I don't care about NATO or Ukraine. The US has no money, anything we give to them will be borrowed and add to inflationary pressures. You can gaslight about the "great economy" all you want but whenever I pay for my groceries it just makes me feel sad and kind of desperate.

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Remember when Trump’s excellent numbers were downplayed and even dismissed? Yet here you are trying to tell us Biden gets credit for our strong economy. He refused to take any responsibility for rising inflation, and now takes credit for bringing it down. It has to work both ways if you’re trying to be fair. Regarding his age and cognitive condition, I don’t think anyone has to be a medical professional to be correct in saying he has declined a great deal and still has almost a year in this term. Anyone who tries to claim that he’s fine, sharp, just a few memory issues, etc just isn’t being honest in my view. I’m an independent conservative and would consider voting for a Democrat - I voted for the first Clinton - but not him.

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I like the article. An additional thread. The president isn’t an implementer per se, but a setter of tone/direction. They alone have the capability to say, ‘Listen, I think we should go that way’. The bully pulpit. They have limited capacity to do it on their own, executive orders aside, which are different problem.

Which man, if that choice is all we will have, will be better at fulfilling that role? Is the direction they suggest the right direction? Is either direction one we should take?

In the case of Biden, I have to infer the direction is ‘do what we say, we have it under control’. In the case of Trump, his messaging is marinated in vinegar. Who wants to take it, even if it is good for you.

If Ross Perot was here, that’s the box I’d check. I think we are screwed.

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Biden is not “occasionally forgetting things”. He is living in the past; a very clear sign of rapidly advancing dementia. He is not too old (although the age of both men raises concerns), he is too senile and demented.

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So according to Mr. Colby, the highly polished version of what Trump might have been thinking is defensible, so obviously Trump calling for tyrants to attack allies is… honorable? Do I have that right?

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It is said that, in democracies, the people get the leaders they deserve. I hope this is not true—because if either of these men is the best the American people can be said to deserve, we have fallen far since our founding when men of the enlightenment—philosophers and military heroes—set out to establish this union of ours.

We need some viable 3rd parties like a drowning man needs air.

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No very much meat here

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