As the mother of ten children, I claim authority over the babies-in-bars issue. Here is the ruling: if it's allowed by law in your state, go ahead and take your baby in the bar. Have a glass of wine, maybe two - because they don't give you much, have you noticed? - and then go home. If your baby starts crying, shrieking, spewing, or other disruptive behaviors, leave immediately.

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"I understand why a lot of parents need a drink. But more than that, adults need adults-only spaces."

Nope. Not even close. The baby can "identify" as an adult.

If dudes with dicks can be incarcerated with chicks, then everything is allowable.

Thanks leftist assholes. Thanks.

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So we have "Tampongate" and a "Panera Human Rights Scandal" all rolled into a "Romper Room" episode at Vandy. (The Romper Room reference is pure Boomerism, eh?).

Anyway, try focusing on the cop who was being badgered in the videos. His patience was admirable, but I'm guessing he wishes he had a paddle for the misbehaving infants.

Just thinking out loud here, but Vandy isn't a low-rent university. A few of these kiddies are probably locked into student loans ... loans that should be barred from being forgiven.

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In my honest opinion, the biggest threat we face as a society, by far, is the stupidity of our kids. All our actual physical and economic problems have relatively easy solutions. Global Warming isn't real, and closing the border is simply a matter of deciding to close the border. Actual environmental problems have technical solutions. War can be avoided by not granting a voice to the war lobby.

But childishness is a really hard problem to fix. What hope I have arises from the sense that many of these kids have to on some level realize they are emotional basket cases who should not be taken seriously by anyone, at least by their late twenties.

But IDK man. Sometimes I think I just need to get a cottage WAY back in the woods, and live in blissful ignorance as the consequences of pervasive stupidity and greed play out.

Let me just say this: if you are CAPABLE of voting for Joe Biden, now, you are part of that very large problem. Hate on Trump all you like, but he works hard and creates a lot of opportunity for a lot of other people.

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No tampons. No peace. Next time pack appropriately when you go to support hamas.

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I don’t cotton to the views of the Vanderbilt protesters, but I’m willing to absorb the greater lesson of TamponGate: a 5.6% acceptance rate doesn’t guarantee students who act like adults. Period.

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Babies and children in bars:ABSOLUTELY NOT! As a former bartender, parent and wine lover, I can say 100% that bars are for adults. I do not want to see, hear, or have to acknowledge anybody’s kids. I don’t care how “well behaved” the kid is. It changes the atmosphere and dynamics of the place if there are kids around. Same for expensive restaurants, and high end salons. Side note: I feel the same way about your damn dog too!

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If restaurants and bars advertised as kid-free spaces, I would go. When I go out for a nice, probably expensive dinner, I don’t want some unattended crying whining kid at the table next to me.

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All these coddled kids want to play victim without realizing how HARD and DIFFICULT it is to be an actual victim. Come on girl, do you think Hamas gave a sh*t about tampons for their hostages? Clearly you have NO idea what “basic human rights” even is when you claim that you are being denied a right for a tampon that no one is required to bring you at a sit-in that you volunteered for to protest FOR a group that literally kidnapped people, raped and murdered people. Are you for real? Or are you that narcissistic to think your imaginary “tampon right” trumps the right not to be harmed for an Israeli girl? Ugh! The stupidity of these people makes me SO. DARN. MAD. What level of stupid do you have to be before we all consider a person to be a serious threat to humanity?

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Babies in bars … depends on the bar and the baby! Is it a pub where you can order some food with your drinks? Can your kids handle it without melting down and destroying the place? Then sure. A rowdy nighttime “bar” scene where it’s just drinks and drunk adults? Looking after little kids in that environment sounds like it’d suck more for the parents than anyone else.

Regarding restaurants. We have been taking our kids to fine restaurants (occasionally!) from day 1. We go early (5pm) and always throw some paper and coloring stuff in the bag. If the kids start to lose it we get the food to go and leave.

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Please, don't bring "Olly" back.

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I'd rather go to a bar filled with babies than go to a bar filled with college students from private universities like Vanderbilt.

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On a related note, I never understood why Authorities take "hunger strikes" so seriously. If the strikers want to not eat, let them. Eventually they will give up their silliness and munch a cheeseburger, or they won't and will die of starvation. Let them do either, who cares?

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Anyone remember the name Paul Whelan? Didn’t think so. Five years in a Russian cell and apparently no one in this administration can lift a finger to get him out. Guess you need a major daily behind you or the right skin tone and pronouns to get someone’s attention.

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Imagine a white male held in Russia illegally and this broke ass administration does nothing. Who would of thought? If only he was seven feet tall and could shot a basketball and hated America. Maybe a BLM or Antifa person? Oh wait, they only tread where others protect them. Your government no longer cares about you Evan and I apologize for this sad ass administration who only care about destroying the Constitution. These are your types of Liberal folks and their beliefs, they protect abortion, spending, and open borders. Plus hating those people who live normal lives and don't demand free shit. That is all that matters to them.

DeSantis discriminating against dead beats and thieves. Typical radical, right wing cis-gender white male.

Ronna, know nothing about her, but hell law suits against all of the "so called" news folks for hate speech and actually just using useful oxygen. Especially using oxygen! Plus NBC, dig deep to pay her off and you deserve it you sniveling, sad sack POS's.

Joe Lieberman, wish we had more like him.

Vanderbilt has now taken the lead from Harvard in the stupid, moronic, ignorant, mentally ill student body. They made a late push and pulled out all of the Tampons in order to nudge by Harvard.

If this is the most urgent issues for America Suzy, then rest easy. Nothing to see here about Slow Joe spending the credit card and the Mistress still stumbling along. But at least Joe has the experience of riding the train over the collapsed bridge. We have probably the most incompetent and sleaziest administration ever, weaponizing the DOJ as the prime example, but we need to know about stupid spoiled morons at Vanderbilt?

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Regarding the college student who called 911 over removing her tampon: In a recent faculty meeting, our director conveyed the gist of a conference she attended on 'making international students feel at home' or something to that effect. It seemed that if the student does not feel at home, it's the instructor's fault. External locus of control.

Cut to 'I'm the sex I say I am, and if you don't see and acknowledge it, I will feel 'harmed.'' External locus of control, aggravated by malignant narcissism.

I felt compelled to speak up, but remained silent. This is extremely HARMFUL to the instructor. How on earth can we control how other people FEEL to such an overwhelming extent?

In any case, this young woman was raised to believe that the world is there to serve her. Someone's parents did an extremely bad job raising her. Worse, every institutional edict supports this line of thinking.

The greatest irony is that where I work, the dominant population is Chinese, who do NOT have an external locus of control (for the most part). They are generally far more grounded than whatever it is Americans are doing to infantilize their children.

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