they'll realize that turning the guy into a martyr is not going to help their cause.

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You have raised very good points. The problem unfortunately is with Trump himself. He gives them the ammunition to use against him. Of course those comments from him about women did not admit to any actual behavior. But they will never concede that.

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I have no idea since I wasn't there but were you? Lying comes very easily to a lot of people sad to say especially if you have an ulterior motive

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What kind of a woman walks out of courtroom with a smile the size of Montana in a sexual assault case, after you've won?!

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Thank you so much, David. I’m honored by your kindness and also that you consider me a “normal conservative”! That’s a huge compliment in a time where reasonable voices are too often suppressed for something edgy or deliberately controversial. Trust me, I’d love to share my thoughts…I have far too many bottled within my brain. Have a great night! 😀

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I read E Jean for years in Bazzar magazine. She had an advice column in which she instructed life’s losers in love to courageously act per her advice. Pretty much spelled it out. It was a fun read every month. I mean she was fierce. But, all that time she was too much a coward to report this incident?? Trump may have been ‘famous’ (not to me) but he was far from the public political figure he is now. What a hypocrite.

We are sinking into a cesspool. Will honor, dignity and honesty ever see the light of day in America. We deserve better than this never ending circus.

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Sadly, we are already knee-deep in the cesspool

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The odds of Trump getting a fair trial by his peers in New York is about as likely as a young black teen getting one in rural Mississippi in 1936.

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This is all irrelavant blather. Trump is a narcissistic boor and I can no longer listen to him. But if he's the nominee I'll vote for him because I can't stand Biden ( or whoever is pulling his strings) more. Whoever Biden's puppet masters are, they do not have the interest in the American people at heart and in two short years have set this country on a path of ruin that not even a chimera of Jesus, Ghandi and Chruchill could fix. It's only a matter of time for events that will make 9/11 and the Great depression together look like nirvana.

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I can't stand Trump either but damn his policies were far and away light years better than what we have now and we had no wars with Trump in office.

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Carole Hooven mis-states the ability of hormones to divide us. For the longest time it was estrogen that was the biggest factor in dividing the sexes, until sometime in the last ten years testosterone was accused of being "toxic." I guess this shows that biologists are not as knowledgeable as medical doctors when describing the effects of hormones on the psychology of sex.

But that aside, how can a Just system of Law allow one person's words to preside over another's words, if there is no physical or ethical evidence to prove accusations as true?

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