Excellent piece. Obama sowed the seeds. The feel good peaceniks who love Barry O. will never admit he is ether a fool or hates the West. Despite Obama's horrific decisions Trump left Biden with as stable an international order as we've seen in my lifetime. He left Biden with a Middle East in better shape than we've ever seen. If Biden did NOTHING it would have been okay. The Obamanistas, Bidenistas, Clintonistas are all to blame. I'm no Trumper, but MAGA works. Our allies were safe and our enemies were on the run.

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This administration’s inability to identify immorality and evil, and to promote policies and actions to deter its perpetrators has been a heartbreaking shortcoming that has contributed to much devastation. I agree with Mr. Oren that in a nominative attempt to avoid escalation, the US has let things get more out of hand. Signaling weakness should not be an American foreign policy strategy.

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I just happened to begin reading The Splendid and the Vile, Erik Larsen's book about Churchill during WWII, this weekend and one of my first thoughts after hearing the news about Iran's attack and the American president's warning to Israel that our government wouldn't support a retaliation, is thank effing hell we had a few leaders with enough spine, moral clarity, and devotion to the spirit of Western Civilization--no matter how imperfect--to keep going after Germany felled France or my recent trip to Paris would have required a German dictionary. I'm finding more and more parallels between the cowards and spinmakers of WWII and the "thought leaders" and mealy-mouthed politicians du jour. You can't appease evil. (A word which, by the way, I can find few true real life applications for; it is not used lightly here.) You can only destroy it or chase it relentlessly--keep on the run, without rest or safe harbor, so it has no time to organize. No matter how "complicated" the story behind Israel and the Middle East is, a simple and powerfully clarifying fact remains: Khamenei's regime, with Russia's help, would wipe the US and its "infidel" friends off the map if given an clean shot. It's been practicing for years already, almost entirely unchecked. If that fact doesn't sober you up enough to know whose side you're on, it's likely nothing will. To use Sam Harris' words, there is a "bright line between good and evil" in this moment in history and history rarely offers us such a gift.

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Perfect !

The only thing missing is the fact that Joe Biden eliminate oil sanctions on Iran over the past three years, which put billions into its foreign currency reserve account.

Obama / Biden

This is why 10/7 happened and the main stream press is silent.

Thank you Bari for including Ambassador Oren’s article today.

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Churchill used to say, America will do the right thing in the end after it has exhausted every other avenue. I keep hoping that the latest fiasco will be last but alas.

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Great article! Another important anti-Israel action of Joe Biden was to kill the East Med gas pipeline in 2022 which would have brought Israel natural gas into Europe via Greece and Cypress. It was meant to counteract Russian supply of Natural gas to Europe, and make Europe less susceptible to Russian Energy blackmail. It was a pet project of the Trump administration. Biden killed it in 2022, Russia knew it could invade Ukraine with impunity because its energy blackmail hand was strengthened. An impressive blunder by the Biden administration and never mentioned by the mainstream media.


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Biden has colossally failed at all of the important parts of the Office of President

Border Security = a disaster (and is destroying our once great cities)

Price Stability = a disaster

Foreign policy = a disaster (Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan)

but, ya know, according to the Lamestream Media he is doing just great, so re-elect this fool so we can see what comes after colossal failure

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Israel is a victim of BLM America and the shit policies that followed by Biden. Worst President ever. Marxist BS.

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Obama and his cadre are wholly responsible.

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The Obamas capitulation to Iran, essentially being their bitch, was not an achievement. Trump, completely elided in this essay of course, had a real achievement, containing the Iranians and bankrupting them and then offing their chief evil demon solemani.

Biden, like the Obama, completely gave away the farm once again and is even a bigger Iranian bitch. We need to be rid of this meddlesome idiot.

As admiral Painter said, “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.“

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It’s classic appeasement. Anyone who knows their history knows how it turned out for Neville Chamberlain who tried the same with Adolph Hitler. And it’s classic for our policies to shift based on political assessment in the US, instead of based on the situation on the ground. We got into a foolish war in Iraq, not a real threat, and then left Iran alone because there was so much fatigue from Middle East conflicts. At the end of the day the enemy looks for and acts upon weakness, whether it’s a playground bully or a Islamic republic.

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The Democratic Party is the Jew killing party. If you voted for Biden, you have Jewish blood on your hands as well as American and innocent Muslim blood., because all that Biden is doing was foreseeable. Schumer and Nadler are responsible as well, for enriching and empowering Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Hoothies, Syrian and Iraqi terrorists, and undermining the Israeli government, it's war effort and peace initiatives with the Arab states. Don't get me started on how the Democrats are screwing us domestically. It's not a coincidence that the anti-Jew party is the anti-American party.

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On July 14, 2015, as President Obama was advocating for the JCPOA, David Sanger wrote: "Mr. Obama is essentially betting that once sanctions have been lifted, Iran’s leaders will have no choice but to use much of the new money to better the lives of their long-suffering citizens. He has told his aides that he expects relatively little to be spent to finance terrorism."

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Maybe instead of just calling anyone who opposed the JCPOA racist (let's call them, The Right), those who supported it should have recognized that it empowered Israel's greatest enemy. Why, I wonder? Maybe the same reason the leaders of the Women's March were virulent antisemites, that darlings of the Left like Al Sharpton is an antisemite (Freddy was unavailable for comment), that colleges are bastions of antisemitism, the list goes on.

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Iran was rewarded for its aggression much earlier, in 1979, when it attacked our embassy, held Americans hostage, and effectively declared war on the US. This was never properly addressed, the Islamic Totalitarians throughout the world have been emboldened, and the world has paid a very heavy price.

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Too much mixed messaging from the Americans. That’s the problem. When it comes to Iran and the existential threat to Israel, Israel is just going to do what it has to do to defend itself. FTW.

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